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you and I both know it’s coming. The time is upon us.”

“She’s in hiding. They won’t find her as long as she stays smart. She’s broken contact with everyone. She won’t know of his plans and she will not try to intercede.”

“You forget what it is like to be young and invincible. She doesn’t even understand her mortality, and she has already stared it in the face. She will let her guard down, he will spring, there will be nothing any of us can do. Once he has her, no one will be safe. You must contact her to tell her the whole truth. He’s found her twice, do you think he will give up?”

“She is stronger than you give her credit for. One of his demons tried to possess her, and she shut him out. She wasn’t tired afterwards - she was angry. Each time he comes in contact with her she gets stronger and he becomes weaker. Trying to keep them apart may not be in our best interest. If she can destroy him…”

The man cut Renswa off and nearly yelled, “Our best interest? She is a child. No matter how strong she is, what happens if she fails? We need…”

Just like that I was pulled back to my body. Max’s eyes were watching me and nonchalantly said, “So where’d you go this time?”

I relayed what little I had heard, but it seemed like a whole lot of nothing. This was the first time I was prematurely pulled back, and I wasn’t sure why. We had pulled into Joe’s driveway when he stepped out on the porch and met us.

“Where have you two been?”

“Just for a drive. Why, did you miss us?”

“I’m not going to be at the mercy of your company for much longer. Rose called. School’s out and Benny wants to come visit for a while.” I was a little confused until Max explained Benny was his twelve year old cousin. Rose was his dad’s sister who lived in Georgia.

“When does he get here?”

“Rose is going to bring him up today. Should be here by dinner time.”


The afternoon dragged on slowly, everyone doing their own thing. I got Benny’s room ready for him with Peanut shadowing my every step. Max was uncharacteristically upbeat, and Joe was digging out fishing tackle that looked like it hadn’t been used in years.

Around five o’clock a Mercedes pulled into the driveway. Out stepped the frumpiest looking woman I had ever seen. She looked tired, her skin was wrinkled well beyond her possible age, she was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, both faded and well worn. She didn’t look overly thrilled to be here. In a cordial voice she called, “Hi, Dad, good to see you.”

The child who climbed from the other side of the car was in stark contrast. He screamed, “Hi, Grandpa! Hey, Max!” and all but sprinted to the front porch.

I stood at Max’s side with Peanut lying at my feet. As soon as Benny set his foot on the porch, the hair on Peanut’s neck stood up straight and he bared his teeth. Max turned his attention to Peanut, and said, “Stop it, you be good,” in a firmer than required voice. Peanut stood in front of me and ignored Max’s warning, still showing his teeth, his haunches mirroring the fur on his neck.

I reached down and petted Peanut, doing my best to calm him. This was the first bit of aggressiveness I had seen since we picked him up. I imagined he was so used to just the three of us that having visitors was throwing him for a loop. When I was unable to calm him, I decided it would be better just to stick him in the house until he got used to having Benny around.

Benny was clearly excited to see Max and Joe. As I stepped behind them both to shush Peanut into the house, Rose finally made her way to the porch asking, “Who are you and what’s wrong with your dog?”

Manners were obviously not her strong suit. I stuck out my hand in an effort to introduce myself and said, “I’m Lauren, it’s great to meet you.”

Rose looked at my hand and put hers in mine but didn’t really shake it. It was more of a wired hand gesture than a typical greeting. Although strange, I didn’t want to rush judgment on her; she had just come off of a four hour drive and was probably exhausted. “So what’s wrong with the dog? Should it be tied up or something?”

I couldn’t answer the part about Peanut. I’ve always heard that dogs have a great sense for people, and my first impression of Rose wasn’t all that great. I think Peanut must have clued in on her vibe or something. “I don’t know. He must not be accustomed to strangers. Max and I just got him last week.”

“So Max, why are you and your girlfriend staying at Dad’s house? Did you squander your inheritance and now you’re sponging off of him?”

Clearly irritated with her directness and her tone, Max’s response was just as acidic, “Great to see you again, Aunt Rose. We’ve just been keeping Gramps company since his surgery. I’m sorry you weren’t able to help him with his recovery.”

“Well, isn’t that nice of you. Here I thought you were freeloading. I heard you were back – I imagine you have flashbacks from the war and can’t hold a job now, right?”

I really did not like this woman. She had been here less than two minutes and her demeanor had my blood boiling. I was not a part of Max’s family, so it wasn’t my place to correct his ill-mannered aunt. I touched Max’s arm, and said, “I’m going inside.”

Joe, I think, was so surprised at the exchange that he was absolutely speechless. Max was mortified when she followed with, “Lauren, was it? I imagine you are as accomplished as Max, right? Floating effortlessly through life with no responsibilities? I’d

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