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The pilot sat at the console, communication headset on, and did not hear her approach. She took a moment to consider what her next action might lead to. Her chest tightened and her breath came in short gasps. She drew her pistol and pressed it against the back of the pilot’s head, tearing the headset off with her free hand.

“Don’t move.”

The pilot went rigid, but then, to Ashleigh’s confusion, he relaxed.

“Lieutenant Greenwood?” he asked.

“Turn around,” Ashleigh commanded. “Slowly.”

She recognized his face, still young and soft despite his military training. Bright eyes regarded her with nostalgic fondness. Spencer Chaplin stared at her with a grim smile and said, “Guess our past came back to bite us, huh?”

Ashleigh found herself speechless. She wrapped her arms around Spencer. “Thank god I didn’t just shoot you.”

“That would have sucked,” he agreed.

“I need a favor.”

“A reward for not killing me?” He laughed.

“Not exactly.”

“A flight then,” Spencer said pulling away from the embrace. “Commander Lawrence say no?”

“Technically,” Arnett said, mounting the ramp with Raymond in tow, “he said you have no resources available. Which would imply a yes, were there resources available. Are they?”

“Good to see you again, Chaplin,” Raymond said, settling onto one of the transport’s row benches, with his back against the inner hull. “I certainly hope you can help us.” He leaned back and closed his eyes, wishing for a soft bed. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to close my eyes for a bit. I can’t imagine I’ll be getting much proper sleep in the days ahead.”

Chaplin went to check the craft’s log. He flipped through several pages on a clipboard and hummed to himself as he did. The pages rustled as he let them all fall back into place and chucked the clipboard into a nearby bin. “This transport is not scheduled for departure.”

“Meaning?” Arnett asked.

“Meaning no one will be paying attention to it,” Ashleigh answered. “Will you help us?”

“Of course,” Chaplin said, “we’re partners.”

Ashleigh took the co-pilot seat, felt the rubber against her back, and fastened herself in. “I’ve never flown before, so just tell me what to do.”

“Aren’t you afraid of heights?”

She winced. “Very.”

Spencer frowned.

“The copter requires two people, right?”

“I don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable—”

“Just tell me what to do,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’ll live.”

A moment of awkward silence hung in the air like a lead brick. Ashleigh settled the headset over her ears. Spencer did the same.

“Just watch these indicators,” he said, “and let me know if they start flashing red.”

“Roger,” Ashleigh said, her voice filtering through the headset speakers. “You two settled in back there?”

“I think he’s asleep, but yeah, we’re good back here,” Arnett’s voice sounded clear as crystal in her ears. “Just get us off where we need to go.”

Spencer started the transport’s turbines. Fighter jets roared into the skies around them, leaping from smaller runways and setting off in pursuit of the creature. The large aircraft lurched into the sky before propelling forward and out over the open sea. Ashleigh gripped the arms of her seat and did her best to relax.

A voice came through the headset. “Resurgence, this is Control. You are not authorized for lift-off. Return to base immediately.”

Spencer growled with a fake southern drawl. “No can-do Control, I’ve got a special delivery to make.”

“Give me that!” Commander Lawrence’s voice blared through the headset. “Listen here, you turn that transport around, or I will have you court martialed, do you hear me?”

Ashleigh mouthed the words, “Are you sure about this?”

Spencer cut the communication channel and shrugged. “Probably a little late for that question. Hold on.”

The Resurgence rattled and rose unsteadily into the sky. It wobbled and bounced, bobbed and weaved, and Ashleigh swore she would be sick right then and there. But as the ground dropped away beneath them and the transport began to steady, she felt her nerves and stomach reach an uneasy equilibrium.

“Relaxed?” Spencer asked.

“Not the word I’d use, but this is a much steadier flight than the one we took here.”

“Single engine?”

“And rickety as all hell,” she said. “I was convinced we were going to die.”

The two of them laughed awkwardly. Ashleigh shifted in her seat. Her mood darkened.

“You want to ask me, don’t you?”


“Go ahead.”

“When we got to Hong Kong you--where did you go? We searched for a week. We thought you killed yourself.”

Chaplin winced, and gave a half-hearted smile. He pressed the autopilot button and pushed his seat back from the console. “Look,” he said, rolling up his sleeves. Pale jagged scars formed a capital ‘T’ from his wrist up to the inside of his forearms, one on each arm. “I tried.”

Ashleigh gaped.

“I had just watched most of my squad, my friends, get wiped off the face of the Earth by something that shouldn’t exist. It was a rough place to be.”

“So how did you, I mean—”

“How did I end up here?”


“Shortly after I did this to myself, as I lay bleeding out in an alley, an old nurse found me. Ji Mochou. I guess she was on her way home from work. She berated me the whole time she patched me up. Stitches, bandages, the works. And then she took me in.”

“You lived with her?”

“For about a month. She insisted. Kept saying my head ‘wasn’t on right’. Guess she thought I needed someone to look after me. I can’t say she was wrong.”

“Why didn’t you come back after?”

“Honestly,” Spencer watched the ocean rush by, “I don’t know. I took a plane to Hawaii and ended up here. They needed a pilot and I just...settled in. Time got away from me. I’m sorry.”

Ashleigh reached across and thumped him on the back. “Don’t worry about it. Sounds like you needed the time to yourself. But I am glad to have you back.”

“As am I,” Raymond said, leaning over the pilot’s chair. He cupped Chaplin’s shoulder. “Your voices woke me up, so I couldn’t help but listen. And I’m sorry that we weren’t there in your time of need.”

“Thanks. And don’t worry about it.

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