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Book online «Magi's Path (Aether's Revival Book 3) Daniel Schinhofen (books to read in a lifetime .txt) 📖». Author Daniel Schinhofen

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glanced between them. “I’m missing something.”

“During previous tea ceremonies, Gregory has been able to speak with Darkness,” Yukiko explained.

“Oh...” Jenn said, suddenly understanding. “Because of me?”

“I can’t shake my fear of things going wrong and you, Yuki, or both of you being hurt by it,” Gregory admitted. “I’m hoping for a little reassurance, as she can help push moments of future clarity.”

Jenn looked down into the water. “Now I feel bad... as if I’m pressuring you into something you don’t want.”

“No,” Gregory said simply. “You have stated a wish and I am not opposed to it, Jenn.” Taking a deep breath, he went on, “I’m intrigued and hopeful, actually, but I don’t want it if it costs us you as a friend or my heart’s love. You are not pressuring me at all.”

“You’ve done better than I would have,” Yukiko added, scooting over to sit beside Jenn. “It’s only made me more certain that this path is correct. We both saw the visions during our ceremony, and your parents consented to the idea, as well.”

“I was surprised that Father agreed, but I think Mother helped,” Jenn said.

“And my mother will do the same with my father,” Yukiko said.

“Huh?” Gregory asked.

“When we had the tea ceremony, we discussed what we hoped with our mothers,” Yukiko said. “I made sure they knew it wasn’t certain, but that it might be a possibility that Jenn and I were considering.”

“Your mothers know that Jenn wants to join our relationship?” Gregory asked, the shock clear in his voice.

“Yes, dear one,” Yukiko said softly. “I’m sorry. I’ve felt bad for keeping it from you.”

“No, it’s okay,” Gregory sighed. “We never talked about what we each did, not really. Uh... speaking of... I’ve felt bad about Felina’s.”

Yukiko’s eyebrows shot up. “Father took you there?”

“Hang on!” Gregory said quickly. “We just had massages and enjoyed a Limaz feast. That’s all that happened.”

“At least he kept it tame,” Yukiko said, shaking her head, “but yes, Jenn’s parents know that she is hoping to become our wife.”

Gregory thought about it. “That would explain some of the looks your father gave me after the parties. I only caught him doing them obliquely, but I knew he was watching me for a reason. I thought he was judging me as a friend of yours.”

Jenn’s lips creased upward. “No, he knew you were good for that. My wish of becoming a second wife to Yukiko had him questioning what made you special enough for me to willingly accept that role.” She looked up, meeting his eyes. “You aren’t upset with us?”

“A little flustered that your parents knew before I did... both of your parents, at that. I wonder if they told my father?”

“I don’t believe so,” Yukiko said.

Gregory splashed water onto his face and exhaled slowly. “No. I’m not angry with either of you. The fact that you both worked this well together for this purpose helps ease my mind… It also terrifies me some,” he admitted, giving them a crooked smile. “How will I ever win an argument if you are in lockstep?”

Yukiko giggled and bumped Jenn with her shoulder. “He’s spotted the trap.”

Jenn laughed. “I told you he would.”

Gregory felt his heart lighten with them smiling and laughing. Definitely need to ask Dia.

They didn’t linger long in the tub after that. They were all eager to learn if there was a tea house in town. Leaving the bath, they were dressed and in the taproom in short order. Dia glanced their way with a smile and motioned them to the table.

“I was going to send a staff member to warn you that dinner was almost ready,” Dia said when they sat down.

“We lost track of the time,” Gregory said. “Dia, do you know if there’s a tea house here?”

Dia shook her head. “This town is much too small and remote for a tea house.”

“Ah, okay,” Gregory said, his disappointment obvious.

“I’m sorry, Gregory. When we return to Wesrik, we can see about going to a tea house there,” Dia said.

Before Gregory could reply, Brown was beside the table. “A tea house? Are you hoping for the meditative state one can put you in?”

Gregory twitched slightly, not having seen Brown until he was there. “Uh... yes, sir.”

“Hmm. I can try to craft a meal that would do the same. That would both be a challenge and a tweak to the noses of the Green Leaf clan,” Brown said, looking out into the distance.

“We wouldn’t wish to troub—” Yukiko started to say.

“I’ll work on it,” Brown said, coming out of his reverie and cutting her off. “Tonight’s dinner is a soup that I hope you enjoy.” With no more comment, he placed a small cauldron and some bowls on the table before walking away, clearly lost in thought again.

“Dia?” Yukiko asked, uncertain of what’d just happened.

“He loves a challenge when it comes to food. I’ve seen him prepare an entire meal blindfolded and with his hands bound, just to see if he could. He’ll either succeed or fail. Let us enjoy dinner.”

The three friends exchanged a glance before they served themselves and dug into the soup.


Gregory was thoughtful as they climbed the stairs to their rooms. “That was close. I almost had it, but Yuki pulled that trick and devastated my army.”

“Which left her open for mine,” Jenn grinned. “Zealots gain power if a magi is in play.”

“You playing a Priest of Krog on the same turn was disastrous for my army,” Yukiko sighed. “I was going to use the hasty retreat card on the fire magi I brought in to deal with Greg, but there was no point once your priest showed up.”

“I kept waiting for your answer,” Jenn laughed. “You’re almost as bad as Greg in that regard.”


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