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Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews Peter Longerich (grave mercy .TXT) 📖». Author Peter Longerich

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People 48

Koeppen, Werner 268

Law for the Re-establishment of a

Kohl, Lieutenant General (head of railway

Professional Civil Service 38

transport department) 327

lawyers: action against 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 101

Kolbow, Karl 278, 530 n. 1

Lebensraum programme 179–80

Könekamp, Eduard 154–5

Lecca, Radu 557 n. 298

Königsberg Church Congress (1927) 22

Lemberg (Lvov): Janovska concentration

Koppe, Wilhelm 156, 267

camp 382

Körner, Paul 212

Lemberg (Lvov) extermination camp 282,

Krakowski, Shmuel 381

533 n. 40

Krausnick, Helmut 188, 436 n. 2, 503 n. 38,

Lemberg (Lvov) ghetto 331–2, 337, 376

521 n. 1

Levetzow, von (Chief of Berlin Police

Kremenec ghetto 351

Force) 56

Kripo, see Criminal Police

Lida ghetto 383

Kristallnacht 109–13

Liepaja, Latvia 196, 236

Krüger, Friedrich Wilhelm 153, 267, 294,

ban on executions 297–8

332, 333, 338, 341–2, 375, 376, 483 n. 28

Lithuania 252, 346, 383, 384

General Government 378, 379, 492 n. 155

local voluntary troops 239, 240

Krzemieniec pogrom 195

mass murders in 197, 198–9, 235–7, 254

Kube, Wilhelm 237, 297, 298, 347, 348

murders of mentally ill 240

Kulturbund Deutscher Juden (Cultural

Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) 193

Association of German Jews) 45–6

local voluntary troops

Kurfürstendamm, Berlin

(Schutzmannschaften) 239–40

café raid 103

Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto 160, 167, 267,

riots 56

271, 291, 344, 380 –1

Kutno ghetto 160

deportations to Auschwitz 380–1

Kwaternik, Slavko 265

Ghetto Chronicle 344



Lodz (cont.)

mass murders: justification for 313–14

Gypsies in 288

Masur, Norbert 570 n. 261

Jewish Councils in 291

Mauthausen concentration camp 361, 417

Lohse, Hinrich 232, 235, 280, 297–8, 348

May, Rudolf 218

Lorraine 171–2

Mayer, Saly 413

Losacker, Ludwig 333


Lösener, Bernhard 59–60, 121–2, 455 n. 34

autonomous Jewish sector and 88

Lothian, Lord 453 n. 8

racial hygiene in 80

Lower Silesia 415

Mein Kampf (Hitler) 179

Lublin 159, 167, 264, 302, 314, 321–2, 333

Meldepflicht über missgestaltete usw.

Aktion Reinhardt in 292–6

Neugeborene (Requirement to Report

deportations from 332, 337

Newborn Children with any form of

identity cards 296

Handicap) 136

mass murders in 330–1, 334, 338, 357–8, 382

mentally ill

see also Belzec extermination camp;

mental deficiency label 47, 48

Majdanek concentration camp; Nisko

murders of 240–1, 279

Project; Ostindustrie; Sobibor

Metz, Wilhelm 154

concentration camp

Meyer, Alfred 382

Lublin ghettos 157, 161, 321, 380

Meyer, Konrad 216, 274, 309

clearance of 330–1, 378

military service

deportations to Belzec 331

exclusion of Jews 55, 121

Ludendorff, General Erich 14

reintroduction of 55

Ludin, Hans 404

Minsk 348

Luniniec ghetto 350

Final Solution 347

Luther, Martin (Foreign Office) 285, 300–1,

murder of ‘Asiatic’-looking people 241–2

366, 367, 370, 371, 405

murders of mentally ill 240

on Belgian Jews 387–8

transports to 322–3

and deportations from Greece 391

Minsk extermination camp 284

on Italy 372

Minsk ghetto 213, 222, 271, 298, 383

resistance in 355

Mach, Sano 295

Mischlinge (half-breeds) 61

Mackensen, Eberhard von 393

alien half-breeds (artfremde/

Madagascar Plan 148, 161–5

fremdvölkische Mischlinge) 46, 93–4

consequences of 171–3

definition of 61–2

successor to 173–6

Gypsies 420

Majdanek concentration camp 321, 322, 332,

Heydrich on 310

340, 382, 411

Mogilev, Belarus 222, 240–1, 282

expansion of 315

Mokrov ghetto 350

Slovakian Jews 325

Mommsen, Hans 1, 71, 437 n. 5

sub-camps 379

Movement for Life Reform 14

Makkabi movement 451 n. 86

Müller, Heinrich 126, 151, 152–3, 318, 395

Maly Trostinets 323, 344

Müller, Hellmuth 294, 295

Manstein, Erich von 242

Munich: anti-Semitic violence 55

marriage 50

Musial, Bogdan 501 n. 2, 537 n. 100, 538 n.

Certificates of Suitability for Marriage 48


Gypsies and 50

Mussolini, Benito 368, 369–70, 372, 393–4,

mixed 54–5, 57–8, 60


marriage loans 41, 48

Musy, Jean-Marie 413

Marriage Health Law

(Ehegesundheitsgesetz) 48, 50, 58

National Air-Raid Protection League

marriage loans 41, 48

(Reichsluftschutzbund) 134

Marschler (Nazi Thuringian Minister) 445

National German Freedom Movement 15

n. 89

National Rural League (Reichslandbund,

mass escapes 354–5, 381

RLB) 20



National Socialist Campaign Group for

Oberg, Carl 327, 329, 361, 395

German Culture 39

Oberhauser, Josef 331

National Socialist German Workers Party,

Odessa massacre 229, 366

see Nazi Party

Ohlendorf, Otto 187, 188–9, 227, 229, 252

National Socialist League of German

OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres, Army

Students 22

High Command) 144, 183, 184, 383

National Socialist Monthly Journal 19

OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht,

National Socialist Motor Corps 145

Army High Command) 270, 284–5

National Socialist Organization of Small

Olympic Games, Berlin 62

Businesses 59

Order concerning Domicile

National Socialist Student League 39

Restrictions 166

National Socialist Trade Organization (NS-

Order concerning the Verification of

Hago) 41

Entjudung deals 120

National Socialist Welfare Provision 73

Order Police 345, 346, 351, 382

nationalism 11–12

and pogroms in Belarus 198

natural sciences: racial hygiene in 80

and Russian campaign 184, 185, 186

Nazi Party (National Socialist German

Ordnungspolizei (regular police force) 145

Workers Party, NSDAP) 13, 14

Organisation Schmelt 280, 292, 343, 360,

anti-miscegenation draft laws 15–16


anti-Semitic propaganda 15–17

Organization of German Zionists 37

exclusion of Jews from everyday life

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

15, 18

(OUN) 193, 194, 195

first anti-Semitic wave during seizure of

Ostindustrie 377, 381

power 32–46

Ostmark 152, 158, 320, 321

Judenpolitik 4–9, 35–6

Ostrava, Moravia 151–3

persecution of other groups 46–51

Oswald, Michael 333

racial policies 30–2, 70–2

OUN (Organization of Ukrainian

Racial Policy Office 156

Nationalists) 193, 194, 195

refounding of 15

Overall Eastern Plan (Generalplan Ost) 216

Nebe, Artur 152, 198, 221, 252, 279

Owinska (Teskau) Mental Hospital 138

murder of mentally ill 531 n. 13


Palestine: Jewish emigration to 44, 67–8, 69

deportations from 360, 361–2, 363,

Pan-German League (Alldeutscher


Verband, AdV) 14

Gypsies in 419

Paramilitary Police (Schutzpolizei) 145

Neuengamme, Germany 416, 417, 418

partisans 306

Neurath, Konstantin von 67, 96

Party Supreme Court: on technique of

New German Psychotherapy (Neue

issuing orders 204–5

Deutsche Seelenheilkunde) 77

Paul, Gerhard 440 n. 20

New York swastika incident 455 n. 41

Paulsson, Gunnar 381

newspapers 24

Pavelic, Ante 365, 369–70

Nicolai, Helmut 42

Peel Commission 67

Nikolayev, Ukraine 349

periodicals 23

Nikolayev massacre 228–9, 253

perpetrator research 1–8

Nisko Project 151–5

Peshev, Dimiter 392

NKVD (Soviet People’s Commissariat for

Petljura Days 194

Internal Affairs) 194

Pflaum, Guntram 216

North Africa 389–90, 401

Pfundtner, Hans 40, 59

Norway 370, 372–3

Pinsk ghetto 351

Nosske, Gustav 227, 252

Pirow, Oswald 123–4

NS-Hago (National Socialist Trade

Plaszow labour camp (ZAL Plaszow) 376,

Organization) 41


NSDAP, see Nazi Party

pogroms 206–7, 214

Nuremberg Laws 29, 57–61, 73

in Belarus 198



pogroms (cont.)

preventive custody 91

Berlin Operation 102–5

Pripet Marshes 219–20, 265, 351

Einsatzgruppen and 192–203, 208, 213

prisoners of war 247–50, 315, 324

Kristallnacht 109–13

Professional Civil Service Law 38

November 1938: Goebbels and 110–11

professional criminals 91

in occupied Soviet zones 206–9

propaganda: and deportations 288

Police Leaders and 214

Propaganda Ministry

reasons for 207

arrest of beggars 49

SS and 214

and Reich Association of Jewish Cultural

Pohl, Oswald 316, 379, 416, 544 n. 20

Societies 87

Poland 98, 132, 165, 264–5

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 321

deportations from 109–10

Protestant Church

Einsatzgruppen 144–5

rejection of Jewish roots of

euthanasia programmes 138

Christianity 22

executions in

and völkisch movement 22–3

extermination policy (late 1942

Protisch (press attaché at Bulgarian

on) 375–82

Embassy in Bucharest) 370

Final Solution in 330–45

Prussian State Criminal Police Office:

forced labour 341–2, 376–7, 380

action against Gypsies 92–3

German Jewish policy in 148–50

Prützmann, Hans 227, 231, 319, 353, 510 n. 68

German occupation of 143–7

Przemysl, Poland 335, 337

German rule in 147–8

incident at 342

Gypsies in 419

psychiatry: and racial hygiene 135

Jewish Councils in 161, 291, 296, 336

psychoanalysis: racial hygiene in 77

Jewish reservation plans 148, 149–50

psychology: racial hygiene in 77

murders by Death’s Head

psychotherapy: racial hygiene in 77

Formations 187

Public Patient Transport Company

pogroms (1939) 143–7

(Gemeinnützigen Kranken-Transport

resistance in ghettos 377–9

GmbH) 139

see also General Government; individual

public transport: ban on Jews 160

regions and towns

Purification and Continuing Purity of

police battalions

German Blood Law

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