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Book online «Plays Roswitha of Gandersheim (best way to read books .txt) 📖». Author Roswitha of Gandersheim

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to be enclosed in a narrow cell. She accepted her penance with sweetness and humility. Antony I am rejoiced by what you have told me! All the blood in my old veins exults and rejoices! Paphnutius That is because you are a saint. Antony Brother, you cannot mean that you are sad? Paphnutius I rejoice immeasurably in her conversion. Yet at times I am uneasy. I fear that the penance may have been too long and severe for a woman of such delicate frame. Antony That does you no wrong. Where true love is, loving compassion is not wanting. Paphnutius I came to beg yours for Thais. Of your charity give me your prayers. I beg you and your disciples to join with me in praying for a sign. Let us persevere in prayer until it is shown us from heaven that the penitent’s tears have moved the divine mercy to indulgence. Antony Brother Paphnutius, I have never granted a request more gladly. Come, we will gather together my disciples. Paphnutius I know that God will listen to his good servant Antony. Scene XI Antony Thanks be to God! The gospel’s promise is fulfilled in us! Paphnutius What promise, blessed Antony? Antony Those who unite in prayer can obtain whatever they desire. Paphnutius What miracle has happened? What is it? Antony My disciple Paul has had a vision. Paphnutius What vision? Oh, call him! Antony He is here. Paul, my son, tell our brother, Paphnutius, the wonders you have seen. Paul Father, I saw in my vision a splendid bed. It was adorned with white hangings and coverings, and a crown was laid on it, and round it were four radiant virgins. They stood there as if they were guarding the crown. There was a great brightness round the bed, and a multitude of angels. I, seeing this wonderful and joyful sight, cried out, “This glory must be for my master and father Antony!” Antony Son, did you not know Antony was unworthy of such honour? Paul But a divine voice answered me, saying, “This glory is prepared, not, as you think, for Antony, but for the harlot, Thais!” Paphnutius O sweet Christ! How shall I praise Thee for so lovingly sending comfort to my sad heart? Antony He is worthy to be praised. Paphnutius Then farewell, Brother Antony. I must go at once to my captive. Antony You must indeed. It is time her valiant penance ended. You should assure her that her pardon is complete; you should fill her with hope, and speak to her only of the beatitude in store for her. Paphnutius Your blessing. Scene XII Paphnutius Thais, my little daughter! Thais! Open the window and let me see you. Thais Who speaks? Paphnutius Paphnutius. Thais Why should you visit a poor sinner? Why should I be given this great joy and happiness? Paphnutius These years that I have been absent from you in the body have been weary to me too. I have thought of you night and day. I have yearned for your salvation. Thais I never doubted that. Paphnutius Tell me how things are with you. How have you lived here? What have you been doing? Thais Nothing worth the telling! I have nothing to offer God. Paphnutius The offering He loves best is a humble spirit. Thais All I have done is to gather up the many sins on my conscience into a mighty bundle and keep them always in mind. All day I have sat gazing towards the East, saying only this one prayer: “O God Who made me, pity me!” If my bodily senses have always been conscious of the offensiveness of this place, my heart’s eyes have never been blind to the dreadfulness of hell. Paphnutius Your great penitence has won a great forgiveness. Yet God has not pardoned you for your valiant expiation so much as for the love with which you have given yourself to Christ. Thais Can that be true? Would that it were! Paphnutius Give me your hand. Let me bring you out of your cell to prove you are forgiven. Thais No, father, leave me here. This place with all its uncleanness is best for me. Paphnutius The time has come for you to cast away your fear, and hope for life! God wishes your penance to end. Thais Let the angels praise Him! He has not despised the love of a humble sinner. Paphnutius Thais, would you rejoice if now you were called upon to lay aside this body? Thais Oh, father, my soul longs to escape from this earth. Paphnutius Thais, you have finished your course here. In fifteen days you will, by God’s grace, pass straight to Paradise. Thais To Paradise! I should be happy if I might be spared hell’s torments and be mercifully cleansed in a gentle fire until my spirit is fit for the eternal happiness. Paphnutius Grace is the free gift of God and does not depend on our merits. If it did, it could not be called grace. Thais For this let the choirs of heaven praise Him, and all the little twigs and fresh green leaves on earth, all animals, and the great waters. He is patient with us when we fall! He is generous in His gifts when we repent. Paphnutius He loves to be merciful. From all eternity He has preferred pardon to punishment. Scene XIII Thais Holy father, do not leave me. Be near to comfort me in this hour of my death. Paphnutius I will not leave you, Thais, until your soul has taken flight to the stars, and I have buried your body. Thais I feel the end is near. Brother, do not leave me! Paphnutius Now is the time to pray. Thais O God Who made me, pity me! Grant that the soul which Thou didst breathe into me may now happily return to Thee. O God Who made me, pity me! Paphnutius Thais! Thais! Oh, loving humble spirit, pass to thy glory!⁠ ⁠… Angels lead her into Paradise!⁠ ⁠… O uncreated Beauty, existing in Truth without material form, grant that the diverse parts of this human body now to be dissolved may return to their original elements! Grant that the soul, given from
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