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Book online «Shadows of Fire (The Shadow Realms, Book 1) Brenda Davies (affordable ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Brenda Davies

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might be able to pick it up again if we keep searching.”

They were almost around the lake, and themanor doors were still closed when the scent of strawberries hithim. He’d been so focused on trying to find Orin’s scent that he’dshut out all others; now, Lexi’s aroma hit him like a hammerbetween the eyes.

He suddenly understood why Malakai abruptlyleft and his obvious rush.

“Shit,” he hissed.

“What?” Brokk inquired.

He didn’t respond as he moved faster thanMalakai had toward the home. His heart beat faster with every stepas he recalled Malakai’s reaction to Lexi in the Gloaming and themarketplace, and hers to him. It was obvious what Malakai wantedfrom her and just as obvious the feeling was not mutual.

“What are you doing?” Brokk demanded.

“Stopping that prick of a vampire.”

• â€˘ â€˘

“How can we make their lives better?” Lexi askedSahira as she sipped her tea and watched the stragglers.

“The humans?”


“How can we change what has alreadyhappened?”

“We can’t, but there has to be something wecan do for them.”

“We’re doing the best we can by giving themfood. We’d still offer some of them employment, but most don’ttrust us enough to work for us anymore.”

That was true. Only a couple of the peoplewho once worked here were willing to come back, and none of themlived here anymore. Maybe it was because of the war, or maybe itwas because they realized they were messed with for years whileliving in the manor.

For years, Sahira had cast a glamour over themanor and those working in it that made it appear the immortalswere aging the same as humans. When the dragons descended on theland, Sahira saw no reason to keep the glamour in place.

Those who saw the truth and realized they’dbeen tricked were rightfully pissed. Despite the protection themanor offered them, they left. Lexi didn’t blame them, but shemissed them.

Before Lexi could say anything more, someonepounded on the front door. The blows echoed throughout the houseand rebounded down the hallway. The sudden intrusion of thepowerful blows caused Lexi to jump. She cursed as tea splashed overthe rim of her cup.

“Who could that be?” Sahira asked as she sether cup down.

Lexi’s pulse pounded in her temples as sherecalled the group at the marketplace. The group who had gone offin search of Orin. Sahira had cast protective spells over thetunnels years ago; they shouldn’t be able to detect him down there,but had she missed something else that could have led themhere?

Lycans had a really strong sense of smell.Could they have tracked him all the way here? Would they smell himon her?

She’d rushed to clean up his trail; she couldhave missed something. Or maybe someone had seen her with him. Shehadn’t noticed anyone around, but that didn’t mean they weren’tthere.

Oh shit.

She tried to control the shaking in her handsas she rose from the chair, but she felt like someone wascontinuously hitting her with a taser as her heart raced.

Get it together! She gritted her teethtogether as she willed herself not to blow it completely. Besides,she didn’t know who was at the door, but she had a sinkingsuspicion she did.

Throwing her shoulders back, she strode tothe front door with a confidence she didn’t feel. Her mouth feltlike she’d been chewing on sand as she took one step and thenanother toward the door… toward her doom.

Sahira’s footsteps sounded behind her asanother loud knock rebounded throughout the manor. Lexi steppedinto the hall and almost winced at the harsh sound. It took all shehad not to turn and run in the opposite direction.

Instead, she wiped her sweaty palms on herjeans and called, “Coming!”

Walking toward the door, she felt as if shewere walking toward the death chamber, but she didn’t try to fighther fate. She’d done this to herself. If the consequences of heractions were waiting to drag her away, then so be it.

She told herself this, but inwardly she wasscreaming that she wasn’t ready to die. She’d prefer not tobe dragon chow.

“Do you want me to get it?” Sahira asked frombehind her.

“No,” Lexi said.

She stopped in front of the door, took a deepbreath, and pulled it open before she chickened out and ran. Sheplastered a fake smile on, but it faltered when she spotted Malakaion the other side.


Malakai stood with his hand resting on the doorframeas he leaned toward her. Her teeth ground together as her heartthumped out a few extra beats.

“Malakai!” she greeted a little toocheerfully.

She was never outwardly rude to him, but shewasn’t exactly friendly either. She preferred not to encourage hispursuit of her or make him suspicious.

Gathering herself, she compelled herself torelax as she continued. “What brings you by today?”

“Elexiandra,” he drawled in a tone that madeher skin crawl. “It’s a pleasure to be blessed with your presencetwice in one day.”

Somehow, Lexi managed to keep her smile inplace, but she wanted to slam the door in his arrogant face. Shedidn’t reply as Sahira came to stand beside her.

“Hello, Sahira,” Malakai greeted.

“Malakai,” Sahira replied in a clippedtone.

Malakai didn’t notice the tension in Sahira’svoice as his eyes remained riveted on Lexi. When his gaze ranhungrily over her, Lexi managed to stop herself from crossing herarms over her chest.

However, making her uncomfortable was exactlywhat he meant to do. Instead of cowering, she lifted her chin andmet his brown eyes when they finally returned to hers.

“What can I do for you, Malakai?” shedemanded.

His smile caused her hands to fist. Malakaibelieved she would be his, and since her father’s death, she’dbelieved it too, but no more. She would lose everythingbefore she ever allowed him to claim her as his wife.

Malakai’s smile widened as his hand fell awayfrom the door. If she hadn’t known better, she might suspect he’dread her mind and found it amusing. However, vampires didn’tpossess that ability.

“Have you seen a dark fae around here?” heinquired.

“We haven’t seen anyone around here,” Sahirasaid.

“This one is injured.”

“Which would make him morenoticeable.”

Malakai’s eyes narrowed on Sahira, and Lexialmost laughed, but her amusement lodged in her throat when Coleand his brother strode into view.

Can this get any worse?

But even as the thought ran through her mind,excitement hummed across her veins, and a big smile

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