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Book online «Flora's Lot Katie Fforde (ebook reader macos txt) 📖». Author Katie Fforde

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she always takes my fashion advice, not the other wayaround.’

Annabelle sighed. 'I've never much caredabout fashion. I just want to look tidy andreasonably smart. But . .

There wasa horrible pause while Flora waited for what she knew would follow.

‘Ithink men may like women to be pretty, don't you?'

‘Therewon't be any men at your school reunion, will there?' IfAnnabelle had gone anywhere that wasn't a clone ofBenenden or Roedean, Flora would eat her filthy dress.

‘Well,no, but women are more critical, don't you think?'

‘Well,yes, but Charles obviously likes you the way you are. You don't need to change anything for him.'

‘I knowthat!' Reassuringly, Annabelle reverted to type. 'Ijust don't want to turn up at the school reunion looking . . . like a horse.’

Floraresigned herself to missing choir. She would go and ringGeoffrey in a minute. 'I only said that—'

‘I know,but many a true word spoken in jest, or something.I have become aware, since you've been here, thatperhaps I dress a little . . .' She paused again.

Florawaited, not daring to fill the word in for her. 'In a rather old-fashioned wayand if you could see your way to helping me, I would be very grateful.'

‘Ofcourse, I'd be happy to help.' Particularly, Flora added to herself, if that stops you tellingCharles about my houseguest.

‘Would you?’

Mischievously,Flora was suddenly struck by a vision ofCharles's face, confronted with an Annabelle decked out instrappy dress and kitten heels. 'But you don't thinkCharles would mind if you looked completely different?'

‘Well,I won't look completely different and even if I did, our relationship is very solid, you know. It's not likely tobe affected by mere clothes.’

That was clothes put in their place!'Oh?'

‘Ourrelationship is based on all we have in common: companionship, a business we share. Well, nearly share,' Annabelleadded.

‘Whatabout love?' asked Flora rashly. Possibly love was too frivolous an emotion for the likes of Charles andAnnabelle.

‘Ofcourse I love Charles,' said Annabelle. 'And I know he loves me, very much.' She paused for a moment.'Look, Flora. I know you thinkCharles is stuffy and old-fashioned,and I know you think I'm far too uptight.’

Florastarted to protest, but Annabelle was on a roll.

‘I can seeit in your eyes every time we talk, and it's fine.Really. I can't imagine being you, and you can't imagine beingme. You can't appreciate what Charles sees in me orwhat I see in him. But I have to tell you, Charles and I are completelycommitted to each other. We've been friends for ever - I can't remember atime I didn't plan to marry him - and knowing that we'regoing to be together for the rest of our lives makes usboth very happy.’

Flora didn't think they looked veryhappy, but Annabelle's little speech wasthe most passionate thing Flora hadever heard come out of her mouth. She felt rather guilty over her musings about whether their engagement was almost a business arrangement.

‘And so Idon't think a few new clothes and a haircut are goingto change any of that, do you? Charles has been in love with me his whole life.’

Florafinished her wine. She hadn't the heart to go to choir now,even if she would just make it if she ran.

‘So shall wemake a date to go shopping sometime, then?' went on Annabelle, unaware ofFlora's low spirits.

‘If youreally want me to, of course I will.' She could hardlyrefuse a few fashion tips. Charles might well appreciatea less horse-like Annabelle. Those pie-crust collars must irritate any sensible man.

‘Inthat case, I'll press on. I think I might cook Charles something rather delicious for supper. Oh, andyou won't forget about the dinner, will you?’


Williamwas making a stir-fry when Flora got in. She didn'tknow if she was delighted to see him because he'd cookedand taken care of Imelda and was a friend, or furious with him for letting himselfbe seen by Annabelle.

‘I have had such a day!' she told him,gratefully accepting the chilled glass he handed her.

‘You're back late,' he said mildly, looking into his glass as iffor portents of the future.

‘I had togo and have a drink with someone after work andmiss choir.' She frowned at him. 'It's all your fault.'

‘My fault? Why?’

Flora sankon to the sofa and pulled a cushion into the smallof her back. Considering how many sofas must go throughtheir hands, she thought, you would have thoughtthey'd have provided their holiday cottage with a morecomfortable one. 'Because Annabelle, who's sort of my boss, engaged to mycousin, saw you here today.'

‘But Ididn't come into the house. I heard a car and kept out of the way.'

‘Youwere doing exercises in the garden, naked.'

‘T'ai chi.And I was not in the garden. I was only just out of thewoodland. I really didn't know anyone could see me. I am so sorry.’

Florasighed. She knew she should be angry, but just didn't have the energy. 'I think you'rethe one who may be sorry. Annabelle wantsto meet you. Just to check you'renot a sinister person she should report to the police. And I warn you, she's terrifying.' Annabelle on theprowl would daunt anyone, even laid-back William.

‘Is she really? Why is that?'

‘She just is.She's very businesslike and efficient.’

‘Is she pretty?’

Flora felt very tiredindeed. 'Not yet.'

‘How do you mean?'

‘Shewants a few tips on style and stuff. She's asked me to help her. She's got a school reunion coming up and wants tolook her best.'

‘Well, I'm sureyou're just the girl.' His gaze flicked over her, with,she noted, a certain amount of approval, but no real desire.

It wasodd, Flora realised, but she didn't fancy him, either. Itwas probably why they had become so relaxed with eachother so quickly – sex hadn't reared its ugly head between them.

‘I'msure I am. Once I've got her underwear sorted out we can get somewhere.'

‘Underwear's important, is it?’

Floranodded. 'If you've got substantial breasts, definitely.Annabelle's currently wearing what is known in the tradeas sheepdogs. They round them up and point them inthe right direction, but they do nothing for shape.’

William wasstarting to look more interested and Flora wonderedidly if perhaps she shouldn't have mentioned Annabelle'sbreasts. Partly to change the subject, she said, 'Andnow I've got to think up who you

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