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household object, a cup, a pin, a goddamn vegetable, for fuck’s sake, could all be tools, and how to kill someone with each one.

He described creatures, like the Teradon, and how they could be stunned with a blow to a section under their chin where the arteries were too close to a bone. A single hard strike would block the blood flow for several seconds, and in that time, the Teradon would stagger around, unable to focus, to see, or even to defend itself.

He continued as the sun set, and as the moons rose, one hanging low on the horizon, full and red, while the other spun and danced overhead, a bright silvery-white.

All the while, we moved, practicing, and he gradually sped up, lifting his leg slightly higher, moving the heel faster, until before I knew it, we were blurring back and forth through the forms. He had squared off to face me, and he mirrored my movements, the pair of us spinning, kicking, and jumping as we flowed from one stance to another seamlessly.

When we finally finished, I felt refreshed. Exhausted, definitely, but invigorated in a way I hadn’t experienced in ages.

I felt that satisfying heat in my muscles, burning to let me know I’d had a hell of a workout, but they also felt better. They weren’t screaming in pain, so much as humming with potential.

I bowed formally at the waist, as I had to many a sensei in the past, and he smiled, clapping his fist to his heart, and bowing his head in return.

“It was a good day, Lord Jax,” he said proudly. “I can see the potential in you that Augustus described. I have decided I will train you, after all. Each day, regardless of other distractions, you will practice the kata I have taught you, and in a month, we shall see where you stand.”

“This… this was a test?” I asked him after a few stunned seconds, and he chuckled dryly.

“All of life is a test, Jax. Passing allows you to try another day. I suggest you go and take a bath now, though. Knowing my Legionnaires, they will have found some good spots to relax nearby.”

“Thank you… I think?” I said, shaking my head. Another goddamn test…

I forced myself to remain upright as we went our separate ways, feeling my legs shake as I walked down the stairs. Once out of earshot, I let out a tired breath as Oracle flew over to me, landing on my shoulder and wrapping one arm around my head, before leaning in and kissing the top of my head.

“You’re all sweaty,” she complained, and I snorted out a weary laugh.

“What did you expect after all that? Besides, you didn’t complain the other night about me being all sweaty…”

“You were naked then, and so was I…” she said airily, wafting her tiny hand dismissively through the air. “Different rules apply.”

“Okay, then…” I said, arching an eyebrow at her. “Fancy finding a storeroom where I can get naked and less sweaty in private?”

“Nope,” she said firmly.

“Why not?” I asked, a touch disappointed.

“Because I’ve already sorted somewhere out that we can get naked, then clean, then have some fun…” my impish companion explained, grinning down at me.

I grinned back, and she pointed to the left as we came to a cross-corridor. I followed her imperiously guiding finger, then realized how short her skirt was and remembered the other night, picking up speed as I went.

It took us a dozen minutes to get free of the ship and emerge out into the forest, a handful of Legionnaires appearing around us and flanking us as we made the trek.

“They’ve already cleared the area, and they’ll make sure we’re not interrupted,” Oracle reassured me with a naughty grin in response to my questioning look.

I accepted their presence and continued to follow her guiding gestures, activating my DarkVision to make it easier. I soon noted the regularity of the thicker vegetation, and the way certain sections were clearer than others.

“It’s a garden, isn’t it?” I asked her, peering around. “A giant overgrown garden…”

“That’s right,” she confirmed agreeably. “In the Tower, the plants could only grow so far, with the limited space and combination of  elevation and exposure to the elements contributing to make the gardens smaller, though still lush. Out here, however, there’s only been the occasional storm to endure, and even then, those merely served to spread the vegetation around, rather than scour the area clean.”

“So, wait… the entire island under our feet is the City?” I wondered, gazing around with new eyes, observing the lush undergrowth and heavy tree cover.

“Depending on the area, it’s anywhere from a few inches to dozens of feet. Then you’ve got higher structures that have long since collapsed, like that one…” she clarified, gesturing to what I’d taken to be a hill. “They’ve been overgrown, again and again, and any animals that were aboard, including those that have been brought here over the years, or that have accidentally floated to shore on driftwood, have adapted as well.”

“Damn…” I breathed. “I thought the City had crashed into an island and buried itself or something…”

We pushed through a thick section of hanging vines and came out into a glade containing a small hidden pool that glimmered in the moonlight.

One of the Legionnaires‒Rinko, I suddenly recognized‒moved closer and saluted us.

“We’ll make sure you have some peace and quiet, Jax, don’t worry,” he said, winking and holding out a small bundle. I inspected it cautiously, finding freshly-made clothes, and as I sniffed them, I grinned appreciatively. The clean, fresh scent was enough that I almost stripped on the spot.

“Thank you, man,” I said in earnest. He grinned in response and turned away, before I called out, causing him to glance back over his shoulder. “Oh, and Rinko, I’ll trust you to keep Grizz well clear? He’s got a habit of interrupting at particularly… inappropriate… times?” He snorted in amusement.

“He’ll find it hard, considering Faren and Hess tied him to a chair

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