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Book online «The Skull Warrior Yajat Sharma (best ereader for comics txt) 📖». Author Yajat Sharma

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would be wearing a red cloth, so as to be starkly visible to the children against the crowd. The children fixed their sights on Lynx’s head.

As they walked, Matt started to get tired. It was getting difficult for him to keep up with Lynx and the others.

Matt had already lost sight of Urrax and Daniel; he was just focusing hard on Lynx’s head. Getting lost here would result in a lot of time being wasted, and there was the chance of someone recognizing the fugitives.

Matt kept his gaze fixed on Lynx’s head, which was covered with a red cloth.

Matt suddenly bumped into a large fat man. The man was carrying a food packet, which was now on the ground.

“Watch where you’re going, idiot!” the man snapped loudly, making Matt uncomfortable. People nearby turned their heads towards them. “Look what you’ve done now!”

“I am sorry.” Matt excused himself from there as soon as possible. The last thing Matt wanted was to draw attention to himself.

He walked a few paces and then suddenly stopped.

He had lost sight of Lynx.

Matt cursed silently but kept going forward, trying to spot Lynx.

Suddenly, he spotted a man wearing a red cloth on his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

The man disappeared into a side alleyway. Matt ran as fast as he could. He couldn’t afford to lose sight of Lynx again.

Matt saw Lynx entering a shop and disappear behind a shelf. A board outside the shop read – ‘Beritus and Company – All kinds of mirrors available here.’

Mirrors? Why would Lynx need mirrors? Matt thought.

There was no one in the shop. Matt cautiously approached the shop and peeked inside.

Three men were sitting around a desk. One of them was Lynx with the red cloth on his head. The other man wore a black t-shirt, and the third man, who was fat and bulky, wore a green shirt.

Matt was curious. Where were all his friends? Why was Lynx alone? And with whom? Maybe they were Lynx’s backup friends. As these questions started overwhelming Matt, he shouted, “Hey! Lynx.” Lynx turned sideways, and Matt realized something.

Although the man’s physique bore a remarkable resemblance to that of Lynx, he wasn’t Lynx. Matt cursed himself for getting fooled because of the red cloth.

Matt realized his mistake. He turned around and started running.

“Hey! Stop right there!” A shout came from behind Matt.

Matt heard the characteristic sounds of Cules being fired at him from Oculuses. He ducked and started running faster. Within a few seconds, he merged into the crowd.

Suddenly, Matt slammed against someone who drove him to the ground. It was Lynx. Matt heaved a sigh of relief.

“Where were you?” Lynx asked. “We searched all around for you.”

Matt was about to reply when he spotted the three men hurtling through the crowd. He shook his head. “No time! Three people are after me!”

Lynx nodded, understanding at once. Urrax and Daniel appeared behind him, and they all started running.

The three men started firing in the air from Oculuses to disperse the crowd. Lynx changed track and rushed towards a random stall and hunkered behind it. Matt, Urrax and Daniel followed.

Within moments, the town square was empty. By this time, another forty to fifty men had joined the three men now, looking for Matt.

Lynx whispered to Matt, “Before they get us, surrender yourself.”

“What?!” Matt whispered back.

“Just do it. These men think you’re the only one in here. They don’t know that others are with you. Go!”

Matt stepped out, raising his hands.

The leader of the men spotted him at once. “Well, well, look at that. Where are the rest of your friends?”

“What friends?” Matt asked. “I am alone.”

“Don’t lie to me. Do you think I’m stupid? You fugitives always travel in a group, and I spotted others with you. Now, tell me before I shoot you, where are your friends?”

“I told you I’m alone,” Matt replied boldly.

The man pointed his Oculus at Matt. “I’m giving ten seconds for your friends to show themselves or I’ll shoot you.”

Lynx, Daniel and Urrax stepped out at once.

“That’s better. Do you know what? Curiosity killed the cat. This time, it will kill the boy.” The man aimed his Oculus at Matt’s head.

Matt closed his eyes, waiting for the end.

There was a blast.

Matt waited for a second, but nothing happened. Something was wrong. He hadn’t been hit. And now there was more firing.

Matt opened his eyes. There was commotion all around, and the men started running helter-skelter. People had come to rescue them, it seemed, and whoever they were, they were smart. They had attacked from behind the enemy, giving them no time to react, and fast. Within seconds, all the men were subdued.

A voice came from behind Matt.

“Hello. I am Insanity. I heard you were looking for me.”


Insanity looked insane.

He was dressed in a black robe, had an unkempt beard and was in dire need of a haircut. The two Oculuses that he held in his hands had their barrels smoking.

He raised an Oculus momentarily towards Daniel. For a second, Daniel thought he was going to shoot, but Insanity just threw the Oculuses away.

“I don’t like new things,” he said. “But they serve the purpose at times.”

He turned his attention back to them. “Well, no one’s shooting at you now. Relax.”

Daniel realized that he still had his hands raised. He put them down.

Lynx spoke up. “We were looking for you to get some important information.”

Insanity didn’t look at Lynx. “Information,” he said. “Such an important thing, yet it seems useless. Do you know what material grass is made of? Cellulose. Is that going to help with anything? See? Useless bits of information. What is it, if I may ask?”

Lynx spoke. “I am sorry, but we cannot tell you here. Walls have ears, you know. Let’s go away from the town square.”

Insanity nodded. “I understand. Follow me.”

Without another word, he turned and began walking. The others followed silently.

Insanity led them through an endless maze of turns and corners and alleys and rights

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