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Book online «Belly of the Beast Warren Thomas (e novels for free .txt) 📖». Author Warren Thomas

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with the others he’d already given them.

            The sudden ringing of a hammer on steel reminded him of his mission. When the urchins caught up, he took them just inside a dark alley and pointed at the smithy across the street.

            “I’m looking for a man in Kestsax. He’s a smith, a swordsmith,” Nizar said. The urchins were staying just out of reach. He lowered his voice conspiratorially, to draw them in closer. “His name is Tane Kyleson. Have you heard of him?”

            They grew intent, stepping closer to hear.

            “Na,” Sindy said, getting a crafty look about her as she considered. “But I kin find him fer ya. Fer a price.”

            “Naturally,” Nizar said, opening his purse.

            They children eased closer, eyes bright.

            He took out two shiny copper coins. They held out their hands.

            A coin in each hand, Nizar reached out.

            As soon as skin touched skin, he had them.

            Without a word, his foul magic was cast through that contact. Uthor stiffened, while Sindy managed a startled gasp before the life drained from her eyes. In less than a heartbeat his cunning guides became his mindless slaves.

            While he riffled through their tattered clothes, stealing all their hard-earned coin, Nizar said, “Now, children, you will not rest until you have found Tane Kyleson, or anyone even remotely looking like him.”

            He muttered a prayer, conjuring up a chaotic swarm of pinpricks of colored lights. Tane’s likeness soon coalesced before them. There was no sign either child was awed by the magical likeness, but they were quite intent on the image.

            “Go and find him, and find him fast,” Nizar said. “Report back to me at the inn at least twice a day.”

            They turned and raced away in opposite directions without a word.

Chapter 19

            Nizar sat in the Forest Haven’s common room, waiting. It was late afternoon, and time for his spy to report her findings. Sindy arrived right on time. Nizar grinned, for if nothing else the zombie slave was prompt.

            The child scrambled into the chair opposite Nizar and waited obediently. She was a slave, and dared not speak unless bid to do so. It was Nizar’s will. He smiled, for soon it would be his arrogant half-brothers attending him so slavishly.

            He glanced at the empty chair beside Sindy. Uthor hadn’t been seen since the second day. It was of little concern to Nizar, and not unexpected. The city was a dangerous enough place for children under the best of circumstances, but with so many refugees of every stripe crowded in, it became double dangerous for everyone. When she was freed of her enchantment, if ever, Sindy would undoubtedly be grief-stricken.

            Nizar pushed the bowl of stew to Sindy and motioned for her to eat. She was even skinnier and dirtier than when he enslaved her a week back. Five days ago he began making her report to him three times a day, in part to ensure she ate enough to maintain her strength.

            “Do you have anything to report?” he said, bracing himself for another disappointment.

            “Uh-huh,” she said, barely pausing as she shoveled thin vegetable soup into her mouth.

            At first Nizar didn’t realize what she had said. It took him a moment, but asked, “You found him?”


            “Where?” he demanded, half rising from his seat.

            “Outside,” she said, then shoveled the last bit of soup down. “He is a soldier, an’ comin’ dis way.”

            “Soldier?” Nizar said, taken aback. Then realization struck. Of course, the forced inductions! “You say he’s coming this way? Even as we speak?”


            Nizar rushed around the table, jerking her out of her chair as he headed for the door.

            Shoving her into the narrow street, “Show me.”

            Sindy merely pointed to her left. “He is ‘bout halfway back down da line.”

            She pointed at a company formation of weary soldiers. They were wending their way through the street vendors and refugees, heading toward the Three Temples garrison. All wore armor and helmets, hiding most of their features.

            As the company colors approached, and an angry sergeant barked orders for him to make way, Nizar pulled Sindy to the side to allow them to pass. He didn’t see how he’d find Tane Kyleson in that quick-stepping river of uniform soldiery.

            “Point him out when he passes,” Nizar commanded.

            Sindy nodded, and waited with the calm patience of a mindless zombie. Nizar’s heart raced to be so near the end of his mission. And to have succeeded!

            I’ll be High Priest Nizar within the week, he thought.

            “He is comin’,” Sindy said.

            Nizar turned to look down the stream of soldiers. They all looked the same to him. All gray and grim. Men and women.

            Then an arm shot out and snatched a fistful of pecans from a vendor. The robbed man cried out angrily, but was too pressed to pursue. The thief chuckled as she approached Nizar’s position, passing pecans up and down the line to her comrades.

            The man in front of her was Tane Kyleson, woefully shaking his head even as he crushed a pair of pecans together and covertly began picking the sweet meat out. As his prey passed not one pace in front of him, Nizar was surprised again by a darting hand flying at his face.

            In a move almost too fast to see, the black-haired pecan thief stripped away Nizar’s veil. Her emerald green eyes were full of wicked glee at the look of shock he showed her. Then to his surprise, she winked at him.

            And they were gone.

            “Follow them,” Nizar commanded quietly as he hastily replaced his veil. His eyes were full of hate on the back of the brazen woman that had so shamed him. “I want to know exactly where they are staying, including which barracks.”

            Sindy silently slipped away on bare feet as he watched Tane Kyleson disappear around a corner. The little urchin moved more quickly and nimbly than

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