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Book online «Love Leaps: A Short Story Karen Jerabek (e book reader free txt) 📖». Author Karen Jerabek

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makes me feel neurotic andtotally out of control. And that makes me really mad.

Just then, my cell phone comes to life andpops up a message icon. I pull my text messages folder open and amsurprised by who's name is there. I was hoping it would be Gray,but it's not. It's Sam. I haven't heard from him in months. All itsays is, “I was thinking about you, want to get a drink soon?” Wedated briefly, if you even want to call it that, right before Grayand I met. Despite fireworks in the sexual chemistry department, itdidn't feel like it was going anywhere. So, when Gray came along, Isaid goodbye to Sam and our casual fun and launched myself rightinto a solid, happy relationship. Sam and I kept in touch brieflyfor a couple months but as Gray and I got more serious, Sam fadedout of the picture. Somehow, I knew he wasn't gone for good but Ialso wasn't sure when he'd pop back up. And with impeccable timing,here he is.

“Hey stranger,” I text back to him. “I knowit's last minute, but I could grab a drink tonight, if youwant.”

“8 pm tonight at The Flying Saucer.” Hisreply is immediate, almost as if he was sending that text beforemine got there.

“See you then,” I send back, still not sureif I should have even responded to the text message, let aloneagreed to meet him for drinks tonight. But it's already done. Now Ineed to confess my sins, so I hit speed dial.

“Hey. How's it going?”

“Hey, I'm good. Look, I have to tell yousomething,” I say hesitantly.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing. I got a text from Sam today andwe're going out for drinks tonight. I thought I should tell you,” Isay and take a deep breath.

“What? Are you crazy?”

“Jess, I know what you're thinking. But, hetexted me first. I didn't go looking for him. Plus, he's a nice guyand we always had fun together. I can't stand sitting at homewatching mindless TV every night while my head keeps replaying mylast conversation with Gray.”

“I know you're driving yourself crazy aboutGray and I think it's good to get out and do some other thingsbesides sit at home, but you haven't even wanted to go out with me.Why do you want to go out with Sam?” she asks suspiciously.

“I just haven't felt like going out. But,there's something about Sam. He's always happy and upbeat and Ithink he'd really help get my mind off of Gray, at least for acouple hours.”

“As long as those couple hours aren't in hisbed,” she says disapproving.

“I'm not going to sleep with him. We haven'teven talked in months. We're just two old friends, catching up.Plus, I promise I'll go out with you this weekend, okay?” Iask.

“Well, I just think it's dangerous to bearound a man who can make your clothes fall off,” she says.

“It's not like that anymore,” I plead.

“It's always like that,” she says matter offactly.

“Really?” I ask her. “You don't think we canbe civilized friends meeting for a drink and to catch up?”

“With Sam, no. If your clothes aren't on thefloor tonight, then your head's going to be in the cloudstomorrow,” she warns. “He's just one of those guys.”

“So what?” I toss back at her. “Gray leftme. He hasn't called me, texted me, nothing. He doesn't care aboutwhat's going on in my life or what I'm doing. I'm sick of this“space” that he's taking. It's not fair to me. So, maybe Idon't want to be with him when he's done hibernating!”

“So you think Sam's a better match for you?”she asks.

“I don't know, maybe. We have a definitephysical attraction and we get along really well,” I start. “I justthink the timing was off with us, so I never got to see if thingscould have worked or not between us.”

“Hmm,” Jessica says, not liking what I'msaying.

“It's just a drink. Geez. He might even havea girlfriend or a friends with benefits or something,” I say.

“If he had any of those things, he wouldn'thave texted you,” she says quietly.

“Yeah, you're probably right,” I say andsmile. He's always been the one that got away...the one that Ididn't have time to see where things might go. He didn't want acommitment when we were hanging out and that was okay with me for awhile but then I really wanted a relationship. He wasn't ready, andthat's when I met Gray. But, it never felt finished with Sam. Itstill doesn't. I'm hoping tonight will give me some answers. And ifnothing else, I'll have a couple drinks and a few laughs. I couldcertainly use that about now.

“I still think you're playing with fire,”Jessica says. “You love Gray and you need to wait this out a littlebit longer and see what he has to say when he comes back.”

“And when is that going to be?” I ask,getting angry. “When is my loving boyfriend going to quit shuttingme out of his life and come back?”

“I don't know. But maybe you should give itanother week or two and then you can go out with Sam once you'veseen where Gray is at and you know what's going on with yourrelationship,” she says reasonably.

“I am done waiting!” I huff. “I'm done!”

“Okay. But, are you sure you want to go outwith a man who makes your clothes want to fall on the floor?”

“Yes I do. I want to go out with a man thatfinds me attractive and who wants to spend time with me,” I say,becoming more determined.

“Okay,” Jess sighs. “Should I bring over achastity belt for you?”

“Probably,” I laugh. “No, seriously, it'sjust a drink. Don't worry about it.”

A couple of hours later, I'm walking up toThe Flying Saucer, wearing a white tank top, jeans and the highestheels I own. I spot Sam already at a table outside and wave. Hesmiles and stands up. Hugging me hello, he whispers, “You lookamazing!” His hug lingers just a second or two longer than itshould and then he motions for me to sit down across the table fromhim.

My smile's broad and genuine as I take inSam's rugged good looks and laid back style. We

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