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Book online «Desire (#1) Cox, Carrie (e textbook reader TXT) 📖». Author Cox, Carrie

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filled with naughty things I wanted him to do to me. I might not have been able to verbalise what I wanted him to do, but my body was making the message loud and clear.

He reached up a hand and trailed his finger along my lower lip. I wanted to kiss it and suck it. But how could I do that without seeming like a brazen hussy?

“Lie down,” he whispered.

Lie down? Did he really just say that? I stared down at the flattened grass beneath my feet. Broken twigs scattered along the path. Surely he wasn’t serious? We couldn’t do it here. Anyone might stumble on us in the middle of … I let out a low breath as another image of us entwined on the floor filled my mind. Maybe this path didn’t get used much. And if he was feeling as hot as me, it wouldn’t take long.

His hand gently cupped my elbow, and he guided me a few steps to the right to a mossy area. It looked more comfortable, but if anyone walked along the path we would still be seen.

“What if someone sees us?” I said. My voice sounded strange, all breathless and husky.

He smiled slowly. “That adds to the excitement.”

Oh my God. His words sent shivers of desire spiking through my body, and I felt a warm wetness tingle between my thighs.

I sat down on the moss, as he stood in front of me and pulled of his t-shirt. I’d been right. His body was beautiful, smooth, tanned skin over hard muscle. I longed to touch him, to kiss him.

He knelt beside me, and I reached out.

“Not so fast,” he said. “You first. Take off your top.”

I gulped. I looked around quickly double checking we were really alone, then with shaking hands, I lifted my shirt over my head.

I heard him exhale softly in what I hoped was approval.

“Now take off your bra.”

Holy crap. I had no idea why, but this was making me so hot. I’d have been more than ready for him to pounce on me as soon as I’d sat down on the mossy ground, but this was exquisite torture. He hadn’t touched me yet and the anticipation was making me crazy.

My hands reached around my back to unclasp my bra. I took my time, feeling shy. But one glance into his burning eyes made me forget my inhibitions. I slid the straps over my arms and laid the bra on the ground beside me. I leaned back, the moss spongy and cool against my skin.

Was I really going to do this?

He put a hand on either side of my head and held himself above me. Staring down at me, his gaze ran over my breasts. My nipples hardened further under his stare, and as the cool breeze brushed against them, I let out a small breathy moan. When was he going to touch me? Surely he wasn’t going to just look?

He lowered his head to my right breast and circled my nipple with his tongue. I moaned again, my hands reaching up to touch his chest.

Abruptly, he sat up, and his head snapped to the right.

“Quick, someone’s coming,” he said and started to bundle up our clothes.

“Huh?” I protested. I couldn’t hear anyone. I wanted to feel his mouth on me again.

“Quickly,” he said pulling me to my feet.

Then I heard footsteps and the snap of a twig. I gasped in horror and crossed my hands across my chest to cover my naked breasts. The horror of what I was doing washed over me. I had been just about to have sex with a man I’d just met when I was supposed to be working. Holy hell. What had come over me?

I allowed him to pull me behind a tree. He offered me my bra and t-shirt, watching with amusement as I hurriedly put them on.

I heard a panting and then a golden retriever appeared by the tree, looking up at us, wagging his tail happily.

Then I heard a voice, “Rex? Rex? Where have you gone, you blasted dog?”

I froze and looked up at my companion in horror. I recognised that voice. It belonged to Carter, who worked as the butler for the Easton estate. He was a snob, and I hadn’t warmed to him during my time at the estate. He didn’t like me either, always looking down his nose at me and tutting as if my presence at Cliff House was a great hindrance.

I held my breath. If he found me here like this, I’d be out of a job. I looked up, my eyes wide with terror.

My companion grinned and then pushed me back against the rough bark of the tree and lowered his mouth onto mine.

Despite the fact we might be discovered at any moment, my body quickly responded. My lips opened as his tongue explored my mouth. All too soon, he pulled away and stroked my cheek with one finger.

“To be continued,” he said in his impossibly sexy voice.

Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers at Rex and started to walk away in the direction of Carter the butler. Rex followed him obediently, while I cowered behind the tree.

Would Carter realise what had been going on?

I eased forward as far as I dared and listened.

“Hello, Carter,” he said.

“Oh, sir, I didn’t realise it was you. Rex must have sniffed you out,” the butler said with a chuckle.

I frowned. Well that was a first. I’d never heard Carter the butler laugh before. I wouldn’t have believed he knew how. And why did he call the gardener “sir”?

I waited as their voices and footsteps gradually faded away and then looked at my watch. Eight am already. Crap. I was late.

Chapter 2

I high-tailed it back to the grand house, my cheeks burning as I thought about what had just happened in the last half an hour. What was wrong with me? I could have jeopardised my whole career over this and embarrassed my friend Suzanne who had

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