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Sc. 1.

  Has this fellow no feeling of his business?

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  A politician, . . . one that would circumvent God.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks?

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  One that was a woman, sir; but, rest her soul, she 's dead.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  How absolute the knave is! we must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  The age is grown so picked that the toe of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier, he galls his kibe.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.


  Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now; your gambols, your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? Quite chap-fallen? Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

  To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander, till we find it stopping a bung-hole?

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

'T were to consider too curiously, to consider so.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Imperious Cæsar, dead and turn'd to clay,

Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Lay her i' the earth:

And from her fair and unpolluted flesh

May violets spring![144:1]

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

A ministering angel shall my sister be.[144:2]

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Sweets to the sweet: farewell!

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

I thought thy bride-bed to have deck'd, sweet maid,

And not have strew'd thy grave.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Though I am not splenitive and rash,

Yet have I something in me dangerous.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Forty thousand brothers

Could not, with all their quantity of love,

Make up my sum.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.


Nay, an thou 'lt mouth,

I 'll rant as well as thou.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

Let Hercules himself do what he may,

The cat will mew and dog will have his day.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

There 's a divinity that shapes our ends,

Rough-hew them how we will.[145:1]

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

I once did hold it, as our statists do,

A baseness to write fair.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

It did me yeoman's service.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

The bravery of his grief did put me

Into a towering passion.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

What imports the nomination of this gentleman?

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

  The phrase would be more german to the matter, if we could carry cannon by our sides.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

'T is the breathing time of day with me.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

  There 's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 't is not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all. Since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is 't to leave betimes?

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

I have shot mine arrow o'er the house,

And hurt my brother.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

Now the king drinks to Hamlet.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

A hit, a very palpable hit.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

This fell sergeant, death,

Is strict in his arrest.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

Report me and my cause aright.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.


I am more an antique Roman than a Dane.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

Absent thee from felicity awhile.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

The rest is silence.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 2.

Although the last, not least.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

Nothing will come of nothing.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

Mend your speech a little,

Lest it may mar your fortunes.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

I want that glib and oily art,

To speak and purpose not.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

A still-soliciting eye, and such a tongue

As I am glad I have not.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 1.

  As if we were villains by necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 2.

  That which ordinary men are fit for, I am qualified in; and the best of me is diligence.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 4.

Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend!

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 4.

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is

To have a thankless child!

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 4.

Striving to better, oft we mar what 's well.

King Lear. Act i. Sc. 4.

Hysterica passio, down, thou climbing sorrow,

Thy element 's below.

King Lear. Act ii. Sc. 4.

Nature in you stands on the very verge

Of her confine.

King Lear. Act ii. Sc. 4.

Necessity's sharp pinch!

King Lear. Act ii. Sc. 4.

Let not women's weapons, water-drops,

Stain my man's cheeks!

King Lear. Act ii. Sc. 4.

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.

I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.


A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.

  There was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Tremble, thou wretch,

That hast within thee undivulged crimes,

Unwhipp'd of justice.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.

I am a man

More sinn'd against than sinning.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 2.

Oh, that way madness lies; let me shun that.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are,

That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,

How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,

Your looped and windowed raggedness, defend you

From seasons such as these?

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Take physic, pomp;

Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Out-paramoured the Turk.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

'T is a naughty night to swim in.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

The green mantle of the standing pool.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

But mice and rats, and such small deer,

Have been Tom's food for seven long year.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

The prince of darkness is a gentleman.[147:1]

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Poor Tom 's a-cold.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

I 'll talk a word with this same learned Theban.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

Child Rowland to the dark tower came,

His word was still,—Fie, foh, and fum,

I smell the blood of a British man.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 4.

The little dogs and all,

Tray, Blanch, and Sweetheart, see, they bark at me.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 6.


Mastiff, greyhound, mongrel grim,

Hound or spaniel, brach or lym,

Or bobtail tike or trundle-tail.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 6.

I am tied to the stake, and I must stand the course.

King Lear. Act iii. Sc. 7.

The lowest and most dejected thing of fortune.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 1.

The worst is not

So long as we can say, "This is the worst."

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 1.

Patience and sorrow strove

Who should express her goodliest.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 3.

Half way down

Hangs one that gathers samphire, dreadful trade!

Methinks he seems no bigger than his head:

The fishermen that walk upon the beach

Appear like mice.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

Nature 's above art in that respect.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

Ay, every inch a king.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

  Give me an ounce of civet, good apothecary, to sweeten my imagination.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

  A man may see how this world goes with no eyes. Look with thine ears: see how yond justice rails upon yond simple thief. Hark, in thine ear: change places; and, handy-dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief?

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

Through tatter'd clothes small vices do appear;

Robes and furr'd gowns hide all.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 6.

Mine enemy's dog,

Though he had bit me, should have stood that night

Against my fire.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 7.

Pray you now, forget and forgive.

King Lear. Act iv. Sc. 7.

Upon such sacrifices, my Cordelia,

The gods themselves throw incense.

King Lear. Act v. Sc. 3.


The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices

Make instruments to plague us.

King Lear. Act v. Sc. 3.

Her voice was ever soft,

Gentle, and low,—an excellent thing in woman.

King Lear. Act v. Sc. 3.

Vex not his ghost: O, let him pass! he hates him much

That would upon the rack of this tough world

Stretch him out longer.

King Lear. Act v. Sc. 3.

That never set a squadron in the field,

Nor the division of a battle knows.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

The bookish theoric.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

'T is the curse of service,

Preferment goes by letter and affection,

And not by old gradation, where each second

Stood heir to the first.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

We cannot all be masters, nor all masters

Cannot be truly follow'd.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

Whip me such honest knaves.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

I will wear my heart upon my sleeve

For daws to peck at.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

  You are one of those that will not serve God, if the devil bid you.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 1.

The wealthy curled darlings of our nation.

Othello. Act i. Sc. 2.

Most potent, grave, and reverend signiors,

My very noble and approv'd good masters,

That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter,

It is most true; true, I have married her:

The very head and front of my offending

Hath this extent, no more. Rude am I in my speech,[149:1]

And little bless'd with the soft phrase of peace:

For since these

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