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Book online Ā«Cane Jean Toomer (story books to read TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Jean Toomer

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so, warm as its been. Coldest Yankee Iā€™ve ever seen. But Iā€™m goin t get him out now in a jiffy, eh, Kabnis?

Kabnis: Sure, I should say so, sure. Dont think its because I dont like folks down this way. Just the opposite, in fact. Theres more hospitality and everything. Its diffā ā€”that is, theres lots of northern exaggeration about the South. Its not half the terror they picture it. Things are not half bad, as one could easily figure out for himself without ever crossing the Mason and Dixie line: all these people wouldnt stay down here, especially the rich, the ones that could easily leave, if conditions were so mighty bad. And then too, sometime back, my family were southerners yā€™know. From Georgia, in factā ā€”

Layman: Nothin t feel proud about, Professor. Neither your folks nor mine.

Halsey (in a mock religious tone): Amen t that, brother Layman. Amen (turning to Kabnis, half playful, yet somehow dead in earnest). An Mr. Kabnis, kindly remember youre in th land of cottonā ā€”hell of a land. Th white folks get th boll; th niggers get th stalk. An dont you dare touch th boll, or even look at it. Theyā€™ll swing y sho. (Laughs.)

Kabnis: But they wouldnt touch a gentlemanā ā€”fellows, men like us three hereā ā€”

Layman: Niggerā€™s a nigger down this away, Professor. An only two dividins: good an bad. An even they aint permanent categories. They sometimes mixes um up when it comes t lynchin. Iā€™ve seen um do it.

Halsey: Dont let th fear int y, though, Kabnis. This countyā€™s a good un. Aint been a stringin up I can remember. (Laughs.)

Layman: This is a good town an a good county. But theres some that makes up fer it.

Kabnis: Things are better now though since that stir about those peonage cases, arent they?

Layman: Ever hear tell of a single shot killin moren one rabbit, Professor?

Kabnis: No, of course not, that is, but thenā ā€”

Halsey: Now I know you werent born yesterday, sprung up so rapid like you aint heard of th brick thrown in th hornetsā€™ nest. (Laughs.)

Kabnis: Hardly, hardly, I knowā ā€”

Halsey: Course y do. (To Layman) See, northern niggers aint as dumb as they make out t be.

Kabnis (overlooking the remark): Just stirs them up to sting.

Halsey: T perfection. An put just like a professor should put it.

Kabnis: Thats what actually did happen?

Layman: Well, if it aint sos only because th stingers already movin jes as fast as they ken go. An been goin ever since I ken remember, an then some mo. Though I dont usually make mention of it.

Halsey: Damn sight better not. Say, Layman, you come from where theyre always swarmin, dont y?

Layman: Yassur. I do that, sho. Dont want t mention it, but its a fact. Iā€™ve seed th time when there werent no use t even stretch out flat upon th ground. Seen um shoot an cut a man t pieces who had died th night befo. Yassur. An they didnt stop when they found out he was deadā ā€”jes went on ahackin at him anyway.

Kabnis: What did you do? What did you say to them, Professor?

Layman: Thems th things you neither does a thing or talks about if y want t stay around this away, Professor.

Halsey: Listen t what heā€™s tellin y, Kabnis. May come in handy some day.

Kabnis: Cant something be done? But of course not. This preacher-ridden race. Pray and shout. Theyre in the preacherā€™s hands. Thats what it is. And the preacherā€™s hands are in the white manā€™s pockets.

Halsey: Present company always excepted.

Kabnis: The Professor knows I wasnt referring to him.

Layman: Preacherā€™s a preacher anywheres you turn. No use exceptin.

Kabnis: Well, of course, if you look at it that way. I didnt meanā ā€”But cant something be done?

Layman: Sho. Yassur. An done first rate an well. Jes like Sam Raymon done it.

Kabnis: Hows that? What did he do?

Layman: Th white folks (reckon I oughtnt tell it) had jes knocked two others like you kill a cowā ā€”brained um with an ax, when they caught Sam Raymon by a stream. They was about t do fer him when he up an says, ā€œWhite folks, I gotter die, I knows that. But wont y let me die in my own way?ā€ Some was fer gettin after him, but th boss held um back an says, ā€œJes so longs th nigger diesā ā€”ā€ An Sam fell down ont his knees an prayed, ā€œO Lord, Ise comin to y,ā€ an he up an jumps int th stream.

Singing from the church becomes audible. Above it, rising and falling in a plaintive moan, a womanā€™s voice swells to shouting. Kabnis hears it. His face gives way to an expression of mingled fear, contempt, and pity. Layman takes no notice of it. Halsey grins at Kabnis. He feels like having a little sport with him.

Halsey: Lets go t church, eh, Kabnis?

Kabnis (seeking control): All rightā ā€”no sir, not by a damn sight. Once a days enough for me. Christ, but that stuff gets to me. Meaning no reflection on you, Professor.

Halsey: Course not. Say, Kabnis, noticed y this morning. Whatā€™d y get up for an go out?

Kabnis: Couldnt stand the shouting, and thats a fact. We dont have that sort of thing up North. We do, but, that is, someone should see to it that they are stopped or put out when they get so bad the preacher has to stop his sermon for them.

Halsey: Is that th way youall sit on sisters up North?

Kabnis: In the church I used to go to no one ever shoutedā ā€”

Halsey: Lungs weak?

Kabnis: Hardly, that isā ā€”

Halsey: Yankees are right up t th minute in tellin folk how t turn a trick. They always were good at talkin.

Kabnis: Well, anyway, they should be stopped.

Layman: Thats right. Thats true. An its th worst ones in th community that comes int th church t shout. Iā€™ve sort a made a study of it. You take a man what drinks, th biggest licker-head around will come int th church an yell th loudest. An th sister

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