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Still, she hadn’tthought herself there on sufferance.

“Are Rebecca and I a burden, Mother?” she asked.

Immediately her mother shook her head, dislodging some ofher own curls. “No, of course not! But I was happiest in my marriage. Look howhappy Rosemary is. I thought you were happy with Lieutenant Todd. If LordPeverell should offer an opportunity, you should take it.”

“Do you think he’d make a good husband?” Hester challenged.

Her mother waved a hand. “I haven’t seen anything the leastobjectionable since he’s returned. He seems quite settled into his role asviscount.”

“But how can you be sure?” Hester pressed. “What if it’sjust a game to him? What if he’s playing a part until he can return to London?”

Her mother frowned as the coach rumbled across the Downsunder a sky that was growing heavier with rain. “And what if he isn’t? If hisgenerous donations don’t sway you, look at how he cares for his sister. Look athow he treats Rebecca, for that matter. I don’t understand why you won’t try toknow him better.”

She could give her a dozen reasons, but only if she wantedher past shame known. “I must think of Rebecca.”

Her mother glanced at her granddaughter asleep on Hester’slap. “I think it’s quite clear that Rebecca likes him very much indeed.”

Her daughter certainly did. Hester wasn’t sure why. Shemanaged to turn the conversation in the coach to other things until theyreached home and she was able to carry Rebecca up tothe nursery.

Nurse Peters had cared for the children of half the gentryin Upper Grace. Of an age with Hester’s mother, she tutted over Rebecca asHester came into the suite they now used as the nursery, her brown eyes softand head cocked so her white cap tilted on her brown hair.

“There’s a sweet little girl. Did she have a good time atthe wedding?”

“An excellent time,” Hester assured her, laying her daughteron the bed. “Let me help you settle her.”

Together, they worked at removing Rebecca’s polished leatherslippers and white wool stockings. Her daughter opened her eyes as Hesterlifted her so Nurse Peters could work on her clothing.

“We’re home?” Rebecca asked, glancing around.

“Indeed we are,” Hester said. “Help Nurse with your prettydress.”

Rebecca obediently lifted her arms so the nurse could pullthe confection off her.

“May I wear it to church on Sunday?” she asked Hester as Mrs.Peters went to lay it aside.

“Church sounds like a very good choice for that dress,”Hester agreed, tugging the nightgown over her daughter’s head.

“Will Lord Peverell be there?” Rebecca asked.

Hester focused on settling the soft folds around herdaughter. “He attends St. Andrew’s, remember? We attend St. Mary’s.”

Rebecca’s face was turning an unbecoming red, her mouth set.“We could go to St. Andrew’s.”

Nurse Peters glanced Hester’s way, then hurried to turn downthe covers on the bed.

Hester lowered her voice. “You want to attend St. Andrew’sbecause you like Lord Peverell.”

“Yes.” Such surety in that one word.

“Why do you like him?” Hester asked.

Rebecca yawned again before answering. “He’s pretty.”

Nurse Peters barked a laugh and hurriedly swallowed it.Hester had to bite her lips a moment to keep from laughing herself.

“Gentlemen are generally described as handsome, not pretty,”she explained to her daughter as Rebecca climbed under the covers.

Rebecca frowned. “Why?”

“I’m not sure,” Hester allowed, pulling the blankets uparound her. “But I agree that Lord Peverell is handsome.”

“He’s nice too,” Rebecca continued, settling on her pillow.

“Because he gives you things,” Hester guessed.

“He plays with me,” Rebecca disagreed. “And he’s nice to hissister. I wish I had a sister.”

All at once, Hester could picture her—a little girl withtousled hair and hazel eyes. Rob’s eyes. It was all she could do to say prayerswith Rebecca and retreat to her own room next door. Even then, sleep was a longtime coming.


The very air tasted sweeter to Rob, knowing he would beseeing Hester on Saturday. He wasn’t sure what had prompted her to make theoffer, but he hadn’t been about to refuse. If that made him less like theviscount he planned to be, he could live with that, for now.

In the meantime, he had an unexpected visitor.

Bascom came up to announce him Friday morning, at a timeentirely too early for calls if they had been in London. Indeed, Elizabethstill wore her morning gown, a frothy muslin creation with a great profusion oflace and ribbon.

“There’s a gentleman to see you, my lord,” the footman saidwhen Elizabeth acknowledged Bascom standing in the doorway of their mother’swithdrawing room. “Captain St. Claire, formerly of His Majesty’s Navy andcurrently residing in Dove Cottage.”

Elizabeth set aside the book she had been reading. “CaptainSt. Claire? All of the ladies have remarked on him. Show him up, Bascom, by allmeans.”

Rob frowned at her, but his young footman shifted from footto foot. “Begging your pardon, miss, but he asked to be shown into hislordship’s study. I don’t think he wanted to talk to you.”

Elizabeth’s face turned pink, and she picked up her bookagain. “Very well. It isn’t as if I wanted him to call anyway.”

“I’ll only be a moment,” Rob promised, edging for the door.

“Was I wrong, my lord?” Bascom whispered as they starteddown the stairs. “I only did what the captain ordered.”

“And you are used to obeying the orders of a captain, Isuppose,” Rob said, eyeing him.

The fellow kept his gaze on his feet, as if the stair treadswere not to be trusted. “Aye, my lord. I am. But I work for you now, and if Imisstepped, I’m sorry.”

Propitiating to keep his position? Or hiding his intentions?Rob still wasn’t sure of him, but he followed Bascom to his study.

A tall, raven-haired fellow was standing by the windows,looking out over the rear yard. He turned as Rob entered the room and nodded,as if Rob were the one who had come to see him.

“Captain St. Claire,” Rob said, moving forward and extendinghis hand. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Dark, hooded eyes regarded him as the captain shook handswith a firm grip. “I’d like to speak to you about your pier.”

In the act of withdrawing his hand, Rob hesitated, thenrecovered. With his dark hair, flashing eyes, and military bearing, this couldeasily be Donner’s Lord

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