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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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found her answer and decided to allow him back into her life.

“I’ll marry you,” Ivy said kissing Grey’s lips softy. “I’ll be yours forever.”

And as quickly as Ivy had spoken the words of acceptance, did she feel the terrible burden of pain and anger lifted from her heart and replaced by the comforting overflow of tranquility. She also felt the penetration of Grey, unprotected and exposed, push through her body with an undeniable force. Her thoughts cascaded through the five years they had been together highlighting every reason her decision had been a wise one. Every kiss, hug, smile, gift, dream, tear, failure and success had been to arrive at this particular point. She embraced him tightly smiling as she planted her chin in his shoulder gripping his firm muscles and savoring the smell of his virile cologne. Alas, her knight in shining armor had arrived to save her from the truths and cold realities of a single woman’s world.

Chapter Five: Nicola’s Silence

Chapter 5


“What’s wrong with you, man?” Brooks asked Nicola as he placed his department issued weapon on the countertop of his kitchen table. “You’ve been acting strange since your date with old girl.”

Nicola looked over and snapped. “Who said that anything was wrong?” He couldn’t bring himself to openly discuss with Brooks all the emotions competing with him since he had been with Ivy.

“You didn’t have to say anything. You’re my boy. Plus, I’ve just been watching you. It’s like you’ve been in another world or something.” It wasn’t like Brooks to have to pry into Nicola’s relationships. Normally, Nicola would just come out and tell him everything, which was why he was so suspicious now.

“If I’ve been in another world, it’s only because this whole new Narc-TACT team is getting on my nerves. I’m used to running my own unit with my own guys. Now I have to worry about hot heads from other divisions disobeying my orders because they don’t feel like I’m in charge,” Nicola said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh, well, actually, I thought it had a little more to a woman considering your job has never bothered you before. Besides, the only other person that you really have to deal with is me. I’m Cobra TACT, and you’re NARC; and we’ve been best friends for too many damned years. So how does our teams make your life any harder?” Brooks smiled mischievously. “You can blame us if you want to, but if you ask you’re your only problem is Ivy.”

“Why would Ivy be bothering me?” Nicola opened a beer and took a swig as he waited on his food to cook.

“I don’t know. Maybe she was a little more than you expected? You do have the tendency to underestimate. And I’ll tell you like my momma told me some years back when she found out I was out dipping in high school. She said that every time you lay with a woman, spiritually you have to give something to her, and she has to give something to you.”

“What are you talking about now?” Nicola asked preparing himself for one of his friend’s outlandish spiritual elucidations.

“No, this is real. For every woman that you’ve laid with you have to give her some part of you, and she has to give you some part of her.” Brooks smiled. “Maybe what she gave you was a conscious.”

Nicola chuckled. “You need help. I hope that you don’t really believe that, man. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?” Nicola continued to argue his point. “First of all, to even try to count the number of women either one of us has been with would take a hell of a lot of time. Secondly, with that many women, you can’t give something to them all, unless you have an STD. And I’m super straight in that area, because I always use protection, and I get tested every six months for ever disease known to man,” Nicola said shaking his head.

“You’re not listening to me, though,” Brooks said passing Nicola another Bud Light. “You’re not passing something physically. It’s spiritual. And that messes you up a lot more than some STD.”

Nicola opened his beer and took a sip. “I don’t know why I even bother listening to you, man.”

“Just ask my momma then,” Brooks said defensively.

“I’m not going to call your mom! Don’t you see that she just told you that so you would keep your little rocket launcher in your pants.” He chuckled.

“There’s nothing little about my Kentucky General, and my momma would never lie.” Brooks sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote.

“Kentucky General?” Nicola shook his head in disgust. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that again.”

“So what about Ivy? What happened with you two that’s got you twisted?” Brooks could see straight through Nicola’s game.

“She’s a great girl. We had a good time.” Gulping down his beer, he looked at Brooks. “End of story. There is nothing to be twisted about.” Nicola belched and laid back.

“I’m just watching how moody you’ve been. Shit, you act like you got some the other night, and I know that Ivy ain’t dropping off a damn thing.” Brooks said as he waited for a response, but seeing that Nicola would not respond, he continued. “Did she?”

“No, she didn’t drop anything off.” Nicola respected her too much to tell the truth. “The truth is that she was just too damned goody-goody for me. I’m not into trying that hard to get into a woman’s pants. All she wanted to do all night was talk.” He lied with little hesitation. And instantly, he thought back to holding her in his arms. “What can I say? She’s not my type of girl,” Nicola said as an obvious afterthought.

“I don’t buy that shit.” Brooks surfed through channels and rubbed the ears of his fifty-pound boxer.

“You act like I give a damn about what you buy.” Nicola paused for a moment. “Hell, did you get some, while you’re all up

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