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horizon was the imminent arrival of his two teenage daughters, coming from Canada for a three-week holiday. Ev knows Somer’s been apprehensive about meeting them, and she was definitely much less enthusiastic than usual about going down to Southampton this weekend. Is that what this is all about?

‘If it’s the girls,’ she begins, ‘then it’s completely understandable –’

Somer shakes her head. ‘It’s not that.’ She takes a deep breath. ‘A job’s come up. In Hampshire. Giles thinks I should apply.’

Ev’s eyes widen. ‘What sort of job?’

‘In the Domestic Violence Unit. They can’t say so publicly but Giles knows they’d really like to appoint a woman and there aren’t many obvious candidates in-house. And if I got it, they’d fast-track me through my sergeant’s exams.’

‘Sounds like you’d be mad not to give it a go. What have you got to lose?’

Somer looks away. ‘I don’t know. It just seems like a huge upheaval. I’d have to move – find somewhere to live –’

Ev frowns. ‘But you’d be living with Giles, surely? Isn’t that the whole point?’

Somer shrugs. ‘I don’t know. He’s talked about the job but he hasn’t said anything about that.’

‘Well, perhaps that’s just because he doesn’t think he needs to?’ Ev takes a step forward. ‘Look, you’ve got a lot on your plate. You haven’t been in CID that long, and then there’s you and Giles, the girls coming over. You’d be a bit weird if you weren’t wondering whether upping sticks and relocating your whole life is really that great an idea. But sleep on it for a bit – there’s no need to make a decision right away, is there?’

Somer sighs. ‘No. There’s time.’

‘Right, then. Just focus on the girls coming over for now. That’s more than enough to be going on with.’

Somer smiles. ‘I’m sorry – you’re right. It’s a great opportunity. I’m probably just overthinking it, as usual. I’m fine. Honestly.’

Ev gives her arm a quick squeeze. ‘Well, you know where I am if you want a chat. Whenever, OK?’

After she’s gone Somer turns and stares at her reflection for a long time. The woman in the mirror doesn’t look like someone on the threshold of an exciting new chapter. She doesn’t look fine, either. She doesn’t look ‘fine’ at all.

* * *

Adam Fawley

9 July 2018


I lean forward and press pause. The video freezes mid-frame. Marina Fisher and her lawyer, and facing them, me. Asante isn’t in the shot. Kennedy is saying something; Marina has her hands folded quietly on the table in front of her.

‘So, what do you think?’

Gow sits back. ‘Fascinating. Fisher’s a piece of work, isn’t she.’

I raise an eyebrow. ‘That’s one way of putting it.’

‘And the clothes – the little-girl-lost look – is that the sort of thing she normally wears?’

I laugh drily. ‘Er, no. One of her former colleagues described her as dressing like a call girl.’

His eyes widen. ‘Ow. Or rather me-ow.’


‘I imagine that makes collegiate life a mite abrasive at times.’

‘It’s not making this case any easier either.’

‘And you want to know if she’s telling the truth?’

‘Well, is she?’

He gives me a narrow look. ‘Not entirely, no.’

* * *

Oxford Against Sexual Violence



This latest #Oxford incident is a timely reminder that #sexualviolenceaffectseveryone, men AND women. Pls RT to show support

#HeToo #VictHIM

62 211 677

Ricky Jamieson



I was assaulted by my female professor too. It was ten years ago and I never had the courage to #speakout. Standing with the #OxfordVictim today

#HeToo #VictHIM

11 48 97

Darren Jessop



Replying to @Hatrick333

It happened to #MeToo. Blokes are too embarrassed to speak out because people might think they’re weak. And as for the cops – forget it. I never said anything either and it f*cked me up for years. But I’m doing it now

#HeToo #VictHIM

17 35 71

Rupert Deller



Replying to @Hatrick333 @COYSboy4evva @OxASV

Tagging @SurvivorsUK too – they do amazing work supporting sexually abused boys & men & their families

#standupandspeakup #HeToo #VictHIM

27 51 75

Shirley Farrell



Replying to @Hatrick333 @COYSboy4evva @OxASV @DellaFellaxx1313

I’m a #rapesurvivor too. My attacker was over 6 feet and 17 stone. There was nothing I could do. It’s not the same for men – it just isn’t



Oxford Against Sexual Violence



Replying to @3579littlewhiteline

Your experience must have been truly horrific. But men really can experience sexual violence too. The nature of it may be different, but it’s just as real for the victims. Hope you’re getting the support you need


Kath Beecham



Replying to @Hatrick333 @COYSboy4evva @OxASV @DellaFellaxx1313

What worries me is the prospect of this story getting picked up and used by the male violence apologists and woman-haters. It’ll be meat and drink to them, sadly

7 5 9

Oxford Against Sexual Violence



So moved and proud of the guys speaking up about their experiences of #sexualharassment on campus today

#standupandspeakup #endvictimblaming #sexualabuseaffectseveryone

#HeToo #VictHIM

199 442 1.1k

* * *

Adam Fawley

9 July 2018


Gow rewinds the tape, then plays it again, slow motion now, the sound on mute. I watch, frame by frame. Fisher keeps eye contact, her hands still calm in front of her. There’s no tell-tale fidgeting, no foot tapping. Her body is controlled, her movements minimal.

‘And this,’ says Gow, ‘is where you ask her how the dress got damaged. Watch how she replies.’

On the screen, I see Fisher pause, then mouth ‘I don’t remember’. That’s all. Gow presses stop, rewind and play, slowing it down even more. ‘Did you see it that time?’

‘What am I looking for?’

‘Just before she speaks

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