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Book online «Deadly Lies Ann Girdharry (read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Ann Girdharry

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Inspector, I wasn’t aware. I don’t watch much television these days.’

Pearson took Grant through to a lounge which smelled faintly musty as if the cottage didn’t get much fresh air. The low ceiling had wooden beams hanging with cobwebs and it could have looked quite charming if it had been kept fresher and in a better state.

Grant resisted the urge to swipe the armchair clean before he sat down. He’d had years to suppress those sorts of impulses.

‘I’m here to talk about the Hardmans and the Glovers,’ Grant said.

Pearson seemed surprised. ‘Oh?’

‘The family have indicated there’s history between you. Would you care to fill me in?’

‘Okay but wait… you’re not thinking I could have anything to do with the children, are you? That’s preposterous.’

‘Mr Pearson, I need to work quickly. If you could simply fill me in on your view of past events and whatever happened between you?’

‘Yes of course, I mean, if Alice’s children are missing then I’m very sorry. As for Jack Glover, I don’t think you’re going to believe what I tell you though I swear every word is true. That man is an abuser and a violator and he should have been in trouble for what he did but he got away with it because he’s a liar and a cheat who happens to be married to Ronnie’s daughter. Ronnie let that blind him to the truth.’

Grant’s impatience stirred and he stamped it down as best he could. Keep it cool. Get the details and trust your instincts. And don’t miss a damn thing. ‘If you could start at the beginning, sir?’

‘Sorry, I’m not very well.’ Pearson indicated his stomach. ‘I’ve had part of my intestines removed and now I’ve got a damned ostomy bag instead of a bowel. I guess you understand what that means. It keeps me alive but it’s changed my life.’

‘I see.’

‘No you don’t, except it doesn’t matter. I’d been with Ronnie since the beginning. He took me on when he first needed an accountant and I stayed with him while the business grew. We were friends or so I thought. Then along came Jack and he fell for Ronnie’s daughter, or likely it was Alice who fell for Jack because that man’s a real snake charmer. That’s why it took me so long to work out what was going on. It started one day when I went into the main office and one of the young secretaries was crying. The office manager, Maude, was looking after her. When I asked what was wrong, this girl, who was half Jack’s age, told me Jack had tried to kiss her.’

Grant felt a frisson of excitement as his instincts kicked in. This was important.

‘Anyway, I dismissed it and that’s something I’ll never forgive myself for. Maude didn’t believe it either or she thought the girl was exaggerating although Maude thought the sun shone out of Jack’s arse so it made sense she didn’t want to think badly of him. The young woman handed in her notice a few weeks after and I didn’t think any more of it. Then a few months later, I walked into Jack’s office and I could hardly believe my eyes because the piece of shit was trying to get his hand up a woman’s skirt. Now, there was no denying it because I saw it. And I saw how upset and uncomfortable the woman was which told me this was not something she wanted nor had she invited.’

Grant’s attention was razor sharp as he made hmming noises, encouraging Pearson to continue.

‘We’d taken her on as a receptionist while our own was on maternity leave. This time I didn’t let it go. I got Jack on his own and he started spewing out the lies – he minimised the whole thing and said she had led him on and when I spoke to the woman she clearly didn’t want to lose the work and she didn’t want to take it any further. Again, I was a fool because I didn’t take it up with Ronnie. I thought warning Jack would be sufficient – that me witnessing his vile behaviour would be enough to stop him.’

‘Did either of the young women go to the police?’

‘Not as far as I know. Our own receptionist came back from maternity leave and the temp left. I thought I’d made it clear to Jack sexual harassment was not to be tolerated and then one day, and it was a few months afterwards, someone left an anonymous note on my desk. It was written on a scrap of paper and it was a person’s name and it said I should speak to this person about important matters concerning Jack’s behaviour. I don’t mind telling you when I read it my blood went cold. I’m not making excuses but you’ve got to understand Jack was the golden boy – he was Ronnie’s son-in-law, Alice was pregnant with their first child, everyone in the office thought he was the best thing since sliced bread.’

‘What was the name on the note?’

Pearson gave a small burp. ‘Apologies, my digestion is terrible. The name was Zofia Kaminski. She’d worked as an admin assistant at Hardman and when I went to see her what she told me made me physically sick. She told me Jack Glover had tried to rape her at the Christmas party.’

Oh God this could be it. This could be motive. ‘That’s a serious allegation.’

‘You’re telling me. I remember sitting in Zofia’s kitchen and she folded her hands on the table and stared me straight in the face and I could see her lips trembling. Imagine the courage it must have taken for her to tell me. And to this day I’ve no idea who left the note. I’m no expert, Inspector, but I believed Zofia. And then even worse happened and you’re going to think me naïve and I definitely was because I intended to tell Ronnie and I stupidly felt it right to inform Jack first about

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