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Book online «The Final Redemption Michael Manning (best motivational books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Manning

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inside the house for over five hoursnow, and I knew it couldn’t be long before someone foundme.

Ascending the stone stepsI made it to the ground floor of my house, and my magesight foundCyhan nearby in the hall that led to the kitchen.The stubborn bastard woke up and dragged hismangled body down two flights of stairs hoping to warnsomeone.

A pang of guilt ranthrough me as I considered the damage I had done to my formerfriend, or Mordecai’s former friend. I’mnever going to be able to keep the distinction clear in mymind. In the end I decided not to bother,for my purposes I might as well be Mordecai. I still intended toachieve his goals, protect his family, save humanity,etc…

“Stupid never dies,” Isaid to myself, repeating one of his favorite phrases. “Mordecaimight die, but his ‘stupid’ lives on.” That set me to quietlychuckling. I had finally properly understood my identity.I’m his ‘stupid’, living on to accomplish hisfoolish plans. I laughed louder at thatthought, stopping only when I heard a painful gasp coming fromCyhan.

The taciturn warrior was still inchinghis way along, trying to reach the door. I lowered Lyralliantha tothe floor and walked over to kneel beside him. “You are a biggerfool than even Mordecai,” I told him fondly. Removing my gauntletand making my helm transparent to aythar, I reached out toward him,intending to remove his necklace and render him unconscious.Healing him would be simpler and less painful if he were deeplyasleep.

My family chose that moment to arrive,and I sensed Penny enter first as the front door to my house swungopen. She was holding Irene in her arms, and Lily was close behindher with Collin in tow. The twins and Sir Egan entered immediatelyafter them, and I felt my daughter’s attention focus upon me theinstant she passed the threshold.

“Momma, someone’s in the house, in thehall with Sir Cyhan,” announced my daughter without hesitation.“He’s hurt bad, Momma. I think he’s dying.”

They were still out of sight in thefoyer, around the corner from the hallway I was in, but with mysenses I could see them clearly. Penny passed Irene to Lilyimmediately and directed them with her hands to go back outside.She had her sword out, and I could feel the enchanted chainmail Ihad made for her under her outer garments.

I had to admire her efficiency inresponding to an unknown threat, with one exception, she steppedforward to investigate for herself. Sir Egan caught her by theelbow, pointing toward the door where Lily and the children waitedoutside. He followed that gesture with another, indicating his eyesand then sweeping his hand outward.

Clenching her jaw Pennynodded in agreement. It made far more sense for her to protect herchildren and let her bodyguard reconnoiter. She’s stubborn as ever, but at least she shows some sensewhere the children are involved, Ithought, agreeing with her decision.

I still had no idea what to do whenSir Egan turned the corner and saw us. I’m sure it was a confusingsight, Cyhan on the floor with me kneeling over him and a largestone coffin on the ground beside us. Even worse, my brain chosethat moment to wake up and remind me that I no longer had theimmense power I had entered with earlier. In fact, after theenchanting and my short trip carrying Lyralliantha, I had even lessaythar to spare than the more ‘human’ amount I had had just an hourago.

Unlike me, Sir Egan knew exactly whatto do. “Stand and step away from Sir Cyhan! Declare yourself!” heshouted. He had his Sun-Sword out, and it was pointed menacingly inmy direction.

I wondered idly what wouldhappen if he tried the same thing Cyhan had, ramming his swordthrough one of the joints in my armor. I had a pretty good guess,considering my current condition. He’dburn me to ash. As often happened when Iwas caught red-handed in the midst of a crime, my first thought wasof Marcus. What would he do?

Facing him calmly, I tookan artificially rigid stance. Using a silent spell I altered myvoice to imitate the deep gravelly tones that the house golem,Magnus used. “My creator named me Brexus,” I said, borrowing theLycian term for ‘payment’. Obviously Ihave some unresolved mental issues, I toldmyself as I realized what name I had chosen.

“What have you done to SirCyhan?”

“He attempted to prevent my entry,when I would not desist, he attacked. I have rendered him incapableof further attacks,” I responded matter-of-factly.

“By what right would you enter thishouse and assault its lawful guardians?” he asked, following up hisfirst question.

I had to admit, Sir Egan knew how toplay the role of outraged knight. Dorian must have been giving themlessons. “Your rights and boundaries do not concern me. I answersolely to my master.”

“Then name him, so we can take up ourgrievance with him, after you have been safely locked away,”replied Sir Egan.

His words are so properit’s almost cute, I thought, reminded ofsome of the old romances I had once read in Lancaster’s library.“My master’s name is Mordecai Illeniel, and my instructions do notallow for such delays. Please move aside,” I answered inmonotone.

“Drop your sword, and remove yourhelm,” insisted Egan.

My helm was still open to aythar,which made magic much easier, although I had already replaced mygauntlet. Even so, I thought I could manage enough control toimmobilize him without doing any permanent damage. I raised my handto face him, palm outward.

“Don’t fight him Egan. Run. You cannotstop him.” The voice was Cyhan’s. He was painfully gasping hiswarning from behind me. “Get the Countess and the childrenclear!”

I didn’t bother waiting to see what hedecided, with a word I wrapped the knight’s body in invisible bandsof force, pinning his arms and weapon against his side. I hadlearned from the past not to let them move freely. If I had encasedhim in a larger shield to imprison him, he might have used hisenchanted blade to cut his way free. I had also learned from myprevious two encounters not to give one of my knights even a secondto act. They were inhumanly fast.

As if to reinforce that point, I foundmyself sailing backward to strike the wall. Penny had darted backin, even as

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