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Book online «Deceptive Truth: Cowboy Justice Association (Serials and Stalkers Book 4) Olivia Jaymes (urban books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Olivia Jaymes

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up with names for Michelle and Lori. There was a wistful tone in her voice when she talked about Tom. It was clear that she still missed her late husband greatly.

"What about you two?" Anita's gaze went from Jenna to Knox and then back to Jenna. "Are you two a couple?"

Nope, and that's my fault.

"Just friends," Jenna replied quickly, not wanting to look directly at Knox. She had a bad feeling that her cheeks were bright red. "He's actually helping us with finding Lori."

Anita's smile immediately fell and her hands twisted together in her lap. "Lori will show up when she's ready. She just needs some time alone. That's what she said."

Except that Jenna didn't believe that Lori sent that text. Anita wasn't that great with technology and was convinced that they couldn't have received the text unless Lori specifically sent it. They couldn't seem to get her to understand that if someone had Lori's phone, they could send any message they wanted.

"It's been months, Anita," Jenna said, keeping her tone soft. "We want to be sure that she's okay."

"She's fine. She's an intelligent girl." Anita nodded and turned her attention to Knox. "Did you ever meet my daughter Lori? She's a smart one. Pretty too."

"I didn't have the pleasure but she sounds like she's a wonderful daughter, Mrs. Waters."

"Call me Anita. Everyone does."

Shifting on the sofa cushion, Knox pulled his phone from his pocket. "Before Lori left, did she ever visit you with a boyfriend named Callum? Cal?"

"I don't know. That name doesn't sound familiar."

Anita's voice was shaky and she was paler than only a few minutes before. She was getting tired and that strained her memory. This line of questioning was stressing her out.

Knox held out the phone. "Could you take a look at the photo, Anita? Did Lori ever come here with a man that looked like that? Did she ever say anything about Cal Owens?"

With a frown, Anita accepted the phone, studying the photo. "He doesn't look familiar. Should he? I don't think Lori ever mentioned him. Why would she? She already has a nice boyfriend, Will. They're planning to get married next year."

Tears burned in the back of Jenna's eyes. It had all been going so well. Then...bam. Reality reared its ugly head.

"Anita, Lori dated Will when they were in college. They broke up several years ago."

Anita scowled at Jenna. "Lori and Will were here at Easter."

"Not last Easter," Jenna explained as gently as possible. "Last Easter Michelle and I cooked dinner here for all of us. Tom Junior, too. We had ham and I made my famous macaroni and cheese."

Anita nodded slowly but Jenna could tell that she didn't remember. She could easily remember little details from their school years but the more recent she didn't seem to retain as well.

"Where is Will then?"

"He's in the Army. He's stationed in North Carolina, last I heard."

"The Army," Anita repeated, her brow furrowed. "That's right. The Army."

"He might come home at Christmas. If he does, I'm sure he'll stop by to say hello."

Will had adored Anita and he did stop by when he was visiting his folks.

"Sometimes I forget things," Anita said to Knox. "My memory isn't what it used to be. Luckily, I have Mary here to help me. And my girls, of course. They take good care of me too."

"No need to apologize." Knox gave Anita one of his dazzling smiles that Jenna was sure had melted a thousand female hearts. Her adopted mother was no different, smiling back at his show of charm. "We all forget things from time to time."

They chatted about the weather for the next few minutes and then Mary came downstairs to remind Anita that it was time for her medication. And perhaps she might like to rest for awhile as well?

"I think that's a good idea," Anita said, rising from her chair. "I am a bit tired. Please excuse me, Knox. I hope you won't think me rude."

"Not at all," Knox replied, standing also. "It was very nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Come see me again and bring your friend. I like looking at handsome men," Anita whispered in Jenna's ear when they were hugging goodbye. "Are you sure he's just a friend? I think he could be more."

Thank heavens Knox didn't hear that. She didn't need him to think that she was pining over him. Because she wasn't. If he didn't want to be a couple, that was fine. Just fine.

That charming rogue even gave Anita a peck on the cheek before they left. He knew exactly what he was doing. And to women of all ages. There ought to be a law or something.

"Proud of yourself?" Jenna asked when they climbed back in the SUV. "You've got Anita eating out of the palm of your hand."

"I was just being nice," he said with a laugh as they pulled out into traffic. "She's a lovely woman."

"Who thinks you're handsome."

He shrugged carelessly. "A gene pool accident. But she has good taste."

They were quiet for awhile before Jenna spoke again. "She has some memory issues. The doctors say it's early onset. She's only sixty-two."

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you better before we went in. I apologize for that. Clearly, talking about her daughter upsets her."

Jenna picked at the hem of her shirt, her gaze on the floor. "Last time I saw her we talked about Lori and she was fine but...she's not getting better, you know? She's only going to get worse as time goes on. It gets bad when she's

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