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Book online «The Penny Drops (Sea the Depths Book 1) Karmon Kuhn (life changing books TXT) 📖». Author Karmon Kuhn

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tail. It was as if the path was dry beach sand rather than the traditional slime treated floor of the tsez̈ø.

Then I heard the noise again, except now, it was clear. Instead of a muffled mess of sound, I heard words. A screech.

“Help me!”

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. I continued slithering at the horrific pace that my body could muster. Time slowed as I struggled to reach the corner of the corridor, and as soon as I did, I saw it.

A bloodied and bruised human figure with a silvery mane covering its face. It crawled toward me, gripping at the swampy floor beneath its knees and screeched again, holding out its hand. I froze, unsure of what I was seeing.

“Natalie!” It yelled up at me, and I saw recognition in its barely visible eyes. I’d seen them before, but where?

I began to slide forward again, but I was unable to stay upright and fell. Each time I righted myself, I fell. Over and over again. She tried to crawl toward me as well, but we both failed to get any closer to each other. How did I know the creature was a she?

I gritted my fangs and began pulling myself along the floor with anything I could grip until I saw another researcher. At first I was relieved and reached my hand out for assistance. Instead of offering help, he waved a stunner at the creature and then at me.

“Don’t worry about that. It can’t get out of here.”

As he said this, he pressed the weapon against her skin and her head fell back as she screamed, revealing her face from under all of that silvery hair. I knew that face.

“Penny!” I screamed in horror, and then, it was my turn. The researcher advanced on me with the stunner in his hand. I tried to wriggle away but the pinch of the weapon against my neck persisted until everything went black.


I didn’t know where I was. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw a high ceiling above me with a still fan and felt a soft, plush weight covering my whole body. I was alone.There was a skinny, sliver of light coming through the shades, and I jumped at the shadows in the room.

Even as I realized that the shadows were just that, panic swelled in my chest. The bedroom door was ajar and the chair was no longer in place. I bounded first to the bathroom and then down the hallway. I turned my head from side to side and almost fell when my toes got caught in the living room rug.

My feet made a hard thud on the ground, and I stood still and silent for a moment to determine if I’d made myself known to an enemy by running so recklessly. There was scratching and clunking in the kitchen, so I approached.

I peeked around the corner at several cans and bags with pictures of food and people eating on them. Behind the table covered in food was someone bent over into a cabinet. I froze for a moment, waiting for evidence that it was in fact Penny. And, after a moment, she stood up and revealed a head of thick, chestnut hair, newly dyed from the night before.

“Penny!” I said and hurried over to her, my legs as lethargic and swampy as they'd been in the dream.

“Yeah?” she asked.

“I thought you were gone! I thought that they took you, like in my dream! Because of me! You were in the lab, and . . . I thought that they had you . . .”

I felt silly as soon as I’d shared the concerns aloud. Of course, they hadn’t taken her. I would’ve awoken in a struggle. And why would they leave me here and just take Penny?

“No, no. I’m okay,” she said, her brows raising in concern.

She walked toward me and put a hand on my shoulder. I tingled under the weight of her hand on my body and felt close to her. My heartbeat slowed just a bit.

“I’m here,” she said.

I hugged her. To my surprise, she didn’t pull away and let me just hold her there. After a moment, she even placed her hands around my neck and pulled me closer to whisper, “I’m not going anywhere.”

I was reassured for the first time since I left the tsez̈ø. For a while, we just stood there in each other's arms, and I was filled with questions. How could my people have so much hate for humanity when the individuals that make it up could be so incredibly precious? And how had I never known just how precious they could be?

She pulled away from me, and I let a smile creep across my face, a bit embarrassed at having been so frightened. Even so, my concern had helped her understand that I hadn’t come to her completely out of self-interest.

“I’m just checking the cupboards to see if there’s anything good in here. It looks like there’s plenty of food for a few days.”

I picked up a few boxes and looked at the labels. There were cartoons on packages of cereal, bags titled “chips,” and cans with photos of produce and various other food goods. None of it looked as appetizing as the things we’d eaten in the cafe, but I thought that perhaps, something would be worth trying.

She sorted the boxes and bags. Then we carried some into the bedroom and put everything in the room where we’d slept. Penny put the chair back under the door knob as it had been last night, and I sighed as we huddled back onto the bed with our provisions behind locked doors.

Chapter 14


e sat on the bed with our backs against the wall. Penny pulled out the map from her car and said, “My family is from Victoria Falls, Indiana. I think we should try to go somewhere like that. In the

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