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Book online «City of Fallen Souls: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 3) Jez Cajiao (best color ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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grey-blue skin, enormous wings and the twin glossy black horns erupting from his temples. They curved like a bull’s, coming to wicked points that gleamed in the rain.

Promethean Sky Warder

The Prometheans are a proud and hardy race. They once ruled much of the realm, before the coming of the Empire, and they yearn for the glory of their past. Prometheans are cruel and sadistic to those they view as lesser than themselves and will not hesitate to attack at a sign of weakness.

Promises made by a Promethean are said to only be genuine if they fear those they swear to.

Weaknesses: Unknown

Resistances: Unknown

Level: Unknown

HP: Unknown

Mana: Unknown

I glanced over the details as I used ‘Examine,’ but I cut off the spell rather than plow more into it. I couldn’t afford the distraction or the waste of mana.

“Stand down and surrender,” it ordered. I waited.

After a handful of seconds, it bellowed in fury and stepped forward out of the rain, filling the doorway. Overhead, the trapdoor was yanked up, torn off its hinges when the second Promethean couldn’t get the lock open.

“I ordered you to surrender!” the first one bellowed again, and I decided my best chance was to make him mad, so he couldn’t think tactically… or so I’d die sooner.

I stabbed the metal-clad base of the naginata into the ground and faced him, knowing everyone was watching and praying that both Bane and Tang were ready to help out.

Venta landed behind the Promethean and gave me a sharp nod, surrounded by her old gang and acting for all the world like one of them.

I grinned at him and extended my left fist upright, palm toward my chest, fingers clenched, and reached up with my right hand. I pretended to wind an invisible crank attached to my hand, to the vast confusion of the group, until my left middle finger was fully extended… and then I blew the Promethean a kiss.

There was a second of stunned silence before Arrin broke it by laughing and sending a Firebolt skyward to take the Promethean over the trapdoor in the face. Two arrows followed a second after, before a scream and a spray of blood from the Promethean told me that Bane had joined the fight.

I grinned at the Promethean standing before me. He howled in rage and rushed at me, his sword flashing down as I stepped back, grabbing my naginata and readying myself. His gang rushed in around him, and Miren started firing arrow after arrow at them, taking them down easily. Amaat took off in the confusion, two more Alkyon following in hot pursuit. Barrett was swinging for all he was worth, smashing the smaller imps out of the sky as they tried to surround him, and Jian moved like he was dancing, spinning and thrusting, taking down fliers with his swords, while his scythes lay embedded in a corpse nearby.

I twisted my weapon sideways, defecting the strike off to the side. As I pulled the blade back, I struck out with the base of the naginata instead, smashing it into my opponent’s ankle before he could get his shield down. I stepped back, dodging a thrust of the sword, and took the shield bash on the braced haft of my weapon. Feeling my feet slide a couple of inches across the ground, I grunted. However, while this fucker was strong, he wasn’t as fast as the Drow, or as overpoweringly huge as the SporeMother had been.

His little gang was nothing in numbers compared to the Goblins, and that damn Drider had him beat on sheer freakiness.

I grinned at him, watching his fury rise as I refused to be intimidated by him.

A scream came from above as the Promethean died on the rooftop, and arrows flashed out to take down more of the swarm of fliers. A Firebolt shot past me to rock my opponent back on his feet, and I saw Venta spin, suddenly whirling with her daggers, taking down former allies in seconds as they panicked.

All of this happened in a blink, and the Promethean’s eyes widened in shock as his gang members were slaughtered. Venta took off from the gaggle of fliers beyond him, and a heartbeat later, a crash signified Tang getting involved. A thick grey cloud of smoke erupted, cutting off visibility for the remaining fliers in the alleyway, while arrows continued to hammer out into the coughing, frantically moving shapes that briefly materialized through the smoke.

I grinned at my enemy, and he roared in fury, activating some kind of ability. His sword and shield began to glow, as did his slim silver necklace. His eyes filled with blood, and veins all over his body stood out proud and rigid.

His attacks suddenly sped up, and I stepped back, ducking a sword swing and lashing out with a stab. My strike was simply deflected by his shield, which sent me staggering. He stabbed forward, forcing me to jump back again before spinning and almost taking Barrett’s head off as he tried to take the creature from behind. Bellowing furiously, he spun back in time to raise his shield and block a second Firebolt from Arrin, the flames licking across the metal.

“Leave him, he’s mine!” I shouted out to the others, glaring at him.

“You think to face me?! One of the Chosen?!” he screamed at me, froth appearing at the corners of his mouth.

“Oh yeah, I’m gonna fuck you like your daddy!” I growled at him, starting to spin my naginata around, end over end. Switching it from hand to hand, I smiled as the whistle of its passage filled the air, a touch of mana blazing the haft to life. I couldn’t use much, not with Oracle providing heals to the group, which meant I definitely couldn’t use my new Mana-Overdrive ability.

I didn’t need it, though. I could do this.

I stepped forward, edging closer to him as he stabbed out, testing my speed. He could test all he wanted, I decided. I didn’t have the time to fuck

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