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going to patch up Bob first, and then we talk to them. Are there any that you know from before?” I asked hopefully.

“There be two lads that I recognize, but they be shipyard rats, never been out flyin’ th’ ships before, just fixin’ ’em. Might be that some o’ the reason there be so many arguments is because they be new to the ship. I’ll go talk to ’em; willna be long. Bob be a scary bastard, so I bet they’ll be happy to do anythin’ I ask when he be standin’ behind me!” Oren winked at me and set off towards the cages, giving me the chance to actually inspect the inhabitants properly for the first time.

I’d made a point of ignoring the people held in them, as I’d seen them as the ship’s crew. Because it was a warship, I had assumed they must all be loyal to Barabarattas. However, now that I knew that Oren’s crew had been under the watchful eye of the guards, it made me wonder if these buggers had been the same? Maybe there weren’t so many loyal to the city, as just too scared to step out of line? Whatever…I thought, turning to look up at the raised deck and seeing the top of Bob’s skull reflecting the sunlight. I headed over, taking the steps two at a time, but came to sudden halt when I reached the top.

Bob stood motionless, waiting for an order and watching over the ship, surrounded by the four corpses of the captain, the mage, and the last two guards that he’d killed yesterday.

The sun was well up now, and the combination of the warmth, the dead bodies, and the sticky blood had attracted flies by the dozens, if not hundreds. Bob stood motionless near the top of the stairs, but I grimaced as I looked around.

I needed the corpses for their bones in order to repair Bob. I also needed to check them over, as these were the most likely to have decent gear, and when I tore the bones apart to rebuild Bob, the flesh and internal organs tended to liquify and become a noxious mess. I didn’t want the gear ruined. I’d have to do it the old-fashioned way, but that didn’t mean I had to do it alone. I walked to the side of the ship, looking down to find Lydia staggering over and hurling a rock the size of her head off the balcony to disappear into the trees below. She stood catching her breath for a second before straightening up as though she was fine, as soon as one of the wanna-be hunters appeared. Before she could disappear from view, I called out to her.

“Hey, Lydia!” She stopped, looking around a bit until she saw me waving a hand, and she jogged across to the gangplank and up onto the ship. In short order, she was up on the raised deck with me, clapping her fist to her chest in salute and trying to ignore the flies as assiduously as I was.

“Aye, m’lord?” she asked, her eyes watering from the smell.

“I need a little help, and you were the closest that I know I can trust.” I said, noting the way she stood even straighter and the faint smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth as she nodded back at me.

“’Course, m’lord, what d’ yer need?” she said.

“Well, I need to search these bodies, I’m afraid. You mind helping me out?” I saw the tightening around her eyes at the thought, but she went straight ahead, nodding at me and turning to the corpses.

“I’ll strip ‘em down and get rid of ’em. Do you want me to bring the gear to you, or…”?

“Don’t worry, I’m not that much of an asshole, Lydia. I’ll be doing it too; I just wanted a little help, that’s all. We need to strip anything useful off first. Just pile it up here, okay?” I said, getting a nod in return as I went to the nearest body on my side.

It was that prick of a light mage. I had no idea what his name was, and I really didn’t care, so I quickly searched him. I found a few potions; two mana ones were pretty easy to identify, the almost glowing blue syrupy content literally screamed ‘mana potion’ to me, and when I used ‘Identify’ on them, I wasn’t surprised at all.

Mana Solution

Further Description Yes/No


This mana potion will restore 150 mana immediately, followed by a further 2.5 mana per second for 90 seconds.









The only surprising thing was the strength, I slipped them both into my potions pouch with a clink of bottles, and cast ‘Identify’ on the third unknown potion. It was brown, and well… it was gloopy as fuck. I tilted it from side to side and watched it move with the slow viscosity of mud. I really didn’t want to drink it, no matter what it was.

Earthen Ability Boost

Further Description Yes/No


This potion will increase the imbiber’s affinity for Earth magic by 20% for 180 seconds.









I figured it was a good potion, if you had a load of earth spells, but hell no, not for me. I stored it in the potion pouch for the moment, but immediately forgot it in my excitement when I pulled off the mage’s rings.

Ring of Veritas

Further Description Yes/No


The ring of Veritas was made by the Dwarven Sage Bennitos. Bennitos grew so enraged one day at the sloppy lies his customers told him that he created a ring that would glow in the presence of untruths.

Be warned, this ring will only react if the subject of the wearer’s attention is aware they are lying...









I could see some serious uses for this straight away, but the fact that it was both out of charges, and down to a durability of eleven out of one hundred meant I was shit outta luck.

I put it on, as it was fairly cool looking, a jet-black

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