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Book online «Bleeding Edge: Elliot Security (Elliot Security Series Book 2) Evie Mitchell (romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Evie Mitchell

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screen to black. I took a breath and turned back to the table at large. These were the cream of Elliot Securities, the men and women who worked hard and got shit done. I tightened my grip on my cane, nervously pressing a hand to my stomach.

“At fifteen, I ran from the God’s Patriots. The group is an extreme variation of Christianity. Their leader is the final coming of God. Think Scientology, only less welcoming.” That got a few smiles around the table.

“Their leader is Edward. No known last name. He has one known relative, a brother, David, also in the church. Together, they form the religious hierarchy. The church believes they are ordained by God to bring forth the final coming. They’re prepared to do anything to protect and grow their flock. Edward’s a hacker. His skill with computers is unparalleled. I don’t know his background, but I do know he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen. He uses these skills to reach out to others, to convince them he is God reincarnate.” I gestured at the briefing pack before them. “As outlined, child marriages, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and psychological trauma are some of the crimes the group perpetrates. Fraud, blackmail, and cybercrime are highly encouraged.” I pinched the bridge of my nose with two fingers.

“Their last known location is WA. I’ve described the compound as I knew it. They have their own servers, own solar panels, live off the grid as much as possible.” I dropped my hand. “The only times they went to town were when they needed something they couldn’t make or grow. Fuel, spare parts, that kind of thing. The children went to school to ensure they weren’t flagged in any child service systems.” I shrugged. “At least until they built their own.”

I looked at the group. “These people are well-trained and dangerous. Anything you have online they will get to. Bank accounts, medical files, pictures, anything. If you have an online presence, they’ll get to it.” I let that sink in. “They will use blackmail, threats, and have the skills to do horrific acts. I watched them trial bomb making. I’ve watched them hack into webcams and set up a surveillance on people in order to blackmail them. I’ve watched them ruin a man to the point he committed suicide.” I swallowed, my mouth dry. “These are not nice people. They teach you blind loyalty from the moment you enter to the moment you die. You leave? You’re still their property, and they’ll hunt you down.”

I reached for the glass of water on the table, taking my time. Replacing the glass, I kept my eyes on the back wall.

“When I was… younger… I was married to David. After the wedding night, I escaped while he slept. I took with me fifty thousand dollars I stole from their accounts. I remain the property of the church. My father and siblings are still there, as far as I know. I stole from their church, and I’m married to one of their leaders – as much as I hate that fact. That’s three strikes. They won’t stop until I’m back.” I finally looked at the group. “You want out? That’s okay. I understand and encourage it. They’ll do whatever they need to get their property back. Threaten you, lie, steal, kill. I can’t guarantee your safety. I can’t guarantee anything.” I stopped, unsure of how to finish. “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

I waited in silence as the group pondered my words. Jack spoke first.

“So, we start with last known location?” He looked around the table.

Kel nodded. “I say we fly someone up to WA to have a chat to the local police, see if we can’t get someone over there on some kind of ‘business meeting.’” She used fingers for emphasis. “That way if they’re watching any of us, we don’t tip them off.”

“AFP need to be brought in.” This came from Brean. “They have a cyber unit for a reason. Chances are, these guys will be known to them.”

“Let’s map this.” Jack stood, walking to the giant whiteboard, which took up a whole wall and began to write names and places.

I looked around the table, men and women who were ignoring the danger.

“Em?” Addie wrapped soft fingers around my arm, squeezing reassuringly.

“I don’t… I don’t understand…” I shook my head. Watching as Pax stood, talking to Jack, before taking another marker and writing some information on the board.

“They love you, Em. Can’t you see that?”

I shook my head again. “But why?”

She looked at me a long time. People moved around us, conversations loud and animated as they brainstormed my problem.

“If you don’t know, then we haven’t done our job properly.” With that she pulled me in for a hug.

I clutched at her.

“Emmie?” Pax stared intently at the whiteboard, tapping a marker against the palm of one hand.

“Boss?” I moved beside him.

“We need your father’s name. Don’t care if it’s an alias. He had a history before this cult, chances are he’s got information we can dig up. Associates. We can see if any of that gives us an entry.”

I nodded, taking the offered whiteboard marker.

“Siblings as well. Who knows? One of them may have gotten out, they could be looking for you, have left breadcrumbs somewhere along the way.”

I hesitated. “Right.” I doubted any had managed after me.

“We need the names of anyone who was around, the school you went to, the cars you drove, the place you bought fuel, etcetera. Anything we can use to track back to them.”

Pax rubbed his chin. “We need the IT guys down here. Someone get me…” He paused, “Someone get me Sawyer and Max. I want them in on this.” His gaze whipped around the room. “Everything we discuss stays in here. This is not on a computer, this is not mentioned in an email, this is kept in this room. Clear?”

Everyone nodded.

“Good.” His gaze came to me. “You get a choice. You can

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