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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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and ears, didn't she? We was the audience and it was plain as a pikestaff he was a bad apple.'

'Yes, but we saw his bad side and Rose only saw the goodness in him,' Bella answered airily. 'Love is obviously an emotion that you're too immature to know about.'

Ray gave her one of his reproachful stares. 'I might.'

Bella was enjoying herself, having a laugh at Ray's expense. She'd actually forgotten all about Dixons and even Micky who hadn't come into her mind for at least three hours. Which was a record for her.

'Rose let him soft-soap her,' Ray continued in a whining voice. 'Would you marry me if you thought I'd murdered someone?'

'She wouldn't marry you anyway,' Dolly interrupted before Rose could answer and the two girls began giggling.

'Shut up, Dol!' Ray looked embarrassed. 'I was just supposing, that's all. Murdering someone ain't like on the films, all glamorous and exciting. That's not real life.'

'It's not meant to be, you chump,' Dolly replied haughtily as she pushed the little green hat on her head back an inch.

'Well, I felt sorry for her,' Percy intervened as he frowned ahead. 'The poor kid was besotted. After all she was only a waitress and he was flashing around all his dough. She was young and impressionable so it was natural she fancied him as he was rich in her eyes. Wouldn't any girl be swayed by money?'

'Money wouldn't impress me,' Bella replied earnestly. 'No, it was something else about Pinkie. He was a gangster and frightening, yet she really wanted him to turn out all right.'

Ray laughed loudly. 'It did, didn't it? Turn out all right, I mean. He fell off the end of a pier.'

'Terry likes the pier,' Terry said speaking for the first time since they left the cinema.

'Why's that, Terry mate?' Percy glanced over his shoulder.

'Got lots of lights, pretty things in the water.'

Bella smiled as she thought how Terry always took the best from everything. She studied his blunt profile, his blinking eyes and thin brown hair. Hidden somewhere in his head she was sure he kept the bad memories all parcelled up in a little box. She just hoped he never opened the lid. Even if it meant he stayed as he was for the rest of his life at least he'd be happy.

Suddenly she was aware of Ray's fingers cupping her shoulder tightly. His thigh pressed hard against her leg. His bent close to her and whispered, 'How about it then Bells, coming out with us again?'

'Who's us?' she demanded loud enough for everyone to hear.

At the explosion of laughter, Ray flushed. 'You know what I mean,' he hissed glancing nervously at the back of his sister's head.

'No, I don't.'

'He's still dopey over you Bella,' Dolly broadcast from the front seat. 'Put a collar and lead on him and take him home with you for goodness' sake!'

Ray dropped his hand to loosen his tie. 'This is the last time I'm coming out with you lot again.'

'Really?' Dolly lifted her chin. 'You couldn't wait to get in the car this evening!'

'Well, I'm buying a motor for myself soon. You'll be quick enough to cadge a lift then, I'll bet.'

'Oh, stop arguing.' Bella put up her hands. 'You'll have to ask me again, Ray. When everyone's not listening.'

This brought even more laughter from the front seats and Ray's face was a picture of shame.

After a while, Bella gave Ray a nudge in the ribs. He refused to look at her and she repeated the action. She felt sorry for him but he could be such a drip. However, he had paid for their meal at Lyons and the cinema tickets, whilst Percy had bought only the ice creams, keeping his money well inside his breast pocket.

Ray was generous if nothing else. If he bought himself a car, she might be interested in going out with him. She wasn't doing anything interesting lately, anyway. Softly she lay her hand on his and squeezed it.

She smiled encouragingly. It wouldn't hurt to keep him sweet she told herself as Ray suddenly looked as though he'd won the pools.

Chapter 10

Miss Conway's face was a mask of horror. 'Would you repeat that, please?' The thick pile of papers in her hand suddenly trembled as though they had been struck by a force ten gale.

Bella made herself to look into her accusing eyes. 'These errors aren't mine. I don't know who did them but it wasn't me.'

'You're blaming someone else?'

'I don't know who, but yes.' Bella had decided to speak up for herself at last. Ray would be waiting outside to collect her as they had plans to go out for the evening. She wanted to leave on time. For once she wasn't prepared to be the scapegoat for some other person's pleasure.

'There is no mistake this time,' Miss Conway decided, holding the file aloft. 'The Harrington account was allotted to your care, Miss Doyle. First you lose it and now we have more crossings out and mistakes. If it wasn't you, then pray tell me who it was?'

'I don't know,' Bella replied. 'But I've been especially careful to check my work since Christmas, specifically the Harrington account. I was wrongly accused before and it looks as though that same person is doing it again.'

Kathleen Conway's mouth became a thin line of fury. 'How dare you speak of your colleagues in such a way? You are accusing one of them of a deliberate act of deception.'

Bella shrugged. 'I'm not prepared to take the blame any more.'

'Miss Doyle, I advise you to retract your accusations immediately.' Miss Conway said recovered fractionally from the shock of Bella's mutiny. 'It is up to you to remain here after hours and put right what is wrong. As for your outburst regarding other members of staff, on this occasion I'll overlook it, providing I have your immediate apology.'

Bella shook her head. 'I don't see there's anything to apologize for as it's me that's in the right.'

Miss Conway stared

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