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Book online «StarPyre Jade Waltz (ebooks children's books free .TXT) 📖». Author Jade Waltz

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him, I sat down and poked his side. “Celyze?”

There was no response. I tried again and received the same result.

Leaning over, I cupped the silver head of his cock, trying to bring it to life. Nothing.

Had I just fucked a guy to death? I knew the risk existed for older people trying to get it on. Sadly, it had happened to my character once on the Sims, and that had been a miserable experience.

Pressing my hand between his pectorals, I searched for a pulse and found two.

Good. At least I could rest easy knowing I hadn’t fucked him to death.

Turning to the others, I pointed at Celyze. “Sleep. Yes?”

The two of them looked at each other before shaking their heads. “Celyze no sleep.”

If he wasn’t asleep, then what the fuck was he doing?

They must’ve caught my confusion because Auro pointed at Celyze’s wings, then to my forehead, then back to his wings. After repeating the motion a few times, I finally realized what he was trying to say.

My idea had worked. Somehow, Celyze had gathered enough power from our time together. He must be using his newfound energy to broadcast an SOS message into space.

I wondered why our passionate session hadn’t left me drained. Sure, I was tired, but I wasn’t lying on the floor unconscious like he was. It also bothered me that he wasn’t responding to my touches. What man didn’t jerk awake when someone fondled his junk?

I never got my answer; the sound of the wall opening grabbed my attention. I scrambled for my blanket to wrap around my shoulders in a feeble attempt to hide the fact I wasn’t a Swynemi, even though I had a feeling that my kidnappers had known that from the get-go. I threw myself on top of Celyze.

Let them believe I was in the middle of claiming my third alien boyfriend. They were sick fucks who wanted to breed us like cattle. If they were determined to treat us like livestock, then I would pretend to do what livestock did best.

Three Vhalxt appeared in the doorway while I put on a show. Fake cries and moans left my lips as I rocked back and forth on Celyze’s lap. I had had enough experience faking pleasure in order to get a lame lay to leave faster. It was now time to put that skill to good use.

I threw my head back and screamed, allowing my hair to cascade behind me. I kept up my charade, hoping the Vhalxt would be satisfied that we were following orders and leave us alone.

A screechy voice said something incomprehensible, the sound reminiscent of a saw cutting a piece of metal. I flinched, unable to ignore the piercing chatter making my ears ring.

Auro placed a hand on my shoulder with a hard grip, stilling me. He shook his head.

One of the Vhalxt stood next to him, carrying a suitcase-like object and a scanner in his hands. Shivering, I shot a nervous glance at my two emerald boyfriends, noting their pale complexions.

I knew the Vhalxt wouldn’t find what they were looking for. However, if they were willing to interrupt me in the midst of passion to scan my body, nothing would stop them.

Auro backed away, returning to Luwyn’s side. I tightened my grip on my blanket, hoping they wouldn’t force me to undress. They would see I was wingless and not one of the Swynemi.

Keeping my hood over my head, I sat still and sent a prayer to Celyze’s Cosmic Powers that the Vhalxt wouldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary.

A mechanical noise sounded, similar to the beep of a cashier’s scanner. I stared intently at Celyze’s slumbering face as if I could drill a hole into his head and will him to wake up. Now wasn’t the time for him to be dancing with the stars; I needed him here.

The Vhalxt’s familiar screeching voices filled the room. Every sharp wail felt like it was physically stabbing my eardrums, evoking the beginnings of a headache in my temple. Auro and Luwyn replied harshly in their language, flinging both Celyze’s and my name into the other incomprehensible babble.

Rough hands grabbed my shoulders, nails stabbing through my blanket shield, and ripped me off of Celyze. A scream escaped my lips as I landed on the floor on my hands and knees, the hood of my blanket pulled back and a curtain of cascading rainbow hair around me.

Moaning from the sudden stabs of pain in my knees, I glanced back to where I’d been and gasped in horror. A Vhalxt was wrapping Celyze’s unconscious form in his silky, thick spider web. Slowly, his whole body disappeared inside a white cocoon.

Off to the side, another Vhalxt restrained Auro and Luwyn by their wrists, tying them together in the air with silken threads. Fear was etched into my alien boyfriends' faces as their eyes begged me to stay still.

Was this it? Our last moment together?

If so, I planned to go down fighting. Sooner or later, the monsters were going to eat me anyway; I might as well make them work for their dinner.

The Vhalxt didn’t bother to restrain me, treating me like a complacent female. Meek, dumb, and weak—that was how males like them expected a female to be. Too bad, I wasn’t any of those things.

I searched the room for anything I could use as a weapon. Something shiny sat in the corner Celyze had frequented, peeking out from the pile of blankets he’d stored there. Carefully, I crept over and bent down, slowly and without any sudden movements. I covertly snatched up the hidden treasure, tucking it underneath my blanket.

Flight or fight mode activated.

I wasn’t going to sit here and wait to die. My natural hair color may be blonde under all of this silver and rainbow dye, but I wouldn’t be crying like a useless blonde bimbo from a movie.

The floor shook violently as if the ship had crashed or been hit. All three Vhalxt panicked.

The leader rapidly bark-hissed something

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