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you,” Martin said.

“It would appear so,” she replied, her eyes not straying from the mare. “What a beautiful creature.”

Martin shifted. “Your sister ordered the grooms to saddle the most docile horse for you.”

“That was most kind of her.” She paused. “I believe it is time I mount.”

He walked over to join her on the other side of the horse. “Allow me.” He intertwined his fingers and leaned over.

Hannah placed her foot into his hands as she steadied herself by resting her hands on his shoulders. Then, he gently assisted her onto the side saddle. Once she was situated, she sucked in a breath, clearly tense.

Martin remained close. “How are you faring?”

“Well,” she said through clenched teeth.

“That didn’t sound very convincing,” he teased.

The mare took a step forward and a look of panic came to Hannah’s face. She leaned forward and placed her hand on the horn of the saddle.

“Hannah,” he said in a reassuring tone. “I want you to look at me.”

She turned to face him but didn’t release her firm grip on the horn.

“I am going to slowly lead the horse down this path,” he explained. “I just want you to focus on enjoying the ride.”

“I can do that,” she responded tersely.

He gave her an encouraging smile. “You can relax,” he stated. “If you fall off the horse, I will catch you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You must trust me.”

She bobbed her head. “I do.”

Martin felt immense pride in those simple words, and he hoped he never did anything to lose Hannah’s trust.

Slowly, he began leading the horse along the dirt path near the stables. He wanted to ensure Hannah became more comfortable with being in the saddle. He glanced back at her and was pleased to see that she appeared much more relaxed. Her back was straight, and her body seemed to move with the mare.

“Would you care for the reins now?” he asked over his shoulder.

She paused. “Will you remain by me?”

“I will.”

“Then I will give it a go.”

Martin stopped and extended her the reins. “You are riding brilliantly,” he praised.

She laughed as she accepted the reins. “I daresay you need spectacles, then.”

“Just think what you have accomplished in such a short period of time.”

Hannah flicked the reins and the mare started walking down the path. “The longer I ride, the more familiar it becomes.”

“I am pleased to hear that.”

“Although, I am not sure if Lord Charles will be impressed with this sedate pace on our ride through Hyde Park tomorrow.”

Martin found his mood souring at the mention of Lord Charles. “I don’t give a fig what Lord Charles thinks, and neither should you.” He said his words much harsher than he had intended.

She eyed him curiously. “Are you not friends with Lord Charles?”

“I am.”

“You have an odd way of showing it,” she muttered.

Martin glanced over at her. “I have no problem with Lord Charles. I find him to be an honorable man.”

“As do I.”

“Good,” he forced out.

Hannah increased the horse’s speed just a tad, and he found himself trailing behind, which was good, as he found he wasn’t in the mood to talk anymore.

Hannah realized that a smile was on her lips as she descended the stairs and headed towards the breakfast parlor. She was in the most pleasant mood. When the birds had awakened her this morning, she didn’t find them as irksome. Instead, she thought of her father cradling her by the window.

She stepped in the parlor and saw Edward sitting at the head of the table with a newspaper in his hands. He promptly rose and greeted her, “Good morning, Hannah.”

“Good morning,” she replied cheerfully. “Isn’t today a wonderful day?”

He gave her a peculiar look as he returned to his seat. “Should I fetch the doctor?”

She laughed as she stepped over to the buffet table. “I know I am not generally cheerful in the morning—”

Kate cut her off as she stepped into the room. “I can wholly attest to that.”

“As I was saying,” Hannah resumed, “I know I am not generally cheerful in the morning, but I find myself looking forward to today’s activities.”

“Is that so?” Kate asked as she came around the table and sat down.

“Yesterday, I conquered my fear of riding a horse, and I am eager to go on a ride with Lord Charles through Hyde Park,” Hannah replied as she sat down at the table.

“You were outside for a considerable amount of time with Martin yesterday,” Kate commented.

“Yes, he was most patient with me,” Hannah said, “but I didn’t dare go faster than a trot.”

Edward glanced over at Kate before commenting, “You have been spending quite a bit of time with Martin.”

“I have,” Hannah agreed as she placed her napkin on her lap. “Although, he has been rather opinionated about my relationship with Lord Charles.”

“Why do you suppose that is?” Kate asked.

Hannah gave a half-shrug. “I’m not sure, but it’s rather irksome.”

“Do you take issue with him pursuing Lady Emma?” Kate inquired.

“I do not,” Hannah replied. “I just want Martin to be happy with his choice of bride.”

“As do I,” Kate stated, “and I do believe Lady Emma is a good match for him.”

Hannah reached for the cup of chocolate a footman had just placed in front of her and took a sip. “Martin does appear to be taken with her,” she said as she put it back on the saucer.

Kate gave her a pointed look. “As you do with Lord Charles.”

“I find Lord Charles most agreeable.”

“That’s an interesting way to describe a suitor,” Kate commented.

“What would you like me to say?” she asked. “That I am desperately in love with him, and I swoon at the mere sight of him?”

Kate shook her head. “That’s not what I’m saying at all.”

“I’m not going into this blindly,” Hannah asserted. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

“But I am your older, and much wiser, sister,” Kate teased. “I will always worry about you.”

Hannah picked up a piece of plum cake. “I would be foolish to discount your advice,

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