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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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she was going to her sister’s house to stay for a few days. Knowing this, he leaves work at around the same time and goes to Samantha’s house for the evening to work some more. That make any sense to you?”

Tilting his head back a bit, Shawn didn’t need to think about it long. “Well, if my wife kicked me out of my house for a few days, then text me to let me know she was leaving for a while,” pausing, his eyes squinted and he bit his bottom lip. “I think I just might be ready to chill on my own sofa and sleep in my own bed as soon as I could, work or not.”

“Exactly. That is unless the sexy co-worker’s bed is better. And if it is, we just may have a little motive.”

“So, what time is this sexy little number supposed to be here?”

“She should be downstairs any minute now.”

Excited, Shawn jumped out of his chair. “Let’s do this! I get bad cop right?”

Martinez shook his head and headed out the door, Shawn following behind him. As they reached the end of the stairwell and opened the heavy door into the police lobby, Samantha was coming in from the main entrance. She was wearing a tight, black V-neck shirt showing just enough cleavage and a pair of khaki Capri’s.

Whispering to Martinez, Shawn said, “Da-yum!”

Reaching out his right hand, Martinez greeted her. “Miss Brown, thank you so much for coming down. This is Detective Johnson. He’ll be joining us today, if that’s okay with you?”

She smiled, her semi-crooked teeth peering through her dark mauve lipstick. “It’s no problem. Anything to help Brandon out. Please, just call me Sam.”

After being shown to the interview room, Martinez took a seat across from Sam setting his notebook on the table. Shawn remained standing off to the side in order to gauge her facial expressions and step in when he felt the need.

Martinez placed the recorder on the table and pressed play. “Obviously, this conversation will be recorded as per our policy.”

She nodded her head, placed her iPhone on the table next to his recorder and began to record as well. She winked at him. “I have my own policy.”

Shaking his head in response he turned to Shawn, “You good with that?”

Before Shawn could answer, Sam stated matter-of-factly, “It’s my Constitutional right, detectives.” Her blue eyes glared at them through her black eyeliner.

“Okay then.” Martinez looked at his notes for a moment. “So, I guess we can start with this past Thursday. You were working this day?”

“I work everyday, Detective,” she said with a slight smile of defiance.

Shawn was irked by her current demeanor and couldn’t wait to step in but he let Martinez continue. “Let me reword that; you were working at the Tribune on Thursday? And if so, did you happen to see when Brandon arrived that day?”

“I was at the office and I think Brandon got there sometime before lunch.”

“Would you be able to tell me if he was at the tribune for the entire day?”

“Actually, yeah. We’ve been working on an assignment together and it took up the majority of the day Thursday. We had some catching up to do since he had to be in court the entire morning.” Her lips curled with annoyance.

Not changing his pleasant, good-cop tone he asked, “Do you know what time he left for the day?”

Looking him square in the eyes she said, “I do.”

Not being able to take her attitude anymore, Shawn spoke up. “Enough with the brazen bullshit already and just answer the questions.”

“I did answer the question, Detective.”

Moving forward he placed his hands down hard on the table startling her. “What time did Mr. DeFranco leave the Tribune Tuesday and can you vouch for his whereabouts after the fact?”

Her temper began to flare a bit but she didn’t look away from his gaze. “I’m not sure I need to put up with this type of questioning.”

Still centered and calm, the interview was going just as he planned. “Sam, you’ll have to forgive my partner here, he didn’t get his coffee this morning.” Shawn backed off and retreated to his space against the wall. “Can you please tell us what time Brandon left for the day and if you know where he went afterward?”

Her eyes remained on Shawn as she moved her head slowly towards Martinez. “Brandon and I left the office around 8:30 and we went back to my place to order in some food and finish some things with regards to our assignment.”

“And what time did he leave your place that evening?”

“He didn’t.” Glancing at Shawn she continued, “He fell asleep on the couch and we left for work together the next morning.”

“Sam, can you tell me how long you have known Brandon DeFranco?”

Rolling her eyes to think for a moment, she said, “I don’t know, about three years I guess.”

“The two of you close?”

Shrugging her shoulders she replied, “Pretty close. I’m basically his work wife.”

Although his facial expression didn’t change, a red flag went off for Martinez and he knew Shawn would be chiming in again soon.

“Did you know his wife well? The two of you get along?”

She sighed. “Pam and I didn’t talk much. She did her own thing and I don’t think she liked Brandon working so much. They were having problems, you know. Hence, he was staying at my place.”

Martinez continued taking notes. He looked up at her from his pad, tapped his pen, and casually asked, “So, he had been staying with you for how long?”

“Since last Saturday when she called the police and kicked him out of his house,” she said bitterly.

“Sounds like you might have a jealous beef with the little wifey,” said Shawn antagonizing her.

Squinting her eyes at him defensively, Sam growled back, “Pam was a snotty bitch and hated the fact that he and I had the relationship we did. She was the jealous one.” She quickly realized she allowed him to get the best of her.

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