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Book online «The Family Affair: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Cozy Mysteries Series Book 9) Hope Callaghan (read novels website TXT) 📖». Author Hope Callaghan

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cheating dogs were outed right there on the radio and those women were ticked. I would hate to have been some of them when the women got their hands on the cheaters.”

“Well, now you know it works.” Carlita reached for the phone records.

“It’s one of my methods to track down valuable information. I have many more up my sleeve. So what’s the next step? Are you going to confront Shelby and ask her who Quinton Towns is?”

“It’s on my to-do list, Elvira, but not this morning.  I have something else to take care of first.”

Elvira followed them to the door.  “What about our fact-finding trip to the Black Stallion? We could run by there this evening.”

“Yes, I guess it couldn’t hurt,” Carlita said.

“Perfect.” Elvira rubbed her hands together. “Let’s rendezvous at eighteen hundred hours in the alley.”

“Which is?”

“Six o’clock.”

“Sure.” Carlita thanked her again, for helping them sift through Shelby’s phone records and then they stepped onto the sidewalk.

Mercedes waited until the door was closed.  “What do you think?”

“The waters are getting murkier by the minute. I tossed and turned all night thinking about it. After this morning’s phone calls, Shelby is obviously hiding something and I agree with Elvira. I think the man lurking about was Quinton Towns.”

“You keep saying you have something to take care of.” Carlita began walking and Mercedes fell into step.  “Let me guess…you’re going to follow Vinnie to see what kind of business he has to take care of.”

“That’s one plan. I also tossed around the idea of asking Vinnie for his help. Vinnie already has knowledge of the Black Stallion if what Elvira claims is true and she saw him there. I don’t know what he’s planning for today, but maybe I can talk to him privately and ask him what’s going down at the Black Stallion.”

“He might not be willing to help you Ma,” Mercedes pointed out. “The family code of honor and all that jazz. It would be considered a conflict of interest.”

“True. The last thing I want to do is put one of my sons on the wrong side of the family.”

“Maybe a better bet is to follow Vinnie, and then later meet with Shelby and ask her about Quinton.”

“I see your point and you’re right. Still, I need to find out for myself what Vinnie is up to.” Carlita sighed heavily. It had been a long few days and it felt like her world was crumbling around her.  Tony and Shelby, Vinnie’s surprise marriage and Vinnie’s new job, working for the head of the mafia.

“I say we don’t jump to conclusions,” Mercedes suggested. “We still need to figure out how the cash we found in the backpack, the Harner Street property and the Black Stallion Club are related.”

The women stopped by the pawnshop to chat with Tony, where they found Vinnie and Brittney.

Brittney’s eyes lit when she spied Mercedes. “I’m ready to go.”

“Me too.”

Carlita handed Mercedes the car keys.  â€śYou don’t need the car for your…errand?”

“Uh, I hadn’t thought of that.” Carlita had no idea where Vinnie was headed. Her eldest son wasn’t much of a walker, and she was almost certain wherever he was going, he would drive.

“You can take my Segway. The helmet is hanging on the handlebars.”

“I’m not sure about that, Mercedes. You know I’m still not comfortable tooling around on it.”

Mercedes had taught her mother how to navigate around their neighborhood on the Segway, but that was the extent of her comfort level.

“You might not have a choice.”

Mercedes was right. If Vinnie drove off in his car and Mercedes took their car, Carlita’s only means of transportation would be Tony’s car, a vehicle Vinnie would easily recognize. The Segway would give Carlita the ability to stay under the radar. If, however, Vinnie headed out of town and onto the highway, she would be out of luck.

Vinnie would never suspect his mother trailing after him on the two-wheeler.  “You’re right Mercedes. I might have to borrow your Segway.”

Mercedes squeezed her mother’s arm.  “You can do it. Just keep an eye out for the uneven bricks. They’ll throw you for a loop if you’re not careful. Oh, and watch out for the touristas. They never pay attention to where they’re going and have a bad habit of walking right into your path.”

“Great. Maybe I should forget about the whole thing.”

Brittney listened quietly to the exchange. “I’m not sure I would want to get on one of those Segways. They look tippy. You can always go shoe shopping with us.”

“I appreciate your offer, Brittney. Maybe next time.”

Vinnie made his way over. “You two ladies heading out?”

“We are.” Mercedes held up the car keys and gave them a quick shake.  “We should only be a couple of hours. Do you want us to bring some food back?”

“Sure. Whatever Brittney wants,” Vinnie leaned forward and gave his wife a smooch.

“You’re so sweet,” Brittney gushed.

“Sickeningly sweet,” Mercedes muttered.

“Mercedes,” Carlita chided.

“I’m kidding. Let’s go.” Mercedes and Brittney exited through the back of the store and Tony wandered over.  “Has Shelby stopped by yet?”

“I haven’t seen her. I’m not sure how long she plans to stay at her aunt and uncle’s place.”

“She called earlier to say she was going to run by the apartment and pick up a few more things, so I guess she won’t be home tonight either.” Tony massaged the back of his neck. “I tried to bring up the subject of her ex, to see if she heard anything else from the investigators. She shut me down.”

“She has a lot on her mind, son. Give her time,” Carlita said softly.

“Speaking of time, I gotta get goin’.” Vinnie glanced at his watch.  “I’m gonna be late for my appointment.”

Vinnie strolled out of the store and Carlita

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