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out of the entire school.

Stopping in my tracks, I turn to face her slowly. She doesn’t have her usual backup of Iris and the other cheerleaders with her—maybe she and Iris are on the outs again this week. Whatever the reason, I’m glad she’s alone.

Because I’m about to kick her ass.

I’ve never gotten in a fistfight before. I’m not really a violent person. But after all the weird shit that’s happened in the past few weeks, the exhaustion of maintaining constant vigilance, the mindfucks and the games, I’m just about ready to crack. There’s an energy pent up inside me like liquid lightning, and it just wants to unleash on someone.

Might as well be this bitch.

“I knew they’d figure out it was a cheat if you did well in your business class.” She smirks. “My friend Megan is in that class, and she says you never know the right answer when Mr. Arndt calls on you. Why am I not surpri—”

The end of the word turns into a high-pitched shriek as my fist connects with the side of her face. I didn’t get a great wind-up, so it wasn’t the world’s hardest punch. But Savannah isn’t the world’s toughest cookie either. Her head whips sideways, one hand flying up to clamp over her cheek. She uses her other to brace against the wall, keeping herself from going to the ground as she stumbles.

Then she rights herself, blinking fast as she stares at me. “You—you—”

I don’t give her time to think of the perfect insult, dropping my backpack to the sidewalk before swinging at her again. She throws her arms up and manages to block my punch, but I hook my leg behind hers and push, bringing us both to the ground. I end up on top and use the position to yank on her bright red hair—hard. She shrieks, batting at my face with her claw-like nails.

Sounds pour into my ears from around us as we fight, and I’m vaguely aware we’ve drawn a crowd that’s whistling and yelling, but I don’t really care. At least, I don’t until a large pair of hands lands on my shoulders and hauls me away from the shrieking cheerleader. I stumble to my feet and look up into Mr. Arndt’s angry face.

“Ms. Thomas.” His lips press into a line. “Shall we go back to see Mr. Osterhaut—again?”

Savannah and I are both hauled into the principal’s office. She’s got a split lip, and her hair is a mess. She cries a lot, and there are several witnesses who can confirm I threw the first punch. I tell Osterhaut she basically admitted to tampering with the test, but he doesn’t really listen or care.

So I get detention and Savannah gets sent home.

I’ll have to stay after school every day for the next two weeks, starting today. And they’re calling my mother to report what happened.

Fucking great.

I stomp down the hall, accompanied by Mr. Arndt—who’s probably wishing he was home sipping a nice cold beer or something right now instead of escorting a surly teenager to her punishment.

He drops me off at the large room, and the teacher’s aid checks me in.

When I turn to find a seat, I hesitate for a second. River is sitting at a desk in the back row, watching me with a surprised look on his face. I’m not sure why—it’s not like we’re friends or anything—but I head toward the back and take the seat one over from his.

As I settle into the chair, he turns to face me more fully, gaze still locked on my face.

“What are you in for?” he murmurs.

“I punched Savannah in the mouth.”

The grin he shoots me is the most genuine expression I’ve ever seen him wear.


Mom isn’t happy about my picking a fight with another girl, but she at least lets me tell my side of the story. And she seems content to let two weeks of detention be my punishment, instead of grounding me on top of it or something.

I think her lenience is partly due to the fact that she’s in a good mood because she has a date. She won’t tell me who it’s with—says she doesn’t want to jinx it until she knows for sure whether it’s even worth pursuing—but she’s giddy with excitement.

I’m glad.

Not so much because she goes easy on me, but because she hasn’t gone out with anyone in a while, and I like to see her happy. I wish she’d tell me who this clown is so I could Google the fuck out of him though.

Ah well. If they go out again, I’ll make her spill the beans. She’s usually not great at keeping secrets anyway.

On Saturday night, two days after my little tussle with Savannah, Mom pops into my room to say goodbye on her way out. She looks gorgeous, with her dark brown hair done up in a loose, casual style and a teal green top that’s classy and flattering.

I can tell she’s excited but nervous, so I “ooh” and “aah” over her before giving her a kiss on the cheek and sending her on her way. I make her promise to be home by midnight and use protection, because I’ve gotta give her a little shit while I’m at it, right?

Once she’s gone, I slip on my pajamas and curl up to read. Lauren told me about a house party tonight, but I’m really not in the mood for that right now. I’m still sort of reeling from the last party I “attended”.

I’m just starting a new chapter when there’s a knock on my door. I glance up, surprised. It’s only been a little over an hour. If Mom’s back already, it must’ve been the worst date in history.

“Yeah?” I call. “Come in!”

The door opens, but it’s not my mom.

It’s Lincoln.

And as he steps inside, he’s followed by Dax, Chase, and River.

It’s weird and unexpected enough to have me on my feet in an instant. Lincoln hasn’t been in my

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