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Book online «For The Love Of A God Rosanna Leo (best novels in english txt) 📖». Author Rosanna Leo

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do is run to you."

"So?” She pulled away a little, offering him an encouraging little grin. “It can't be that bad. You don't strike me as a serial killer, and I'm guessing you're not using me to cover up some sort of elaborate gay love scandal."

"Nah,” he chuckled, pulling her closer by her elbows. God, he even made her elbows feel wanton.

"Besides, there are things you don't know about me either. But none of those things really matter."

"What are those things?” He pressed his thigh against hers and she felt her body go up in flame.

"Well ... when I was eight, I went through a really determined nose-picking stage. And I wet the bed until I was ten.” She raised her head, showing him it wasn't so hard to reveal one's deepest, darkest secrets. “And I'm very suspicious of falafel. I don't know why. I just am."

Eric burst out laughing and pulled her body flush against his, kissing her forehead.

And then he looked down at her with more gentleness than he'd displayed all evening. He ran a finger along her jaw and watched as her goose bumps rose under his touch. “My secrets,” he said in a hushed voice, “are much worse."

And as Maia glimpsed the darkness in his eyes, she was suddenly scared again. But not scared of him. Scared for him.

Maybe, just maybe, she could make things a teeny bit better. Could soothe his soul just a little.

She reached up and dug her hands into his hair. “I'm not worried about your secrets, Eric,” she whispered. “Not tonight."

And then, as she would remember the rest of her life with infinite pride and satisfaction, Maia the museum dork took the initiative and kissed him.

He stiffened. But as she continued to kiss him and play with his hair, she felt him start to relax.

All except for one part of him which remained shockingly stiff against her.

He began to move, and she melted into his arms. As Eric's large fingers played with the zipper at the back of her gown, she was once again seized by the electricity in his touch. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! What would it be like when he was inside her? Would she be electrocuted as soon as he put those zingy fingers near the puddle between her thighs?

But then his lips were on hers and she didn't care.

She was barely able to move or think as he sucked her bottom lip, nibbled her top lip, and feasted on her tongue. She was already legless, spineless. And not quite sure how she was still standing.

But stand she did, as she watched him remove his clothing in front of her. Jacket. Shirt. Pants. All of it. And as he stood nude before her, he grabbed his dick and pumped it a couple of times. Quite unnecessarily, she thought, because it was already enormous. But it was still a complete turn-on.

And then he was kissing her again, his cock pressing hard into her belly.

He reached around for her zipper again to drag it south, but only got about another half inch down before he noticed her face. She tried to hide her look of uncertainty from him, but failed miserably. “Maia, what's wrong? If you don't you want to do this..."

"I do.” She opened and closed her mouth a few times, feeling so inadequate before his golden, manly beauty. “It's just—oh God, here comes my stupid insecurity. You're so goddamn perfect. Why would you want me?"

His eyes widened and he blinked at her a few times. His brow creased in an expression of great tenderness. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?"

Her eyes suddenly misted, big fat wuss that she was.

His mouth set in a tight line. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. Once there, he wheeled a gold-leaf cheval mirror out of the corner and stood her in front of it. Still overwhelmingly naked, he stood behind her and looked at her in the reflection. Slowly, he ran his hands up and down her bare arms. “I'm going to show you how very beautiful you are."

Finally, he finished with the damn zipper, easing it down the curve of her buttocks. Then he peeled the dress off her body and let it slip to the floor, and helped her step out of it. Maia didn't want to look at her near-nude reflection, but Eric would brook no opposition. He made her look at herself. In nothing but her silk panties and heels, she felt uber-exposed, but he was drinking in the sight of her in the mirror.

Just when she thought he might finish with this weird experiment, he helped her take her shoes off and set them aside. And then he hooked his fingers in her panties, still looking at her in the mirror. “Watch,” he whispered.

Oh-so-slowly, Eric pulled the undies down over her hips, smiling slightly as he did so. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. Especially when she saw how his eyes focused on her pubic area. His lips had parted, and she saw her own chest heaving in the reflection.

Once the panties were off her, he stood still behind her. His large hands came up to fondle her breasts, and she sucked in air at the sensation. “Look how sexy you are,” he breathed. “Your cheeks are flushed. And I can already see the moisture between your legs, right there on your delicious thighs."

"Please,” she begged, turning away from the mirror.

Gently, but forcefully, Eric spun her around. And made her look. And she did.

"Now,” he whispered. “I want you to watch this. And see how truly gorgeous you are."

As his hand roved in the direction of her female heat, Maia wanted to cry. But she didn't know if it was from shame or from the incredible lust he'd aroused in her. He was making her watch, for God's sake! Who did that?

And yet, it was breathtaking to see.

He touched her with one finger, and she saw

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