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bed. He had a brilliant idea. He would contact his friend in New York in the morning. He turned on the light and grabbed the hotel notepad and pen sitting by the phone. He jotted down some ideas and dropped the pad back into the night table drawer.

Turning out the light, he sighed happily. Within minutes he was fast asleep.


Back at the club, the phone was ringing off the hook. Members who had heard or heard about Clara’s television announcement were calling in and complaining. To the right of the front door was the all-purpose mail room, reception area, and general epicenter for the club’s activities. Whoever was working there answered the phones, greeted the guests, and usually watched a little television. Will Callan, a longtime employee who had no interest in retirement, was on duty when Regan, Thomas, and Janey returned to the club from Ben’s apartment.

“There’s been a lot of excitement tonight, boss,” Will observed as he handed Thomas a stack of messages.

“Tell me about it,” Thomas replied.

“Clara really pulled a good one.”

“What do you mean?”

“I couldn’t believe my ears. I’m sitting here working and all of a sudden I hear Clara’s voice. I turn and look at the TV-it’s one of those true-crime shows, and Clara’s telling all about what happened here last night. I said to myself, ‘Oh boy.’ Next thing you know, the phones light up.”

Thomas took a deep breath and turned to Regan and Janey. “That thoughtless woman! I don’t think I can take much more. I would love to see what my horoscope predicted for today.”

Janey reached out her hand to gently pat his. “Part of it is my fault.”

You’re right about that, Regan thought. “Listen,” she said, “I want to run upstairs to Lydia’s party and get the lay of the land, as they say.” She looked at her watch. “It’s already nine o’clock, which means the party started an hour ago.”

Thomas held up the messages. “I’m going to get on the phone to Clara and then whoever else I need to call back. Then Janey and I will have a quiet bite to eat in the dining room. Why don’t you join us for a nightcap when you’re finished at the party?”

“After being locked in that closet all day, I almost feel like going dancing,” Janey said.

Thomas looked pained. “Tomorrow night we’ll dance at the party.” He then added, “As Rome burns.”

Will had been sitting at his post, listening to the conversation. “At least that movie company packed up and headed out. Boy, were they annoying. They even took Nat’s sheep with them. I tried to stop them, but Daphne said it was okay and they’ll bring them back after they finish the movie.”

“The sheep are gone!” Thomas cried. “I want them back here for the party tomorrow night. I’ll have to have a word with Daphne.”

Will nodded in agreement and slowly blinked his eyes a couple of times.

“Could you get her on the phone?” Thomas asked.

“She went with them,” Will said.

“Please tell her to see me as soon as she gets back.”

Will gave Thomas the thumbs-up sign.

“Okay, Thomas,” Regan said. “I’ve got to run. I’ll see you later.”

Upstairs in Nat’s apartment, Regan quickly took off the pants and sweater she had worn all day. For some reason she knew that they would not be quite dressy enough for Lydia’s party. She freshened up in the guest bathroom, reapplied her makeup, then pulled a black skirt and black leather jacket out of her bag. In another two minutes she was ready.

“Here goes nothing,” she said as she left Nat’s apartment, double locked the door, and stepped across the hall.

One of the student butlers answered the door. He bowed slightly as Regan stepped inside.

Lydia came running over to greet her. She was dressed in a flowing, low-cut, pink silk dress. It seemed to match the room. When she gave Regan an air kiss, Regan got quite a whiff of her perfume.

Oh great, Regan thought. Now anyone who wears perfume is going to be on my list of suspects. “How are you?” she asked Lydia.

“You wouldn’t believe how busy I’ve been today,” Lydia said, then laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

Regan smiled. “I’ve been kind of busy too.”

“Well, come in. I want to introduce you around.”

There were about fifteen people in the room, many of whom were on Stanley’s video. To Regan’s surprise, Lydia started tapping her glass with a spoon and calling for everyone’s attention. When the chatter died down, she began, “Oh yes, hello again, everyone. I’m so glad you’re here tonight. Last night’s fun was cut short due to the death of my dear neighbor. But we have also learned that diamonds are missing from his apartment. So, everyone, we’re here not only to get a chance to know each other, but also to help out my detective friend-” Lydia pointed as though she were announcing the winner of a beauty contest-“Regan Reilly!”

As all eyes turned to Regan, Lydia clapped.

So much for subtlety, Regan thought. “Thank you, Lydia. And thank you all for your attention. You know, I could really use your help. Sometimes we notice something, but it doesn’t really register until we focus on it. That’s why I’d like to ask each of you what you remember about last night. You might have seen something in the hallway or in the lobby downstairs when you came in. It could be anything. I know you all were enjoying yourselves in here for most of the night. But think about when you were coming in and out of the building. Thank you.”

As soon as Regan stopped talking, people turned to each other and started murmuring.

“Let’s have fun again,” Lydia cried as she turned up the CD player.

A guy with a bad toupee hurried over to Regan, his drink spilling slightly down the sides of his glass.

“You must have seen something. Let’s sit down right here,” Regan said, indicating one

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