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Book online «Niyx Samantha Kroese (i am malala young readers edition .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Kroese

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twin does not possess this quality.”

Niyx could not help but scoff. “Beautiful and pure? I am King of the Night Creatures. A blood drinking abomination. An affront to the living.”

“You are beautiful. Pure-hearted. Anyone who cannot see it is a fool who cannot look past the obvious to see the heart of a matter.” Demi whispered in his ear. “I want nothing more than to be at your side, Niyx. Will your woman be jealous of me? Will she send me away?”

“My woman no doubt knew before I even met you that I would have you. She would not have let me go if it bothered her. You will find Kiril is more perceptive and understanding than most.” Niyx shook his head. “Why am I so drawn to you?”

“It is a side effect of my attraction to you. It draws you to me as well. Do you not wish to be?” Demi asked, his voice wavering. “Do I not please you?”

Niyx tilted his head, considering. “No, you please me quite well. Kiril is not fond of frequent physical contact. I think it will work out just fine for you to stay with me. But if you betray me, I will drain your blood, gut you, and feed your insides to my ghouls.”

Demi shivered against Niyx’s back, his voice a purr again. “I do believe you could. It’s quite thrilling. Not to worry, my young friend. I intend to see you as one of the Kings of this world. With you as King of the Night Creatures and Ruel as King of the elves. Your grandsire, I am loathe to admit, has always been a good King for the humans. Perhaps we can start to return this world to what it should be instead of the destructive mess left behind by the war.”

Niyx watched the forest race underneath them and Ice’s giant shadow cross the canopy. “I was not setting out to rule this world. I just wished to save my people. I have not done so yet. Every time we are attacked, I lose more of them.”

“There are many spread throughout this world, Niyx. Those you don’t know yet. I will show you how to call to them when we have a place secured. Then you will have a kingdom, not a handful of servants,” Demi promised.

“There are more Night Creatures? How do you know?” Niyx looked over his shoulder in disbelief.

“I was King of the Dragons. I am still bound to the core of this world. My magic shows me all who walk upon this planet. Yes, there are many more of your kind. They are lost and without direction, but you will lead them to greatness.” Demi rested again against Niyx’s back. “Do you think we might steal some time alone once we land? I seem to have need of you.”

Niyx laughed. “After I see that my people are well taken care of and that Kiril and Nial are safe. My duty is to them first, always. Understand that.”

“Of course,” Demi agreed, then contented himself with pressing close to Niyx’s back for the remainder of the ride.

When they landed in the forest Niyx pulled free and slid off Ice even before the dragon had come to a complete stop. He immediately walked to Kiril and she squished Nial between them to embrace Niyx. Nial squealed in his excited toddler way and babbled to Niyx. Niyx bent to kiss the top of Kiril’s head then picked Nial out of her arms and put the little boy up on his shoulders. “All is well. Did our people make it out safely?”

Kiril nodded, but a frown marred her pretty face. “Yes, but we are close to Aderaan again. Even if you have convinced your grandfather to delay his pursuit, there are those in Aderaan that still work against you and Ruel.”

“Hopefully, Onyx can root them out and dispose of them,” Niyx said, glancing through the forest. It was good to be back in his home and the chill of the outdoors, but he could see the city looming far in the distant mist. “Come, let us settle everyone and make sure they are comfortable.”

Kiril followed him and they set up the village once more. When fires were burning brightly and tents were once again established, Niyx retreated into the tent with Kiril, Nial, and Demi. Kiril took the sleepy child to lay him down with Nek for the night and returned to sit with them. She looked straight at Demi with her piercing gaze. “You wish to share Niyx.” It was a statement, not a question.

Demi bowed his head in respect. “I wish to please him and help guide him on this path, yes. Though I would not cross you, Queen of Winter.”

Kiril leaned against Niyx and traced her hand possessively over his upper thigh. “Niyx loves me. We are fated to be as one. But it is true I do not have the desire for the physical contact that he needs. It would be well for him to have another to satisfy him. As long as he is agreeable to it.”

“He pleases me as long as it does not upset you.” Niyx nodded to Kiril.

Kiril gave Niyx an amused look then rose and stretched. “Then he should please you now, and you both should come and rest after. It has been a trying few days for all. I am going to rest while you two are occupied.” With that she walked out of the room and left them alone.

Demi watched her go with a look of admiration. “She is quite something.”

Niyx stood and grabbed Demi’s arm, hauling Demi to his feet then shoved the man-dragon into the other room of the tent. “Yes. But while she will share, I will not. You will not touch her that way or I will make it so you cannot. Understand?”

“I do understand perfectly, Niyx,” Demi agreed, then dragged Niyx back down into the depths of pleasure, lust, and power once more.


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