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but didn’t give a rat’s ass at the moment.

“Anything you decide will be perfect.”

Silence for a long moment. “Okay, I’ll come up with some ideas to run by you.”

“Sounds good.” He just couldn’t wrap his head around this party right now.

“Well…” Her voice faded off. “It was good talking with you, Tony. I guess I’ll see you at the party next month.”

“Yeah, sure.” Tony ran a hand through his sleep-tousled hair. Guilt for the way he’d dumped this project in her lap gnawed at his gut. Or was it the bourbon? “Listen, Carm, thanks for planning this thing for Angelina. Sorry I’ve been out of touch and left you to handle all of it.”

“No worries. I love planning events.”

“Give me some time and I’ll meet with you to finalize things in a few weeks.”

“Sounds good.” Her spirits sounded as though they’d lifted. He didn’t like bringing anyone else down to his level.

After ending the call, Tony went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face to wash away the remnants of the nightmare he’d been in the throes of when Carm called. She’d blessedly kept him from reliving the worst part again. Seeing that sweet toddler with her big blue eyes meant he wouldn’t be going back to get any sleep for a while.

No work tomorrow. Maybe he’d go hiking or something that would take him away from another day in the bottle. Somewhere high in the mountains. Independence Pass maybe. Far away from raging rivers.

Drying off his face, he walked to the fridge to retrieve a beer. He’d had enough of the hard stuff for one night. Wasn’t helping anyway. A couple cans of beer would take the edge off while watching TV. He might not go to bed again at all tonight. Definitely not until the vivid images faded a bit.

Was that supposed to happen eventually? God, I hope so. After more than a week of very little sleep, he wasn’t sure that stage in the healing process would ever arrive. The nightmare came back to him in the middle of every night. The tiny girl’s eyes pleading with him to save her as she clung to her mother moments before they were swept down the river to their deaths. And then flashes of their debris-mangled bodies…

He shook off those images.

Would he ever be able to get through a full night without seeing their faces? Hearing their screams?

In the living room, he turned on the TV. ESPN should have something that would entertain him for a while. Definitely no Denver football, but what were the chances they’d be on in July? He soon found the rebroadcast of a March soccer match between Manchester United and Real Madrid—no orange and blue uniforms. That should be safe.

But the game didn’t grab his attention after half an hour or so. Instead, he continued to be bombarded by images—only this time of Carm’s sexy face. Getting her into his bed would surely push the bad stuff away for a while, but no way was he going to treat Angelina’s sister-in-law like he did the women he picked up at daVinci’s bar. And he wasn’t in any shape to start anything long-term.

Hell, he didn’t even have any desire to return to the bar in search of a one-night stand. Not after that disastrous last hook-up.

His phone rang again, but he chose to let it go to voicemail. Whoever it was called back almost immediately. Tony leaned over to glance at the screen. Angelina. Closer to her than to any of his other siblings, he wouldn’t be able to fool her the way he had everyone else. Marc had said last night she would be coming by the apartment soon. Had he missed her while passed out on the couch?

Figuring he could fool her better over the phone, he picked up the phone. “What’s up, Baby? Still in love with that guy you ran off to Italy with?”

“Blissfully!” He could hear the happiness in her voice. God, he hoped it worked out for them. He’d hate to see her hurt. “Now, when are we going to get together?” Her tone changed abruptly.

“I’ve been pretty busy. Work and all. Besides, you just got back from your honeymoon. Don’t tell me Marc’s ready to let you out of his sight already.”

She laughed. “We both have jobs, remember? Too bad you two are on the same shift, but why don’t you come by the restaurant tomorrow afternoon? I need to ask you something.”

“Can’t you ask me over the phone?”

“If I could, I would. Nope. You have to come see me.”

Tony sighed. How could he get out of this?

You can’t.

“What time?”

After agreeing to three o’clock, Tony said good night and disconnected the call before going back into the kitchen to open his last bottle of bourbon. One boilermaker with a double shot ought to knock him into oblivion again. He made a mental note to stop by the liquor store on the way to or from Angelina’s café tomorrow to stock up on whiskey and beer. He’d have to go heavier on the latter because he was on duty Sunday. His first Sunday shift since he’d shown up on that fateful day.

So much for no longer trying to drink your problems away.

Chapter Eleven

Between the lunch and dinner crowds Saturday afternoon, Tony arrived at Angelina’s restaurant. The sign on the door read “Closed for a private event.” Good. Not wanting to intrude, he decided to head back home and call Angelina later.

However, before he could turn back toward his truck, the café door opened.

“Tony!” Angelina said as she launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Missed you too, Baby.” He kissed her cheek before releasing her and taking a step back in case he reeked of alcohol despite his efforts to douse himself in aftershave.

“Come in, come in. I’ve closed the restaurant so we can have some privacy.”

Normally, the two of them could talk about

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