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fix some dinner before I go upstairs?”

“I’ll get something later.” He moved into a pose meant to increase balance and improve concentration— shutting her out completely.

She stood a moment, hurt by his cool behavior. Her brother had always been there for her, offering unquestioning support and understanding. Even though his workouts required focus, he never shut her out like this.

“Adrian, you’re not mad at me, are you? I mean, I know you’re worried I’ll get hurt, but you’re acting like you’re... angry.” She laughed, waiting for him to say that was nonsense.

Instead, he moved into another stance, not meeting her gaze.

“I don’t understand why you’re being this way.” She shook her head. “You didn’t disapprove when Rory was spending every night over at Chance’s apartment. You worried, yes, but you weren’t mad.”

He finally looked at her, his eyes cool. “Rory was in love with the man she was sleeping with.”

That stopped her for a moment, until anger took over. “Oh, and I suppose you’ve been in love with every woman you’ve taken to bed.”

“That’s different.”

“Why, because you’re a man?”

He shot her a scowl, then picked up a towel to dry his face. “Okay, so maybe I haven’t been in love with them, but I have the decency to be sure they won’t expect more than I’m willing to give.”

“How is that different from the way Scott is treating me?”

“It’s just different.”

“Because I’m your sister?”

“Yes, dammit!” He tossed the towel aside, his muscles flexing in anger. “And I don’t want you getting used by some man who sees you as nothing more than a new ‘Flavor of the Week.’ ”

“Adrian...” She pressed her fingers to her temple. “I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t need you to protect me. I know the score and I won’t get hurt.”

“The hell you won’t. I know you, Alli. You’re lying to yourself if you think you can handle this sort of a relationship. In fact, I’ll bet money you’re half in love with the guy already.”

She dropped her hands. “I told you, I don’t want that. I don’t want marriage or children, or any of that.”

“This from a woman who collects dolls.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Honestly?” As he studied her, she saw his anger shift to caution. “I think you’re trying to replace the baby you lost.”

The unexpected words hit her low and hard. They never talked about the miscarriage and Rory didn’t even know. It had happened so long ago, but suddenly the pain returned, clamping about her chest until she could barely breathe. “If you’ll excuse me”—she turned away—“I have work to do.”

“Alli...” he called. She turned in time to see his shoulders sag. “I’m sorry. I—”

“Don’t!” She squeezed her eyes shut. When her composure returned, she looked at him calmly. “I think it’s best if we let this whole subject drop. Come on, Sadie, let’s go upstairs.”

Chapter 11

In the back hall, Alli pressed a hand to her stomach and waited for her body to stop shaking. Sadie whined and looked at her with worried brown eyes.

“I’m okay.” She squatted down to soothe the dog. “Big brothers think they know everything, but they don’t.”

Sadie tilted her head, listening. The gesture was so dear, Alli’s throat threatened to close. Big brothers might not know everything, but hers had known a puppy would make the perfect get-well gift ten years ago when Aunt Viv had brought her home from the hospital. Nearly eleven years now, she realized as she noticed a trace of gray around Sadie’s muzzle.

“You’re still young, though, aren’t you, girl?” Sadie’s eyes twinkled with life as Alli scratched beneath her chin. “Tell ya what, if you promise to be good, you can sit in the gift shop while I work. Would you like that?”

Sadie barked and twirled in a circle.

“No! No barking. You have to be good.” Standing, she opened the door a crack to be sure no guests were about. When she found the first floor empty, she headed for the sanctuary of the gift shop where she could lose herself doing inventory and poring over catalogues.

Halfway there, she noticed the doors to the office were still closed and light was shining beneath them. Curious, she veered that way and slid one panel open. The floor lamp by the desk had been left on, casting a faint glow over the room. Lightning flashed, drawing her attention to the curved alcove formed by the tower. She saw Scott seated on the settee, his forearms braced on his knees. He lifted his head and the haggard expression on his face startled her.

“Scott?” She stepped into the room, grabbing Sadie by the scruff before the dog could charge forward to greet her new friend. “What is it? What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just waiting for a call. Is it okay if I wait in here?”

Before Allison could answer, Sadie wiggled free and dashed straight for Scott, planting her front paws in his lap, her tail wagging.

“Sadie, get down!” Allison hurried forward. Sadie sat at Scott’s feet, completely confident of her welcome. Allison put her hands on her hips. “You are so spoiled rotten.” To Scott, she added, “Now you know why we don’t let her around guests.”

“I don’t mind.” Scott smiled sadly as he petted Sadie. He still had on the clothes he’d worn riding, and the faint but pleasing scent of horse and leather tickled her nose.

“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Alli asked.

“I’m fine.”

She thought about leaving, but could tell something was definitely wrong. Cautiously, she sat beside him, folding her hands in her lap. “I thought you said it wasn’t fair to withhold information.”

“That’s only when you’re telling a story. Real life is exactly the opposite.”

Rather than point out that her “story” had been real, she tried a different tack. “So, tell me a story.”

He started to shake his head, then glanced at the phone. “My niece, Chloe, ran away from home. She’s been missing since sometime before ten this morning.”

“Oh, Scott...”

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