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Book online «Second Chances in Chianti (Escape to Tuscany Book 2) T.A. Williams (early reader books .txt) 📖». Author T.A. Williams

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imagine how much that hurts.’

Matt caught her eye and shook his head ruefully. ‘I really don’t think you do, Alice.’ He straightened his back and took a few deep breaths.

‘Maybe you’re right. Anyway, I can assure you I don’t want to find out. It’s good to see you again, Matt. This is Carrie, from the US.’

‘I’m pleased to meet you, Carrie. Are you both staying at the villa?’

Alice nodded and he then added a less comfortable question.

‘And you’re here with the two guys I saw a bit further up the road?’

Carrie answered for both of them. ‘I’m with one of them.’

‘I see.’

Alice felt a bit more explanation might be in order. ‘We’re a bunch of old friends.’ This would have been the moment to mention David, but she didn’t, and subsequently spent much of the rest of the morning asking herself why not. ‘We leave tomorrow.’ Was that a flash of regret she spotted on his face? But, even as she was still debating what she had seen, he put the car into gear and gave them both a little wave of the hand.

‘Well, goodbye. It’s been good meeting you. Safe journey home.’ And with that, he drove off.

‘That’s one hell of a good-looking guy.’ Clearly, Carrie had been impressed but Alice knew where her own priorities lay – at least for now.

‘I’ve already got one of those, and so have you. But, I have to say, that’s one hell of a good-looking dog he’s got.’

Over breakfast, they got together and read the email that Layla had composed for Conrad Chesterfield. It was well-written and surprisingly diplomatic, and Alice reckoned she had probably run it by her agent, or even her lawyer, for approval before showing it to them. The message, although couched in tactful, respectful terms, was unequivocal. The email recognised Zoë’s unquestionable contribution to the success of Pals, but it spelt out that her attitude and overbearing behaviour had become unbearable as time went by. As a result, if Zoë were not involved, all of them would be happy to sign up for Pals Forever – subject to successful financial negotiations – but if the director retained her position, then Layla, Alice and Benny were out. Although she hadn’t had the chance to speak to David any more about this, Alice knew it was the right decision to make. If Zoë was in the mix, the best thing to do was to turn her back on this second chance of Hollywood glory. Life was too short.

They all agreed that the text looked fine and Layla pressed Send. Back in LA, the time was around midnight, so there was no guarantee Conrad Chesterfield would see the email for another eight hours, but none of them felt particularly hopeful. His reaction would probably be incandescent, but would he blink? Would he be prepared to sacrifice Zoë for the greater good of the new series?

As she sipped her cappuccino, with David sitting quietly at her side, Alice told Millie what she would do if Conrad didn’t agree to their terms. As far as she was concerned, that would be the end of the matter. This afternoon she and Antonia were going to Florence, but there would be no point staying any longer than that and in consequence she knew she would head off next morning.

‘Didn’t you say you were going to stay on in Tuscany?’ There was nothing wrong with Millie’s memory. ‘Have you found a place yet?’

Alice shook her head. ‘No. I’ve been asking around, but I must get onto sorting something out. I know I’d like to go and stay at least a night at a villa not that far from here, where the Mona Lisa had once lived. I know it’s silly, but I’d just like to breathe in the atmosphere of the place – you know, imagine myself maybe even in the same room where Leonardo da Vinci painted what is arguably the most famous painting in the world.’

Millie caught her eye. ‘You’re really deeply into the whole Renaissance art thing, aren’t you?’

‘Body and soul. That’s why, if I’m being totally honest, Mil, it won’t bother me too much if Conrad says he won’t replace Zoë. I know it would be tough on you, but the more I think about it, the more I reckon I’d be quite happy doing my own thing in a “normal” life.’

Just how true this was remained to be seen.

‘If the show does go ahead without you, we’d all miss you terribly. I’d miss you terribly.’

Alice patted Millie’s hand on the tabletop. ‘I’d miss you too, Mil. But don’t worry, we can still meet up. We’ll always be friends.’

Millie glanced across at David, who was following their conversation but so far without contributing. ‘I bet you’ll be glad if Alice doesn’t have to shoot off to Hollywood after all. Long-distance relationships are always difficult.’

Alice saw him nod slowly as he answered. ‘I’d have gone with her, but if she decides not to go to Hollywood, it’s her decision.’ He didn’t sound totally convinced.

‘So you’d give up your job in the UK?’

‘I’ll be quite honest, Millie: I’ve been dreaming of Hollywood most of my life.’ He sounded unexpectedly serious. ‘I enjoy my job at the university but my first love is, and always has been, the stage and the screen. I’d love to direct a real movie.’

‘So the idea of a move to Hollywood wouldn’t scare you?’ Millie shot Alice a sideways look. ‘This means if Conrad says Zoë’s out of it, there’s nothing to stop you signing up for the new show, Al. That’s great news.’

‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Millie. Wait and see what Conrad says.’ Millie was right, however. This fairly unexpected decision by David would indeed simplify things – assuming the two of them were still a couple. Whether or not they were was what these next few weeks here in Tuscany, just the two of them together, were designed to resolve.

One way or another.

At ten o’clock Antonia

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