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Book online «Opposites Ignite Sadira Stone (drm ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sadira Stone

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down. Too soon. Too fast. Don’t blurt and ruin this.

Misunderstanding her tremors, Eddie squeezed her tighter. “You’re shivering. Let’s get you warmed up.”

Rosie kept silent during the ride home, her hand on Eddie’s thigh, gulping deep breaths against a rush of emotion that threatened to tumble her ass-over-teakettle.

They pulled up in front of her house a little before five. Turning to face her, Eddie’s forehead rumpled as he rubbed her arm in slow strokes. “You okay, Rosie?”

“It was—” Her voice came out squeaky. She cleared her throat. “I had such a good time, Eddie. You’re an amazing date planner.”

His tense expression relaxed into a brilliant smile. “I’m glad. I was worried you’d be bored.”

“No way. Every detail was absolutely perfect.”

“You mean absolutely Rosie.” He kissed her hand. “You’re kind of intimidating, you know. It’s not easy for a boring guy like me to impress someone like you.”

Cupping his whiskered cheeks, she pressed her forehead to his. “You are the polar opposite of boring, Eddie. And tonight after work, I’m going to show you just how impressed I am.”

Chapter Twelve

“Hot tots comin’ through.” Lana nearly mowed Eddie down as she headed from Bangers’ kitchen to the bar floor. “Hey, Eddie. How they hangin’?”

“Um, great?” He shifted his ice bucket from one hand to the other. As far as he knew, he and Rosie were still officially “taking things slow,” but Lana was Rosie’s best friend. How much had Rosie shared about their rapidly shifting relationship status?

“Heard you and Ro had a fun afternoon.” She nudged him with her sharp elbow. “You better treat her right, you hear?” Another poke, and she strode into the crowd, her long pigtails swaying.

After refilling the ice well, he glanced around for the next task. River was chatting up a pair of cute girls while Kiara pulled beers and Dawn shelved freshly washed glasses. At the end of the bar, Gus stuffed his fuzzy face with chili-cheese tots. Eyes wide, he grunted and pointed to the screen.

A roar engulfed the room as the TV announcer bellowed, “Touchdown, Huskies!”

Eddie stayed too busy to watch the screen—not that he gave a rat’s hairy ass about college football. Now and then he caught the blue flash of Rosie’s hair as she hurried from bar to tables and back, but that was it. No greeting, no sexy glances, just full-speed hustle to keep up with orders.

When a final cheer roared to the rafters, Gus rang the ship’s bell behind the bar and wiggled his baggy butt. “Huskies win! Eat my shorts, Beavers!”

Eddie had to laugh. This was the most animated he’d ever seen the old guy.

By closing time, his poor feet throbbed. Falling into bed was going to feel so good tonight—especially with Rosie beneath him. Or astride him. Or spooned beside him. Who cares, as long as they were naked and together.

Rosie finally trudged to the bar with a tray of dirty glasses. He off-loaded them and flashed her a smile. “Hey, gorgeous. I missed you.”

“Missed you too.” She leaned onto the bar and trailed her finger up his arm, making every hair on his body stand at attention—other parts, too. “I had so much fun this afternoon.” She tickled the sensitive crook of his elbow. “My overnight bag’s in my locker. I’ve got a little surprise for you.”

“What is it?” His mind raced—a new tattoo? Lingerie? A sex toy?

“As somebody told me this afternoon, you’ll just have to wait.” She boosted herself up on the foot rail, clutched the front of his shirt, and pulled him in for a kiss that made him forget his name—

Until a stinging smack on his arm brought him back to earth. Indiana Jones and his bullwhip had nothing on Dawn O’Malley and her bar towel.

He rubbed the sore spot. “Sorry, boss. We got carried away. Won’t happen again.”

She huffed, but there was humor behind it. “Seems I’ve heard that phrase from you two before. Something about my bar makes you kids horny?”

Rosie ducked her head, but there was no hiding her radiant smile. “It’s not the bar, it’s him.”

“It’s us.” He held her gaze.

Dawn tilted her chin toward the top of the carved back-bar. “Must be that cherub up there, shooting love arrows at my employees.”

Gus rounded the corner pushing a wheeled mop bucket. “Maybe you’re next, pretty lady.”

“What the hell you still doing here, old man?”

He sniffed. “My job. I’m co-owner, ain’t I?”

Eddie left the oldsters to their squabbling. He and Kiara restocked the bar for the next day while the servers wiped down tables and stacked chairs.

After tip count-out, Dawn called them all to the bar. “Listen up, y’all. I want to get started on plans for our Anti-Valentine’s Day Party.”

Kiara tilted her head. “Say what, now?”

“Tell ’em, Gus.” Dawn nodded to her business partner, who puffed up his flannel-covered chest and clasped his hands behind his back.

“I figure we can’t compete with all the restaurants puttin’ on fancy Valentine’s Day dinners, so why not do the opposite?”

Rosie bounced on her toes. “I heard about this. You throw a party for everyone who’s not attached.”

Dawn nodded. “Or folks who don’t want to shell out a fortune on roses and champagne. River’s coming up with drink specials. Diego’s got some menu ideas. Lana’s compiling a playlist. If anyone’s got ideas for games and competitions, let me know.” She exchanged a glance with River, who nodded and cleared his throat.

“I’m gonna be pretty busy helping Dawn with the planning, so I could use some help with the posters.” River illustrated window signs for Bangers’ events and weekly specials. His cartoon doodles were cute, but nowhere near as skilled as Rosie’s drawings.

Bent over a booth, her lush hips jiggling as she scrubbed, Rosie evidently didn’t notice everyone’s eyes on her. Eddie cleared his throat. “What do you say, babe?”

She straightened and turned, her cleaning rag clutched to her chest. “You want me to draw like River?”

Dawn sauntered over. “No, doll. I want you to draw like you.”

Rosie backed away, bonking into

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