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Book online «Not Even Close (A New Generation) Elizabeth Reyes (adventure books to read txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Reyes

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they veered off any safesubjects, Byron decided he was also done with talking. He leaned in and kissedher softly. Within minutes they were laying down on the blanket doing what henow knew he’d never get enough of and he’d much rather be doing then wonderingabout where this might or might not be going.


Seeing Red


For an entire week it’d been one thing after anotherthat kept Byron from seeing Vannah again. Though they’d talked on the phone, textedand video chatted enough in the days that followed their night out at thebeach. Byron had never been a phone guy, yet they’d had marathon talks wellinto the night all week. Then when they finally ended their sometimeshours long chats, he’d lie there for a long time pondering not just everythingthey discussed, but how quickly she’d seeped into his every thought. It was nowalmost the weekend since he’d last seen her that Monday—touched her and he wasgrowing unbelievably anxious about when he would again.

Vannah had been busy with school, and Byron’s business appointmentswere heavier than the norm that week. The vacillating visit from her brotherthat had since turned into possibly more family members stopping by with him, didn’thelp either. She’d continually been on standby only to have them cancel morethan once already last minute.

To top it off, he and Vannah had finally managed to pencil in a lunchdate that Friday and Byron had been more than looking forward to it when he gotthe call.

“I need a huge favor,” Beast said as soon as Byron answered hiscall.

“Sure, what’s going on?”

“Few weeks ago, when Ali sent Nat home because she was coughingand whatnot, turned out to be a lot more than just a cold. They don’t know forsure yet, but they found something in her lungs.”

It took a moment for Byron to remember who Beast was talkingabout—his niece’s regular sitter. He listened as Beast filled him in on howthey were scrambling to find a replacement because Nat would be out ofcommission for a while if not longer. His pregnant wife Ali was on strictdoctor’s orders to stay off her feet as much as she possibly could. She’dalready gone into early labor once and she was still months from her due date.

“Lila’s stepped up already to help out with the girls until wecan find a replacement, but she won’t be back in town for a couple of days. Ineed someone to pick them up from school today and watch them for a couple ofhours until I’m done with this photo shoot.”

“I gottem’,” Byron said without thought. “They’re off attwelve-thirty today, right? Early day?”

“Yeah, I dropped them off and Ali was insisting she could pickthem up but—”

“No, way,” Byron said before his already relieved soundingbrother could finish. “Tell her I got this.”

They discussed a few more details about the girls, and Beast’s schedulefor the rest of the day before he got off the phone. Exhaling loudly once offthe phone, Byron wondered if it’d be too weird for him to ask Vannah to comewith him to pick up the girls at school. They could all go grab something toeat together after. It was either that or cancel their lunch date which had himgroaning already. No telling when they’d both be free to meet up again.Especially since her family had pretty much confirmed they’d for sure be intown all weekend.

Glancing at the clock, Byron bit the bullet and called her. Itwas still a couple of hours before their scheduled meetup. He could at least notcancel last minute if in fact she passed on hanging out with him and hisnieces. He knew his Little’s would be full of questions for him after, but he’dbe willing to comply if it meant seeing Vannah again.

“Hi,” she answered cheerfully and that alone had Byron smilingimmediately.

“Hey, how we doing?”

“Oh, my gosh,” she huffed. “I’m rushing around as usual.”

“Busy, busy, huh?”

“Yes, my family will be here soon and I’m trying to get a few thingsdone before they get here.”

“Ah, so they’re finally making it out.” He frowned indisappointment because he knew what that meant, it’d be even longer until he’dsee her again. “No cancelling this time?”

“No. They’re on their way as we speak. Should be here aroundlunchtime.”

“Speaking of.” Byron cleared his throat a little nervous about suggestingshe hang with him and his nieces on this only their second date. “Mybrother needs me to pick up his girls from school today. Their sitter’s come downwith something and they get off early today—half past noon.”

He left it at that for a moment to get her reaction since that’swhen they were supposed to meet. She was quiet for a moment before responding.“Oh well, it’s probably for the best. My dad was kind of disappointed about meblowing him off for lunch today. My other siblings are doing their own thingfor lunch, so it would’ve been just me and my parents. I lied and said I had aclass I couldn’t get out of, so I could see you and then meet up with all of themlater.”

“Uh . . .” This was not what the response he was going for,damn it. “I—”

“It sucks that our plans keep getting put off. But after thisweekend my schedule should go back to normal.”

Before Byron could respond that he did not want to waituntil after the weekend to see her—regardless of sounding pushy or a little tooanxious—Vannah added something else that surprised him.

“I miss you.”

It’d been less than a week since he’d last been with her and he’dworried he was getting way ahead of himself by missing her lips, her touch,that bright smile and laugh so much. Hearing her say she missed him, andas genuinely as it sounded had him smiling again.

“I miss you too.” These were not friends-only admissionsand it had him smiling even bigger now. “I’m not waiting until next week to seeyou again, Vannah. You gotta squeeze me in your schedule sometime thisweekend.”

Hearing her laugh softy relieved him to no end. As much as he’dattempted to bring it down a notch and make that last request sound playful, heknew it was

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