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Book online «Shadow Touched: A Paranormal Vampire Romance (A Touch of Vampire Book 1) Becky Moynihan (read novel full .TXT) 📖». Author Becky Moynihan

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The blood hadn’t seeped through yet, so I knew, just knew that he was scenting it right this very moment.

“I’m fine,” I squeaked. Real smooth. I slowly tucked my arm behind me, and he tracked the movement. My breath hitched and I inched sideways, the need for space overwhelming. He gripped the counter’s edge, cutting off my escape.

I couldn’t tell if it was panic or the fever that made my head spin, but my escape attempt ground to a pathetic halt as I sagged weakly against the counter.

“Kade,” I heard Lochlan say over the pounding in my ears. “I need supplies from the nurse’s office. Now.”

I squinted at the exit in time to see Kade backing away. He smirked, mouthing, Trouble, before slipping from view.

“Take your jacket off. I need to see your injury.”

At Lochlan’s words, true panic set in. My breathing came in short spurts, revealing my nervousness. “Um. N-no thanks,” I stammered, blinking hard to clear my vision. “Stupid plan. Stupid, stupid plan.”

“What plan?”

Crap, I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Another heatwave blasted through me and I couldn’t hold back a small whimper. In the next instant, I was hoisted onto the counter. Shocked, I didn’t react right away. When Lochlan’s hands left my hips though, I realized how vulnerable my position was and shimmied toward the edge. Only for him to boldly wedge his body between my legs.

Freaking fates!

I wiggled backward until my shoulders struck the mirror, but he didn’t take the hint. His hips continued to push against my inner thighs, trapping me in place. Never in my life had I been in a situation like this before. It was new and scary and overwhelming, but also thrilling and hot. So stupidly hot. The friction of his jeans against mine was seriously messing with my sanity. I had the dumbest urge to inch forward and—

“Look at me, McKenna,” he said, using his sexy voice. So not cool.

Pursing my lips, I shook my head.

“You need medical attention. I only want to help.”

Help? Sure he wanted to help. By sucking all the blood out of me.

At the mental image of him draining me dry, crazed laughter bubbled up my throat. Low at first, but quickly gaining volume. It was the unhinged, hysterical kind. The kind that, at any other time, would have embarrassed me. But I was way past petty embarrassment right now.

“Kade,” he said over my helpless giggling. “We need to get this jacket off.”

“What did you do to her?” Kade asked, his usual amusement replaced with concern. Which only made me laugh harder.

“Nothing,” Lochlan said curtly.

“Everything,” I said at the same time. My laughter suddenly died as more heat engulfed me. “I’m hot. So. Hot.” I started to squirm out of my jacket, sighing when cool leather skated across my collarbone to aid in my efforts.

“Are you sure she won’t—” Kade began.

“No, it’s too soon. And the contact wasn’t long enough.”

“And when she touched me . . . ”

“I don’t think it was triggered.”

“And you’re absolutely certain we shouldn’t—” The words abruptly cut off, as if Lochlan had silently told him to shut up.

When more cool leather slid over my skin, I sought out the hand’s owner. Groaning loudly, I let my head fall back against the mirror. “Not you too, Kade.”

A pause. Then, “What is she talking about?”

“No clue.”

“I’m right here, guys,” I grumbled. “So rude.”

As the jacket fell away, a familiar hissing sound raised the hair on my arms. Shadow Man had made that noise—after discovering I was bleeding.

Oh crap.

I quickly glanced down at my exposed wrist covered in blood, then at Lochlan’s face. The air fled my lungs. His eyes. They were glowing bright red.

“Lochlan,” Kade barked, making me jump. In a dizzying flash, he was suddenly there in front of me, blocking my view of Lochlan. “Go. Now.”

I didn’t hear Lochlan leave, but the moment he did, the room felt . . . emptier.

“Sorry about that,” Kade said, his usual amusement back as if nothing had happened. He lifted my arm with a gloved hand and whistled. “How did you get this cut?”

“Um . . . scraped it on the towel dispenser.”

Chuckling, he placed a first aid kit between us. “I don’t think it needs stitches. Luckily, you didn’t cut yourself too deep.” My eyes flicked to his, then away. Crap. He knew. His wide grin said everything. “So, little Kenna, what did you see earlier?”

He busied himself with pulling out supplies, letting the cryptic question dangle in the air. But I knew exactly what he was asking. I swallowed carefully before replying, “Nothing.”

He eyed me knowingly, and my mouth dried. I squirmed under his steady gaze until he finally whispered, “Your secret is safe with me,” and winked.

My brows inched upward. “But . . . why wouldn’t you tell him that I know?”

“I have my reasons,” he said mysteriously, obviously enjoying this turn of events.

“I thought you two told each other everything.”

“Not everything. He’s actually been rather secretive lately, so I consider this payback.” Tying off the gauze wrapped around my wrist, he plucked a packet of pain meds from the kit and placed them in my hand. “Take these. Lochlan definitely won’t let you leave until he’s certain you’re well enough to drive.”

My stubborn streak reared up, and I almost denied myself relief simply because Lochlan wanted me better. Why did he even care? And I was still ticked off at him for a growing number of reasons. Sighing, I let the voice of reason win and accepted the bottled water Kade seemed to pull out of thin air.

Silence settled between us, but surprisingly, not the uncomfortable kind. Inhaling deeply to bolster my courage, I said, “If I ask you something, will you tell me?”

“Probably not. But you can ask anyway.”

Despite the situation, I rolled my eyes. “What happens,” I began haltingly, then plowed ahead. “What happens if I touch one of you for too long?”

“Caught that, did you?” He snapped the kit shut and leaned his hip

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