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Book online «Stone Creek Davis, Lainey (best android ereader txt) 📖». Author Davis, Lainey

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a lot of people eager to see Neal Sweeney continue skating in an SCU jersey. Coach Thomas tells me he's likely to get picked in the NHL draft, which means we'll be seeing SCU listed on television for years as his alma mater."

The two men are nodding as if they understand what's happening, but I feel like I've missed something. I must look confused, because Professor Meyer says, "Coach Thomas knows that you're a work-study student. He agreed to make a call for you at Penn, Dahlia."

My mouth falls open as I think I begin to understand what's happening here. My mind is swirling as I realize that my dad's failure to sign a fucking financial aide form might be slowly transforming into an opportunity for me to attend graduate school. Coach Thomas thumps me on the back, as if I were one of his hockey players. "You get Sweeney through this class, and I'll make sure the folks at Penn have a fellowship for you tutoring in their athletic department."

I'm stunned into silence. An ivy league doctoral degree in mathematics has been a pipe dream for me, one I listed in hushed tones as a far-off fantasy. The fact that I might be able to earn it while also helping to teach math to students who might struggle sounds like the best bonus imaginable. I blurt out, "I absolutely love working with students who feel intimidated by math. I just love finding the key to helping them understand the concepts!" I look back and forth between the two men. "Is there really a fellowship available just tutoring the hockey team?" My mind races, imagining a gold nameplate reading "Dr. Dahlia Wardzinksi.

Coach Thomas winks at me and says, "As long as your own grades are good enough, right Meyer?"

Professor Meyer laughs. Coach Thomas rises to leave and says over his shoulder, "Wish you could find me a gal like this to help my goalie get through his psych class!" He closes the door with a bang and I listen as his large body moves down the hallway.

"Professor Meyer, I just don't know what to say. This is all really overwhelming," I start to stutter.

He smiles at me and meets my eye. "You're one of our brightest students, Dahlia. I fully anticipate that you'll earn a Fields Medal someday." This causes me to blush and I feel my whole body tingling with excitement. All my work over the past few years of college seems to be coming together in the best ways imaginable.

"How are you approaching the work with Mr. Sweeney, anyway, Dahlia? I know he has Briggs for freshman math. And I see that a number of students are doing poorly in that course. Hm, maybe you can offer me some insight into how Briggs could more effectively reach his students?"

The blush is back, but for entirely different reasons. I know that Neal is doing well because he's working hard, but part of me can't help but wonder how the incident at the library fits into his success in the classroom. "Oh," I stammer. "Mostly I break out each concept onto its own separate flashcard. It seems like a lot of the lectures cover multiple concepts at once and I noticed Neal does better when the information is separated."

Professor Meyer nods and we spend a few minutes talking about teaching strategies. He really makes me feel confident that I can have a future as a graduate student, and by the time I get back to my apartment a bit later, I'm almost floating.

When I tell Linda, she squeals with me and starts jumping up and down. It's like this gives me permission to finally let out all my excitement. We scream for a bit in the living room, dancing like fools. She says, "We need to go out tonight and celebrate."

"Ah, Linda, I mean it's not a done deal yet. Neal needs a 70% to stay eligible…"

"Come the fuck on, Dahlia. You really think he's going to get less than a 55 on his final? Go put on your party pants. We're going to the Tap Room and I'm buying you a shot."

I pout my lip for a minute, but say, "Ok, fine, I will come out with you for one drink, but not because I am celebrating. I will come with you because I've been stressed out and it's good to unwind sometimes."

We both laugh, and then she forces me to put on a dress and we walk across the street to the bar. Our little college town basically has one street lined with apartment buildings, another lined with bars, and the university up the hill. As I walk into the Tap Room I can see the form of the hockey arena up on campus. I smile, smooth out the skirt of my dress, and follow Linda into the bar.




An hour later, I'm nursing a beer slowly, sitting at a table with a bunch of people from our building. I'm feeling happy and relaxed after a shot of bourbon and half a beer and I'm enjoying the conversation around me. Everyone is starting to talk about their plans for after graduation. I feel my phone vibrate in my coat pocket and see that I've got a text from Neal.

Hey. Got a B on my math test.

I heard! I'm really happy for you. I knew you could do it. I smile as I sip the last dregs of my beer.

He writes back. Celebrate with me.

I send him a balloon and party hat emoji.

I want to make you cum tonight, Dahlia. My heart stops for a second. I look up, but nobody seems to notice what I'm doing in the corner. Where RU? he writes.

Neal, I can't do that.

You're already wet for me, he writes back. I shiver a little, because it's

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