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Book online «Sidekick Carl Stubblefield (beginner reading books for adults TXT) 📖». Author Carl Stubblefield

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about Intelligence? How does that increase MP and Psi-abilities?”

“The Intelligence stat increases allow the host to use some of the Nth’s processing power in proportion to the amount the stat increases. Compared to the human brain, computers designed by humans are very slow, by many orders of magnitude. Nth operate at speeds ahead of the human brain by a similar factor. Utilizing some of their capacity allows supers to function and react at super speeds or, in Aurora’s case, process the data needed to affect millions of electrons to generate electricity, then direct that flow in a manner she designs. The higher the Intelligence stat, the more Nth can be recruited to assist in these tasks and this translates to a higher MP or ability to accomplish more tasks until they can recharge their capacitors and fire the ability again.”

“What about my Leech ability? I’m not sure where that one would fall,” Gus asked.

“That one is unique. Apparently, you can either copy or cut and paste data related to the ability and transfer it to your own Nth. Even to us, the first development of specific powers for an individual is not clear and defined. We can help develop and evolve powers that manifest, but why that varies for different people is uncertain.”

“Do you know why it takes more to copy an ability rather than just steal it?”

“Due to the differences from person to person, I imagine there is a conversion process that must be created if you wish to copy an ability. The ability has to be reformatted and each parameter altered to fit the new host, while maintaining the previous ability intact. If the ability is taken, these can all be reset en masse, and the process proceeds much more quickly. As far as affinities go, Leech seems to be a combination of a remote conversion ability with mental manipulation, but directed at Nth instead of at the super’s own mind. It is quite unique,” Daphne finished.

“My powers are a little weird in general, but I’m used to being an oddball.” Gus stretched and stood up. As interesting as all this was, he felt restless and needed to do something. “It’s probably something weird with my genetics. My father and brother’s powers center around control over the weather and I have no idea about my mother’s abilities. I should remember her more, but my memory really got wrecked when I got sick.”

“Oh, she was dual-class, support and mental. She could offer all kinds of stat boosts and hyper-charge them by changing one’s self-perception,” Aurora said offhandedly.

Gus spun and grabbed Aurora by the arms. “Wait, how do you know my mom?”

Chapter Sixteen

We Are Family

“Gus, did you forget she was Purple Faction?”

“Yeah, I kind of did, I guess,” he said, letting go of her, flushing a bit at his aggressive reaction.

“Why don’t we head to this training area you mentioned earlier? You look restless.”

Gus stopped pacing, trying to process it all.

“I’ll tell you what I know about her on the way,” Aurora added.

Gus led the way to the elevators, trying not to fidget. Finally, he would get some answers. Keep calm, dude, why are you freaking out? He took some deep breaths to calm himself.

Aurora waited for the elevator doors to close before she began. “She was like a stand-in mother for me when I first got to the academy. So kind. I was all alone and one of the few females in my class. I always felt that I was special, and that she looked out for me. I’m not sure if it was part of her power or just how she was, but she had this way of making you feel important. The way she would ask how I was doing and remembered things I had said, so I knew it wasn’t just for show. It was so unlike the other women in my life. You were lucky to have her as your mother.”

“I wish I could remember her. It’s weird because I remember everything about my brother and Tempest, but there’s a strange void where she used to be. Like it was carved out. Was she one of your teachers then?”

“Yes. Our class was atypical with there being so many males. Plus most of them were either legacies or from wealthy families. I didn’t fit in and had to fight for my standing. There was a lot of sabotage and competition, and in Purple, you just have to learn how to deal with it. Survival of the fittest, you know. I had a couple teachers who looked out for me; Rory, and your mom. Sometimes it sucked, but it made me stronger.”

“Being the odd man out is the worst.” Gus nodded, staring at his feet.

“Since I didn’t really have anywhere to go during the holidays, an instructor named Rory recruited me to help him in the transport department. He was the one who first invited me to the academy.” She smiled at the memory. “He taught me so much about how to fix things and kept me busy enough that I didn’t think about what I was missing or have time to feel jealous of the other students.”

Breaking her reverie, Gus asked urgently, “What else? Can you tell me more about her? I feel like I hardly know her, and I should. I was seven or eight years old when I got sick, so there should be something there, but there just isn’t. They told me that my high fevers must have affected those memories, but I could tell they were keeping something from me.” Gus felt it was rude to press her, but he had to know. The emptiness demanded to be filled.

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“Everything. What did she look like?” Gus hung on her next words, vaguely aware that he probably was acting creepy or weird, but not caring.

Aurora felt a pang of sadness that he had lost even that simple knowledge. Her own mother’s slack face on the couch

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