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Book online «Destiny Calls Samantha Wayland (the first e reader .txt) 📖». Author Samantha Wayland

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she was glad. She hadn"t been sure if he would be comfortable in bed with Brandon and without her. She hoped this meant that Patrick was considering her idea.

Stripping, she pulled on Patrick"s old t-shirt, which she"d been using as a nightshirt.

She"d gone home for clothes and supplies but, not by accident, had failed to bring back any pajamas. Unless she counted the long column of copper silk she had hidden away in her bag, waiting for just the right occasion.

She climbed carefully onto the bed and over Brandon, then stopped, trying to figure out where she would fit. Shrugging, she decided she"d just make a space for herself. As gently as possible, she moved their arms so she could lie down between them. She was both stymied and delighted by Brandon"s calf hooked over one of Patrick"s shins.

Rather than separate them, she slid her legs into the tangle before pulling up the covers and curling onto her side. The warm cocoon smelled like soap and men and the fresh sheets Patrick must have put on the bed that day. The scent and warmth enveloped her, her muscles relaxing, her bones melting as she drifted off to sleep surrounded by the two people she loved most in the world.


Destiny Calls

The next morning, Patrick was up and out of bed before the alarm went off. With a quick kiss and a promise to wake her after he was done in the shower, he disappeared.

She drifted, half asleep, and enjoyed wallowing in the big bed. Brandon was snuggled up tight behind her, his face buried against the back of her neck, his breathing deep and even. She wriggled against him, trying to steal more of his warmth. Within seconds, she knew he was awake. The erection blooming along the valley of her ass was a dead giveaway.

“Good morning,” she said, smiling.

Brandon"s lips curled against the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. “Good morning.” His voice was rough with sleep.

“Did you have a good day with Patrick yesterday?” Brandon gave a little huff of laughter before biting the tender spot where her neck met her shoulder. “I sure did.”

She couldn"t stop herself from squirming. Based on his body"s response, Brandon didn"t mind.

“What did you two do?” she asked.

Before he could answer, the bathroom door swung open and Patrick came back into the bedroom. Between Brandon"s cock pressed hard against the sensitive entrance to her ass and Patrick marching around with nothing on but a ridiculously small towel barely clinging to his hips, she thought she might detonate.

“You two awake?” Patrick"s smile told her that he knew they were.

She smiled back. “Oh, yeah.” Then she looked at the clock. “Oh, shit!” Leaping from the bed, she didn"t have time to lament the loss of warmth or the promise of Brandon"s lovely hard-on as she dashed around the bedroom, raiding the closet for her suit, grabbing her towel.

“What"s wrong?” Patrick asked as she flew past him and into the bathroom.

“I have a meeting!” she called through the slamming door. “I can"t be late!” She took a record-breaking fast shower and threw on her clothes, pinning her hair up rather than taking the time to dry it. When she came back into the bedroom it was empty. She found the boys down in the kitchen, with coffee and a bagel waiting for her.

God, she could get used to this kind of service.

She stood at the counter to eat, scalding her tongue in her hurry but needing the caffeine too much to care. Brandon and Patrick sat at the table, Brandon wrapped in Patrick"s big terry robe, which shouldn"t have been so damn sexy, and Patrick in khakis and a blue-striped oxford. The shirt and the morning sun made Patrick"s blue eyes glow. That probably shouldn"t have been so damn sexy, either. Then again, at this point, her body was so needy it was clamoring for release. She"d gone so long without and wanted them so much, anything about these two men was likely to turn her on.

She could feel her body swell, arousal seeping from her and soaking her panties, tightening her nipples until they chafed against her bra. Jesus Christ. If coffee, a bagel 81

Samantha Wayland

and a big terry robe could practically set her on fire, what would the two of them naked do to her?

She put a hand down on the counter until she could steady her wobbling knees.

Patrick and Brandon exchanged a look before Patrick turned those laser-beam blue eyes back on her.

She needed to get the hell out of the house or she was never going to make it to her meeting.

She was dumping her mug in the sink, reaching for her briefcase on the counter, when Patrick came up behind her. His heat seeped through her clothes and she had to fight not to press back against him.

“Kitten, I have something I want to tell you before you go.” Kitten? Her heart rolled in her chest. God help her, she couldn"t miss this meeting or she would seriously lose her job. Turning, she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “I can"t.

I have to go.”

“It"s kind of important.” The warmth and laughter in his voice rippled through her.

Her body screamed to be touched, to be sucked. Everywhere.

She backed toward the door, her hand up. “No. I have to go. Don"t look at me like that! I can"t miss this meeting.” Dropping her hand, she clutched the handle of her briefcase. “I swear to god, Patrick, stop looking at me like that. It"s not fair.” Brandon covered his mouth with one hand, doing a fairly poor job of hiding his laughter. They both knew what they"d done to her. Jerks. Mouth-watering, hunky, sex-god jerks.

Spinning on her heel, she darted through the door. She could hear their laughter as she climbed into her car and drove away, the sound haunting her all the way to her stupid meeting.

* * * * *

Destiny arrived home that evening to

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