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Book online «Hate So Good: A High School Bully Romance (The Hate Series Book 2) Nina Lincoln (latest novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Nina Lincoln

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see the beads of sweat on his brow, the tremble in his hands he’s trying to hide, this scares the shit out of him, but it should. Love is fragile, breakable, brutal, but it’s also amazing.

Smiling through the tears building in my eyes, I say softly, “I love you, too.”

A fierce need crosses his face as he falls into me gently and pulls me into him, kissing me softly. I can tell it’s taking a monumental amount of self-control, but he’s keeping himself in check for me, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Moving into his lap, I writhe above him, and he groans, pulling back.


“Shh,” I say, putting my fingers over his lips before giving him a sultry smile and unbuttoning his jeans.

He gasps when I pull out his erection and stroke it, his eyes closing in bliss before flying back open and staring at where I’m fisting him.

“Oh, Baby,” he breathes, and I smile at him, with all my teeth, with all the love shining in my heart.

Unable to wait a moment longer, I drop my yoga pants to the floor and climb on top of him, easing down his length slowly as we stare into each other’s eyes heatedly.

When I reach the end and moan at the stretch, he smiles devilishly and strokes my hair behind my ear, whispering, “Ride me, Baby,”

“Yes,” I moan, raising and lowering myself slowly until I can take it no more, and I rub against the base of his dick, seeking my release in a slow, gentle wave.

Grabbing my hips, he surges into me gently, following closely behind and after we lay in each other’s arms until I fall into a deep sleep.


“Colt?” I ask.

“Hm,” he says from where he’s seated at the end of the couch, gently caressing my hair.

“How did you find out about your parents?”

He stiffens below me, and my heart clenches in anticipation of his icy expression, but slowly he relaxes, and I feel my own tension fade. I’ve been dying to ask him for some time now because I believe that whatever makes Colt tick lies at the heart of this betrayal.

Even though we’re in a better place than we’ve ever been, I still worry that whatever holds him to his past will pull him back under at any time.

With a bitter laugh, he says, “Some bitch at school told me.”

“What?” I exclaim, rising from my reclined position on the couch.

“Yeah,” he says grimly. “Apparently, she was fucking Buck who told her...”

“Holy shit,” I breathe.

“Oh, it gets better. Apparently, Buck has known for years. He’d met my mom and everything. When the bitch told me, I didn’t believe her at first…” he says slowly.

“That’s fucked up,” I mutter, grabbing his hand.

Shaking himself out of it, he says, “Whatever.”

Turning back to the television, he stares at the screen with an intensity that makes my heart ache. I can’t imagine how it felt, the betrayal from all sides. He must have been devastated.

Sliding into his lap, I grab the sides of his face and whisper, “I love you.”

His eyes soften as he traces a lock of hair back from my face. “I love you too, Princess.”


It’s Monday morning, and my days of bed rest are over. It’s weird to leave my house after hiding away for a week, and Maggie is worried. I can see it behind the tired lines on her face. I’m worried too, terrified actually, but I put on a show and hope she doesn't add my worry to her own.

Although Maggie had my car towed to the house, Colt picks me up and escorts me to his truck with a grim expression, and I smile tremulously at him when he kisses me softly in greeting, love pulsing gently in my heart.

We head to school with me tucked under his arm, and I have to suppress a laugh. He’s going so slow I think the eighty-year-old grandma behind us is impatient.

“Colt,” I say dryly, “I’m not glass. You can drive the speed limit to school.”

He shoots me a wry grin and speeds up, but it's still far slower than I know he usually goes. Charmed, I grin out my window so he can’t see, the smile slowly fading when we pull into the lot. For once, I’m grateful he has every class with me because I’m not sure I could do this knowing I might be alone.

Staring at the brick facade, I take a deep breath and let it loose slowly. “Does anyone else know?”

“Yes, a few people. I told Hayden because I need the extra eyes. And a few others asked about you.”

“Like who?”

“Melissa, Teddy. Dirk and Ramie. George. Your friends,” he says simply.

Warmth blooms in my heart, and I smile, hopeful in the face of this stalker shit because I do have friends now, and it feels amazing after the last few months.

But on the heels of that is worry, and I mutter, “Colt, maybe it’s not safe. You know, for us to be seen together.”

I’ve put it off, and I shouldn’t have because my fan could easily have attacked Colt instead of me. Clearly, the creep hates Colt, and to be seen together could be a problem, and although I don’t want to put distance between us, I also don’t want to see something happen to him—something I could have prevented.

His brows lower over his eyes, and I gear up for an argument, but he cuts me off before I can explain my concerns.

“Okay, Love. I get what you’re saying, but it’s too late for that now and too dangerous to leave you alone.”

My heart skips a beat at the new moniker, but I push it aside for later. Colt’s safety is important, and I’d die if something happened to him.

“Then what do we do? What if he goes after you?” I whisper through a tight throat.

“Are you sure it’s not Ben?” he asks.

“No. But why else would Ben say it? Colt, this is serious. Whoever he is, he’s made threats

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