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of Massachusetts came down the hallway with two aides trailing behind.

“Congressman-elect Hawkins? How are you?” said the senator, extending his hand.

“Very good, Senator. And yourself?”

Matt couldn’t hide the pleasure he felt in being recognized by a high-profile senator like Dumaine.

“Just wanted to pass by and say Merry Christmas to you and your wife, Sue.”

“Thanks, Senator. Same to you and, uh, your wife…”

“Bianca,” Dumaine prompted with a seemingly genuine smile.

Matt couldn’t believe how slick the guy was. Even knew his wife’s name.

Dumaine was off as quickly as he’d appeared. Matt watched as Dumaine went into the suite next to his to extend holiday greetings to another Democrat in the House.

The man was “building memories.” No one would ever forget that he did this if he ever rose to become a Presidential contender, and by every measure, he was working hard to give the appearance that he was a comer. Matt wondered if he had the kind of raw desire that a guy like Dumaine had.

He got back to the Hilton. It was deadly quiet. He called Sue back home.

“How’s your mom?”

“She’s getting a little better, but I was thinking maybe I’d hop down there Christmas Eve, spend a couple of days with you and then come back.”

The muscles in his stomach tightened.

“You probably ought to stay there, sweetie. I’d hate for you to be down here and something happen back there.”

“I know. I’d feel guilty as hell.”

“Tell you what! Let me see what I can do to move a couple of things around and maybe I’ll come back home to be with you.”

“But don’t they need you there?”

“They do, but let me make a few calls and check things out.”

By giving her the hope he might return home, he could keep her from thinking about coming to Washington. At the last minute, he’d find some reason to remain in Washington, freeing up the time to squeeze away to Miami with Patricia on Jack’s plane. By then the flights would be a nightmare and it wouldn’t be worth the trouble to come for a short visit.

“Someone’s at the door,” Matt said when he heard the bell ring. “Take care, Sue. I love you. Best to your mom.’”

He went over and let Jack in. He suddenly realized he was starving.

“Hey, Jack.”


They shook hands.

“Your bags packed for Miami?”

“Jack, I’m all packed and ready to go. Never been to Miami before.”

“You’ll love it.”

Just then, Matt’s cell rang.

“Hello, Matt?  This is Fred Thurston.”

“Why, hello, Senator,” said Matt, happy to hear his candidate’s voice. “Good to hear from you,” he smiled as he glanced at Jack, who smiled sheepishly.

“I want to apologize for not having met with you in private yet.  I appreciate your support very much, you know that, but as you can probably understand, I’ve been very busy with others who haven’t quite seen their way to supporting me.”

“I’ll bet you have,” said Matt seriously, thinking of the Republican effort and wondering if Thurston’s persuasive tactics were equal to the opposition.

“Is it possible for me to meet you tonight?”

“Of course, Senator, I’d be happy to see you.  Where?”

“Could you come out to my place about seven?”

“Be glad to.  Give me the address.”  Thurston did.

“Tell me, Matt, have you been having any problems since you’ve been in Washington?” Thurston wanted to choose his words carefully. “Have you had any flack of any kind?  Maybe there’s something I can help you with.”

“Oh, I’ve had a little here and there. Nothing I haven’t been able to handle.  I’m still on your side, Fred.” Again, a look at Jack.

“I appreciate that, Matt.”  Thurston decided it wouldn’t benefit him continuing the conversation any longer.  “Okay then, see you at seven.”

“Right. ’Bye.”

Thurston discerned no weakness in Hawkins’s position and was sorry after making the call that he bothered giving him time later.  He didn’t feel he could afford to waste time on those who were sure to support him.

Matt was surprised by Thurston’s call.  He’d felt ignored by his party since coming to Washington.  Things were looking up.

Personally, he was eager to meet Thurston in private to see what he was like when he was out of the limelight.  Matt was young enough and ambitious enough to have Presidential aspirations himself, dreams he didn’t weigh one way or the other.  He just had them.

“I didn’t see any need to tell him that Jack Houston St. Clair was standing next to me when he called.”

“Naw. Poor guy’d probably be on the way over here right now to get you as far away from me as he could.”

They both laughed.

“Wait’ll he hears about Miami,” said Matt.

“Yeah,” said Jack, laughing harder. “He’ll probably want to come along to chaperone you, and Sue,” Jack said, adding “Sue” almost as an afterthought.

Matt stopped laughing and got serious.

“Yeah, Jack. I really don’t think Sue’s going to be able to make the trip.”

“No?” Jack asked, furrowing his brow and doing his best to sound surprised and disappointed. Based on what he saw when Matt followed Patricia into the greenhouse at Horizon, this is exactly what Jack expected to happen.

“Her mother’s really sick. She’s afraid to leave her alone.”

“But you’ll be able to make it, right?” Jack asked, knowing wild horses couldn’t keep Matt Hawkins away from Patricia Vaughan.

“Unless, uh, something comes up, sure.”

“Good. Now let’s go get some lunch.”

“Sure.” Matt’s phone rang. “Let me just get this.”

“Matthew Hawkins, please, the White House calling.”

Matt felt a growl come from his stomach.  He knew it was a hunger pang, but he felt a sudden nausea come over him.


“Is this Mr. Hawkins?”

“Yes... Is this some kind of prank?”

“No, sir.”

“Well, who the hell wants to talk to me from the

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