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Book online «Bleeding Edge: Elliot Security (Elliot Security Series Book 2) Evie Mitchell (romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Evie Mitchell

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created it. The software would record strokes that could point to specific activities, say passwords or online banking information.

“And we got it?”

“Yeah. It seems like fairly rough code. A slapdash of a bunch of older malware someone’s stuffed together. I’m not surprised our systems caught it so quickly.”

“Easy fix?”

“Yeah. The West systems are terrible. This code is so old even a basic firewall should have caught it.”

He laughed. “You’re a code snob.”

“No, I’m a security snob. It’s why you hired me,” I teased back.

“Nah, that was for your− Crap. Gotta go. Anything else?”

“Nope, I got this.”

“’Course you do. I’ll be back in an hour to take you home.”

“’Kay. But we’re cleaning your house tonight,” I reminded him.

He groaned. “Don’t. You sound like my mother.”

“You should listen to her. I’m pretty sure your bedroom is a biohazard.”

He chuckled. “I’ll bring the hazmat suits. Later, Keys.”


I hung up and stared at the phone for a long moment.

Bravest woman I know.

I am in awe of you.


You’re a code snob.

Unless I was mistaken, the man was hitting on me.

The kiss this morning.

The second kiss.

The endearment.

Luc isn’t hitting on you, silly. He’s dating you.

I sighed and looked back at my list.


I didn’t want to leave.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I frowned at the small white box in my hands. “No.”





“Worst case scenario.”

I opened my mouth, then shut it, wrinkling my nose at him.

“Exactly.” His smug face made me want to punch him.

“I won’t use it.”

“You will.”

“I won’t.”

“You will because I’ve already set it up with my favourite apps and a lock screen of my abs.”

I blinked, looked down at the phone box, then back up. “Are you kidding me?”

His smiled coyly. “You’ll have to use it to find out.”

I gritted my teeth. “I’m not using the phone, Lucien.”

“It’s Sawyer approved. He disabled the cameras, Bluetooth, and wireless. He’s encrypted all calls. The microphone will only activate for calls. Location services are routed through about three different locales. It’s an overseas SIM card courtesy of a friend of a friend of an acquaintance of a work colleague who owed someone a favour. I’m not joking. It’s got our security loaded on it. You wrote that damn protocol.”

I did. It was good. #HumbleBrag

“You know this thing is the Fort Knox of phones.”

It was.


“Okay.” I spat the word. “Fine. But God forbid–”

“It’s going to be fine.” He reached over, pulling me against him, soothing a hand down my side. “You’ll see.”

“I just… I can’t help…” I shook my head. “It feels weird to know it’s all out. That I know that they know that they’ve found me so there’s no need to be as closed as I was. You know? But at the same time, it’s like I just… I need… I can’t help it. Did that even make sense?”

He laughed. “I get you.” He walked backwards towing me along. His legs hit the couch, his arse dropping to the seat before he pulled me down into his lap.

“Here’s the thing. When I came back from A-stan the first time–”


“Afghanistan. Now shh, it’s Lucien’s story time.” He pulled me closer, tucking my head under his chin. “When I came back from A-stan the first time I had trouble sleeping. I wasn’t used to not hearing bombs dropping. Not having to be constantly alert. A car backfired, and I tackled my dad in an effort to protect him.” He chuckled. “I’m still not sure who freaked more.”

I drew back, looking up at his face, squeezing him in sympathy.

“It got better and worse. The longer I was over the more things became institutionalized. I sleep light. I automatically check for exits. I scan for threats. Did you know I have an escape plan for every room in every building I walk into?”

“Really? I do that too.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. When you’re living in dangerous situations, you automatically look for ways to protect yourself. Things like scanning for exits keeps the anxiety at bay.” He lifted a hand tapping his chest. “The old heart doesn’t kill me, if up here”– he tapped his head− “thinks I have shit under control.” His mouth quirked up at the corners. “Or as under control as it can be.”

“So, what you’re saying is…?”

“I want you to use the phone for my own peace of mind. Having said that, you’re the priority. You need to be comfortable. Your modus operandi can’t change.”

“Oohhh, breaking out the big words.”

“Let me impress you with my big mouth,” he teased.

“I’d rather you impress me with your tongue.”

His eyes flashed, and his smile turned naughty. “I can do that.” His mouth was hot, hard, and wet as it met mine. Fingers dipped, hands glided, and tongues danced.

Oh yes.

Oh yessss.

I drew back. A little starry eyed. A little breathless. A little dazed.

A lot turned on.

“I’ll use the phone.”

Hair mussed, he blinked slowly, his gaze unfocused. “What?”

I hid a smile. “I’ll use the phone.”

“Okay.” He pulled me back, one hand to my cheek as the other delved into the depths of my hair. “Come kiss me some more.”

I laughed.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I quickly learned that a new phone was like a new pair of shoes. It pinched. It required consistent work to wear it in. You could function without it, but everyone gave you an evil side-eye.

A notification beeped, informing me that one of the numerous applications Luc had installed required my attention. Smartphones were nothing but attention sucks. I’d rather read a book.

I unlocked the screen (spoiler− it was a picture of his abs. Addie, Jarret, Kel, and I had already spent an inordinate amount of time in the breakroom drooling) and hit the little bubble.

Luc: I figure you’ve never actually dated

Emmie: Your powers of deduction are astounding

Luc: I shall ignore your sarcasm because I have decided to woo you

Emmie: Woo me?

Luc: That’s right. Woo you through the ages.

Emmie: … I have no idea what that means.

Luc: We shall begin now. With grade school.

Emmie: What the what now?


I looked up to find Max standing by my desk. He looked distinctly uncomfortable.


“Umm, Luc asked me

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