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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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other, but they do know where they live. Steve doesn’t know where I live and I’d like to keep it that way as long as I can.”

“Exactly. How long do you think that’s gonna last. If Robinson wants to find you, and you can bank on that fact, he’s going to find you, Liz. If you renew the protection order, I can hand deliver it to him before he even leaves the gates. Trust me, it would be my pleasure.” He gave her an evil smirk.

“I know you and China both mean well, but I certainly don’t want to make things any easier for him.” Leaving the security of the wall behind her, she gave him one last look, ordering him to let it go. “I think I’ll pass. Can we talk in the interview room?” Walking into the room she tossed her files onto the table and grabbed the handle to the door, nodding her head slightly for him to follow. “I had an interesting conversation this morning with Pam DeFranco’s sister.”

The serious expression on his face remained unchanged. With pep in his step he entered the room, Elizabeth shutting the door behind them. They sat down across from each other and she began filling him in. Martinez listened intently as he took notes. She sat back frustrated. “You know, I never made Pam out to be a cheater. I wish I could gauge people a little better.”

Twirling his pen in his hand he said, “So, Brandon finds out his wife has a little side piece and freaks out. That explains why we were called out there Saturday. Did he know about the alleged pregnancy?”

Shrugging her shoulders she assumed, “From what Janet said, it sounded like she just found out. Maybe she confronted him with the pregnancy and wanted to leave. Things were already heated. Can you imagine if he found out his wife was pregnant not even a week after hearing about an affair? Sounds like motive to me.” She sat back in the chair and crossed her legs.

Tapping his pen against the table his mind wandered. “That sounds totally plausible. However, what if she and Brandon decide to work things out and he demands she break things off with her little fling?” He gave Elizabeth a sly grin. “That’s the thing about affairs. The marriage usually wins in the end. And sorry for me, I have another suspect and theory to investigate. So who’s this boyfriend anyway?”

Smacking her lips, she said, “Unfortunately, Janet didn’t seem to know that little piece of information. When siblings tend to disagree with your decisions and/or lifestyle, you in turn tend to share as little information as possible while still letting them know you’re okay.” She batted her lashes. “I speak from experience.”

“Fair enough.” He thought for a moment before becoming excited. “You wanna go to a funeral?”

Offset by his odd request, she asked, “Are you asking me on a date? To a funeral? How macabre.” She snorted through her nose.

Tilting his head to the side he said, “Well, when you put it that way.” He smirked. “I just need another set of eyes and Johnson’s got something else going on.” Without mentioning Robinson, he looked at his watch and continued, “I figure the DeFranco and Burrows families should be burying their loved one soon and my guess is the boyfriend is going to show up not long after they all say their goodbyes. He’s certainly not going to show up to mourn with the husband. Be a good time to find out who this mystery lover is.”

She squinted her eyes showing contemplation of his logic. Biting the inside of her cheek she hesitated before nodding in agreement.

He smacked his hand on the table in excitement. “Alright then! I gotta go meet my CI about another matter. How ‘bout you finish up here and I’ll swing by and pick you up in say, an hour?”

Gathering her files from the table she said, “Bring sandwiches. I don’t need it getting back to Peggy how I failed to follow her orders and stick within my job description. I’m already on thin ice.”

Giving her a look of understanding, he replied, “Hey, I’m just taking my girl out to lunch.” He stood up, leaned over the table, and kissed her on the forehead before walking out.

Shaking her head, she sighed and slightly smiled. He is sooo going to get me in trouble…

Pulling in across the street from the Silverton Fish Company, Martinez parked his sedan in one of the open spaces on Shoreline Drive and exited his vehicle. After looking both ways, he crossed the street, his eyes scanning the establishment. Miles was seated by himself at a picnic table facing the bay. He was dressed in Detroit Red Wings attire with blue jeans and red Jordan’s to match his jersey.

Martinez inconspicuously walked up to the side of the table looking out to the bay and said, “You stick out like a sore thumb, Miles.”

Dunking a piece of his fish into a container of tartar sauce he laughed. “Ha Haaa!” He stuffed a bite into his mouth and licked the grease from his fingers. “Mm, mm, mm! Best perch this side of Lake Erie.” Taking a sip of soda from the straw in his to-go cup he said, “Ya’ll can’t keep every thang for the yuppie white folk. Downtown becomin’ some gentrified bullshit. Fo’ real ‘doh. SPD done kicked out Mr. Henry from his spot down the street. What’s wrong? White folk don’t like BBQ?”

“Mr. Henry didn’t have the proper permits or inspections from the health department, Miles.”

“Yeah, well, Mr. Henry now South side by ‘da casino dealing wit drunks and poor folk looking for a handout. Got robbed the other day, too. He been servin’ BBQ in this town long before that jacked up sushi place shoved itself down our throats. But the white gyro man still got his spot and he doin’ good!” He looked at Martinez from under his dark sunglasses.


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