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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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that feltlike they were made for me, strapped up to the middle of my calf.The waist of the trousers rode my hips dangerously low and though Itried to yank them up the problem was a lack of material ratherthan the fit. Even the leather straps on the top were practical,criss crossing over my front with a sheath for a dagger. Taking adeep breath, rubbing my circlet anxiously, I looked down. Skin,lots, and lots of skin. Heat climbed up my neck and I scratched mythroat like I was breaking out in a rash. I was embarrassed becauseI was surprised and proud that my body made such an impressiveshowing in the revealing outfit.

“I can’t wear this,” Imuttered and yanked on the boning that nestled above the centre ofmy ribcage.

The door swung open making me whirl infright, letting in a gust of grass-scented air, and slammed intothe wall. Alec – fingers still splayed on the door – blinked at meowlishly.

He groaned. “If I were a lesseranimal….” He leaned forward to grab my hand and pull me out the hutbefore I could voice my numerous protests.

As we stalked across the Pride, I feltthe heated eyes on me, human and cat. Slowly, I straightened myback, under the influence of a fierce surge of female pride. Hell,my hips swayed, and my tail waved from side to side with flirtyflicks. Allowing a smile to brighten my face, I paid attention towhere Alec was headed.

I dug my heels into theearth.

“Uh, what are you doing?”He kept going and I scrapped two divots in the floor. Not wantingto ruin my new boots, I let up and stumbled forward. “I’m onlyletting you pull me because I don’t want to show you up in front ofyour Pack Brothers, but by the gods, Alec,” my voice lowered to afurious hiss, “if you take me over there dressed like this I willnot forgive you.” He smirked and kept walking, keeping me with him.I tried to distract him. “You seem interested infairies.”

He slid a considering look at me.“It’s my job. As the packs protector I have to be aware ofdanger.”

I stopped. My booted foot burrowedinto the hard packed dirt floor again. This time for entirelynon-selfish reasons. “Things are changing, Alec.” Gathering someconfidence I looked him in the eye. “You don’t have to be afraid togo into the forest anymore or worry about what a fairy might doshould they find you. And us being here isn’t some undercoverattempt to learn your weaknesses. Okay?”

He smiled. “You’re something special,y’know. But you can’t divert me.”

I scrunched my face up and whacked hisshoulder. “You’re embarrassing us both.” Determined he walked onand stayed quiet. I tried again. “Um, so … why do shifter packssegregate like you do? I mean, are were were-wolves, were-bears,were-birds, but you live separately. Why is there nomix?”

He shrugged. “We’ve heard of mixedpacks, but I can’t see how they could possibly live togetherwithout the constant threat of the stronger killing theweaker.”

“You have no control ofyour animal nature?”

“Yes, but it’s easy to beovercome by instinct.”

A woman holding a weave basket to herhip swayed past, her slinky movement screaming of effortless felinesexuality. Seeing the sensual way she moved, I was conscious of myown somewhat heavy stomp. It also reminded me of the dance thenight before.

“Uh, so, the females areprotected from the males by Byron?” Alec cocked an eyebrow inquestion. I cleared my throat and felt heat crawl up my neck tospill onto my cheeks. “Last night with the dancing … he was noddingat the couples….”

“Oh. The Alpha alwaysagrees to the mating. It is tradition. I find it a bit of a passionkiller, but most are too … involved to mind they’re basicallyasking permission to go screw each other’s brains out.” My mouthdropped open. Alec seemed perturbed by my reaction. He watched mecarefully and his eyes flicked over to where Breandan and Conallsat in their council. His eyes came back to me. “His scent is allover you, but you and your fairy have not–”

“If you know what’s goodfor you you’ll end that sentence right there.”

I blushed furiously. I would not becalled out so blatantly. It was none of his business.

He held his hands up, laughing. “Theirritation and tension speaks for itself. I won’t say a word.” Hemimed closing his mouth. I nodded once, feeling my face cool down.“Is there a reason you have not mated him yet?”


At the sound of my voice, Breandan’shead whipped round to stare at me. He made to rise, but Conall saidsomething that made him freeze, and return to his cross-leggedposition. He turned away, but not before I felt the intensity ofhis mind upon mine, looking for any fear or concern. Finding nonethe pressure of his mind left mine and I scowled. Alec had seen theexchange and scratched the back of his head, expressionmystified.

Still not happy with the fact theshifter lead me over there I squeezed his hand until he grunted. Bythe time we reached the trio the tendons in his arms popped out,and his face was strained. I applied more pressure and heard asatisfying crack muted by the short bark of pain. I let him go andhe shook out his hand, glaring at me.

Rubbing my sweaty palms on my hips, Ilooked everywhere but at Breandan’s face. My chest heaved, mybreath coming short with nerves. I made an impatient noise at Alecto get on with it.

“I am going to run theterritory,” Alec told Breandan. “Rae wants to come with me. I askpermission to guard your mate until I bring her back toyou.”

“As her Elder, I agree thatRae may accompany you,” Conall replied easily.

I started and looked at my brother,cocking my head. Why had he answered? Alec simply nodded slowly andpaused, waiting.

My face got hotter and hotter. Tearspricked my eyes because I wanted Breandan to object. How crazy wasthat. When Tomas made to touch me Breandan’s jealousy was plain,but the stress of it had given my stomach cramps. But was Isecretly pleased? After years of being ignored and seen as weird,was I happy to have two boys fighting over me? Maybe that’s why Ifelt an irrational urge to

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