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Book online «The Final Redemption Michael Manning (best motivational books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Manning

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Centyr line of wizards, the ability tocreate sentient minds from nothing but magic itself. Much like thePrathion talent for invisibility, her family had been able to craftintelligent spells, for the purpose of making temporary servants,or helpers. Their creations had taken many forms, sometimes beingnothing more than tiny birdlike messengers, and sometimes beingcomplex entities used to imbue mechanical servants withintelligence.

The one rule the Centyr wizards hadalways kept, was never making a true doppelganger, or clone ofthemselves. It was regarded as cruel and inhumane, and given my ownstatus as something similar; I had to agree with theirreasoning.

I watched the two of them withinterest, two beings who had existed for over a thousand years now.Two witnesses and participants in one of the greatest tragedieshumankind had ever experienced; two who knew each other but had notspoken since the day Gareth had transformed and slain both theenemy and the people he had meant to protect. For such a longawaited meeting, they were surprisingly subdued. Neither saidanything for a long while.

After what felt like hours, though itwas probably only a couple of minutes, the dragon spoke again, “Soyou remember…” He let the words trail off, unable to finish hissentence, though we all knew there could be only one event he wasreferring to.

I am not truly MoiraCentyr, but I have those memories. I remember it all, just as if Ihad been there myself, she answeredhim.

The air itself seemed to hum withbarely suppressed tension. The emotions coming from Gareth were sopowerful that even his tightly controlled mind with its strangelyreptilian nature, could not hide them. His inner pain throbbed, andmy own heart seemed to resonate in time with it. It reminded me ofthe day I had become what I was now, the day I had been separatedfrom my family and everyone that I knew and loved.

“Perhaps it would be better if I leftyou until morning. I need to hunt and…” began the dragon, turningaway.

Moira stepped forward in arush, placing her hand on his massive foreleg before he could takeflight again. Wait. You must know this.She forgave you before she died. So did the others, even Mordecai,though he was angry at first. They understood your mistake, andthey felt the same desperation. They—we… we all made our ownmistakes.

Her use of the name, ‘Mordecai’confused me for a moment, until I realized she was referring to myancestor, the man she had loved.

“Mistakes? I didn’t makea mistake! Imurdered my own people. Ripping and burning, I destroyed everythingI cared about,” spat the dragon in a bitter tone.

Your mind was not yourown, after the transformation…

“It wasthis mind. The one yousee before you now. I did not change again. In my rage I killedeverything that moved, and when nothing moved I waited. I waitedand hunted for days, catching the survivors as they emerged from hiding!” hesaid, shouting down her attempt at consoling him.

Moira was not swayed byhis fury however. You were a new creature,maddened by your new body and senses, driven by instincts you hadnever experienced. You adapted and eventually you learned tocontrol yourself, or we would not be able to conversenow.

“You did not kill your…” he started,but she cut him off.

I destroyed a nation, andall the innocents that still hid within it. I helped create theShining Gods, and I bear the guilt for everything they have donesince we left them orphaned and unmastered. GET OVER IT. If I canforgive you, if I can forgive myself, then you can do so as well.You’ve had a thousand years and more to grieve. Her mental voice was taut with emotion, and at points rose tothe psychic equivalent of a shout.

Listening to the two ofthem, I had to wonder at her resolve. I had once slaughtered mostof the healthy male population of Gododdin, when they had invadedLothion, and I had yet to completely forgive myself. After that Ihad been responsible for the deaths of a number of innocents as Iattempted to protect myfriends and family. Peter and Lily Tucker alwayscame to mind first when I considered that. While Moira’s argumentcarried a lot of force, I had never fully forgiven myself. I hadmerely learned to live with the guilt.

I opened my mouth to add my ownthoughts, “I’ve suffered from my own mistakes as well, but I thinkperhaps…”

“Stay out of this!” growled the dragonimmediately, cutting me off. His words were echoed by Moira’smental sentiment.

The two of them stared atone another silently for a minute before I realized they wereconversing privately, leaving me out of the conversation. It was anunpleasant sensation, and it was a relief when Moira finally askedme, Since we have stopped traveling forthe night, I would like some time alone with Gareth, to sort outour past. May I take my leave of you until tomorrow?

The question surprised me, but Iacquiesced readily enough. “Certainly, just make sure you bothreturn with the dawn.”

The dragon dipped his head inacknowledgement and lowered his body so that the Stone Lady couldclimb back on. Within moments they were gone, and I was left aloneon the sand, surrounded by the natural beauty of the salt marshbehind me and the glory of the sun setting over the ocean beforeme. I couldn’t help but wonder what they would talkabout.

It was useless tospeculate, so instead I enjoyed the grand display of pinks andoranges in the clouds behind me, while the sea itself becameinfused with pastels reflected by the foamy wave tops. Without theneed to sleep, the night would be tedious. Even the usual campingchores, a fire, a meal, etc…, were unnecessary. Once I’ve finished this business, I will be unnecessary aswell.

Such melancholy thoughts were myfrequent companions these days. With a sigh I drew out my link tothe Iron Heart Chamber and began the long process of drawing outits power. It would be needed in the days ahead, of that I wassure.

Chapter 16

My traveling companionsreturned in the wee hours of the morning, before the sun had madeits appearance. Perhaps ‘companions’ was too generous a term;menials or thralls might be better words, since I had given themlittle choice in their circumstances. I’min a cheerful mood this morning, I notedsarcastically.


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