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Book online «Alpha Zero (Alpha LitRPG Book 1) Arthur Stone (hardest books to read .txt) 📖». Author Arthur Stone

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Kashik said. “He’s just an ordinary kid. Two arms, two legs. He can work.”

Makyr shook his head.

“I don’t want him in my mine.”

“That’s not a surprise. Everyone knows you can’t stand Imperials,” the chief caravanner scoffed.

“You misunderstand. I don’t give a damn who shafted his mom and grandmas. Look at him. Skin and bones. The first draft in the mine is going to put him down. What need have I for such a comical worker?”

“Second degree only?” Ash squinted at me.

“Yes,” I replied bravely.

A free man ought to speak for himself, and not rely on thieving caravanners to do it for him.

Ash chuckled. “Some make it to fifth at your age. Not even a full omega, I’m guessing?”

“A future alpha,” I said in the same resolute tone, holding the gaze of the fort’s head honcho.

He laughed in response.

“The twerp is amusing. He’s got character, at least. Too bad he’s useless. If we hand him off to our Carps, they’ll eat him alive the moment he mouths off like that.”

“You could give him to Fatso Oren,” Hugo the Ambidexter said with an ominous smirk.

Ash shook his head contemplatively. “Not a free one, that would set a bad precedent. Besides, Fatso only likes a certain type of boys. Plump like him.”

Ash’s thoughts seemed to be far away from me. And he kept looking back, as if waiting for something.

It turned out to be not something, but someone.

Three more men traversed the suspension bridge. A couple of gorillas in light armor of leather and stone reed were dragging a scrawny older fellow, his face swollen from beatings and his beard caked with blood. Having made their way here, they forced him on his knees and froze on either side.

Gesturing at the three, Ash explained sternly.

“Mamouk stole property of the Blackriver Fort. For this, Mamouk will be punished. If you touch anything that belongs to the fort, you will suffer the same fate. If you can’t earn your keep, you will be punished. Everyone here works. Loafers don’t last long in our fort. Remember that! Now, let’s see what happens to those who violate the fort’s rules.”

“Mercy! Have mercy!” the beaten man shrieked, groveling on the manure-covered ground. “I won’t be able to work anymore! How will I repay my debt then?! I beg you to have mercy!”

Ignoring the yelling, the two thugs fell on top of Mamouk. In an instant, his right hand was fully extended. The next instant, a flat stone materialized as if out of thin air.

Moving unhurriedly, Hugo removed the axe from his waist, gave it a casual whirl, then crouched and dealt a devastating blow with the flat end of the weapon, trapping the man’s palm between the stone anvil and the heavy metal. Even from fifteen paces away I could clearly hear the ghastly crunch of bones being shattered.

Whether from pain or fear, but Mamouk didn’t even scream, his body quiet and limp in the arms of his tormentors. He was either passed out or dead, his heart having failed him.

It wasn’t the worst death, considering. Even with my lacking knowledge of medicine, it was clear that the hand was shattered beyond repair. Back on Earth, amputation would probably be the only option. And even if the doctors could save the hand somehow, it would never recover anywhere near full functionality. Here on Rock, Mamouk would need a healer with high-level medicinal talents. And he hardly looked like he had the kind of money such a healer was likely to command.

Turning my way for some reason, Ash asked in a nonchalant fashion.

“Well, boy? Are you happy to have made it to Blackriver?”

“I’m not sure yet,” I said honestly.

“Is there something that’s not to your liking?”

“You never did say where I should go. And since you’re in charge, I can’t make that decision without approval.”

“You are a curious one,” Ash mused approvingly. “Maybe you will survive here, after all. But I’m not going to hire you. You’re too small and weak to be of any use to me. That said, in our fort, anyone with a good work ethic can earn themselves a meal.”

He turned to Hugo and added with levity.

“Assign him to Brainless.”

“That describes most of our people,” the hulk chortled, fastening the axe to his belt.

“I’m talking about Beko.”

“The ghoul? He won’t last the night.”

“No one promised the lad an easy life. He’s got a good head on his shoulders, and Beko has got almost everything else. Between the two of them, maybe we’ll get one serviceable worker.” He turned back to Kashik. “Now, if that’s all for the human capital, follow me. I need to taste the wine you’ve brought. If it’s as bitter as last time, you will not leave here with all of your teeth.”

Chapter 14 Beko

No Stat Changes

I knew that something was off with Beko the moment his name was mentioned. Unfortunately, being in no position to pick and choose my assignments, I kept my mouth shout.

When, in response to my question where I might find Beko’s team, the first worker I came across didn’t answer but simply laughed, I surmised that the problem might be graver than I had thought.

There must be something seriously off with this Brainless fellow...

Having had his laugh, the man took pity on me at last.

“He’s not in a team, kid. You got pranked, is all. Your eyes are too blue, some folks around here will have a laugh at your expense.”

“In that case, Ash must be quite the prankster.”

“Wait, are you new?” the man’s mirth was gone in an instant.

“Yes. My name is Ged, and Master Ash assigned me to Brainless Beko’s team.”

“In that case, you’re screwed, kid. Seriously screwed.”

“Maybe so. But I would nonetheless appreciate some

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