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Book online «The Interstellar Police Force, Book One: The Historic Mission Raymond Klein (read out loud books .TXT) 📖». Author Raymond Klein

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looked over his shoulder when he heard the low rolling growl. “Hey now, hold on. I think there’s a misunderstanding here.”

“Speak when you're spoken to!” Trent did not remove the aim of his PK from the tall thin man's forehead. He could not take the chance that this was Colus Valda in human form. “Miss, are you harmed in any way?”

The girl slowly got up. “I’m fine. This is nothing.” She brushed herself off and said, “Last week, I had a guy pull a knife on me. I kicked him so hard in the nuts he puked up a chili dog.”

The tall thin man was beginning to sweat. “Officer, I can explain . . .”

“Do you have identification?”

“Yes, sir, I most definitely do in my back pocket.” He reached for his wallet and heard the rolling growl again. “Sir, I’m doing this very slowly.”

“Then —  do it!”

“It’s just your dog. He makes me nervous.”

“He should! . . .  ID!”

“Yes, sir. Here it is.” The tall thin man removed his wallet from his back pocket incredibly slowly. He then removed his license with a shaking hand and held it out for Trent to take.

Trent got closer, gun still trained on the tall thin man’s forehead and with his left hand snatched the license from him. Trent took a step back and looked at the ID. The identification card was much different from what the replicator produced for him. It had a photograph of the man standing in front of him on it. This couldn’t be Valda, this man was an actual human.

“Alright, Mister Edward Ko-wal-ski, what the hell are you doing out here with her?”

“Look, nothing happened,” he nervously said. “If my wife finds out about this . . .”

Jeff took two steps forward and buried the barrel of his PK30A under Edward's chin.

“Jesus Christ!” Edward said, with great fear, “You're not a cop!”

“Oh! I am,” Jeff said, with great intent. This was the second time Trent had witnessed the mistreatment of a human female on this planet and he was beginning to get a little concerned. “I’m just a little bit out of my jurisdiction. This is what we’re going to do, Eddie. You're going to hop into your auto-mo-bile and agitate the gravel.”

There was a moment of awkward silence, then Edward said, “Ah . . . what?”

“Cut out!” Again, silence. Trent started to think that this Kowalski fellow must not be up on the modern slang. So, Jeff motioned with his hand, “Hit the skids.” Kowalski started to comprehend when Trent said, “Just get in your auto-mo-bile and . . . just go!”

“Oh, okay, right,” Kowalski turned to go.

“But, Eddie, before you go I want to make one thing perfectly clear. You're never going to do anything like this again. Right? And you know why you're never going to do anything like this again, Eddie?”

“No, I  . . .”

“Because I know your name, Edward Kowalski, and I know where you live, and the next time,” Jeff paused to make his point clear, “I’m not going to arrest you. I will put you in a medical facility.” Jeff handed the license back to him. “Now, make tracks and go home to your wife, Eddie.”

Edward heard the rolling growl once again and didn’t hesitate. He got into his car without looking back and started it up. The loose alternator belt squealed loudly as he hit the accelerator and quickly drove out of the parking lot.

Trent watched as the car went further down the road. Genghis walked over to his side. He and Genghis then turned their attention to the girl. Jeff holstered his weapon and Genghis sat on his haunches. The girl seemed a little shaken, and Genghis didn’t want to intimidate her.

She looked at Trent, then down at Genghis and nervously rubbed her left elbow with her right hand and said, “So, you a cop? Gonna arrest me?”

Jeff buttoned his coat to conceal the other weapons and took in the human girl in front of him. She was about 5' 5" and one hundred and ten pounds. She had long strawberry blond hair, parted on the side that cascaded over her shoulders and down the middle of her back. A very light complexion with a faint row of freckles across the bridge of her nose, and caramel-colored brown eyes. She was wearing a white cotton A-shirt that she affectionately referred to as her ‘wife beater.’ It was one size too small and showed off her petite round breasts. The red and black mid thigh plaid skirt had a brown belt tightly around her waist, and was short enough to enhance her shapely legs. And to top off the ensemble, calf high black army boots.

“Yes, we are cops,” Trent replied. “What were you doing out here with that man at this late hour? And on a school night.”

“Making a living,” she defiantly said. “Am I under arrest or what?”

“No, not at this time. What’s your name?”

“Jennifer Winkles, but all my friends just call me Twinkie.”

“Where are your parents?”

“Dude, I might look young, but I’m twenty-four, and I guess my mom and step-dad are still back in Des Moines.”

“Why are you so far from home?” Jeff wasn’t sure where Des Moines was, he was just taking a shot.

“I ran away from home. What of it?”

“And why would you do such a thing?”

“Oh, well, let’s see,” she had gone over this story many times before with law enforcement and could recite it in her sleep.  “My mom loved her cocaine more than me and my step-dad, Dougloved me a little more than he should have.” She paused for a moment, “Can I pet your dog? Is he mean?”

Genghis thought to himself, “Yes, tell her I’m very, very mean.”

“Oh, go right ahead, he’s quite gentle.”


She walked up to him and started to stroke his head. “He’s soft.” She looked down at Genghis and her mind went back in time. “I had a little dog when I was twelve, he was just a mutt.” She

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